Dude srdines lmao

1  2020-05-22 by The_Reason_Trump_Won


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That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Dude srdines lmao - archive.org, archive.today

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>Isn't menslib the sort of okay one? and ménsrights is the alt right recruitment center that kicked off gåmergate.

I never thought a bunch of chunky nerds making fun of a con artist whòre on Twitter would be referenced as anything politically significant, let alone for years.

Gamergate is either irrelevant nerds raging over """"ethics in gaming journalism"""" or the birthplace of the altright and all that is evil on the Internet. Or both at the same time. Dunno

sort of okay

Menslib would support mass neutering of men if possible. Even that is just "sort of okay" on the woke spectrum for srdines.


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goomergate really was the beginning of the end for the internet. who woulda thought.



the sort of okay one


Beginning of the end? It's when internet warfare became a very serious topic. Great drama

gamergate did krumpf


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Believe all wmen is alt-rght now?

Yep, the correct phrasing is "believe w0men" which, instead of "believe all w0men" means "believe some w0men" 😏😏😏

how can they type these arguments and still take themselves seriously. what a complete joke.

And yeah as things_remote said, believe women is semantically identical to believe all women so they are even more rtarded than you might think, if that is even possible.

But believe w0men and believe all w0men are the same thing? Believe w0men and believe some w0men are not. If I say snakes are longer than my arm that implies all snakes are longer than my limb. If I say some snakes are longer than my arm that means only select snakes fit that criteria. So what gives.

Believe all w0men was the hashtag that was used during the Kv hearings as well so what gives is it just all nzis all the way down?

You're clearly using definitions made up by old whitе cishеt mеn instead of proper definitions used by sociologists.


no it's believe all women unless the woman in question accuses one of our own then don't believe them at all.

that's all they are really trying to say.

Imagine dying on a hill of sardines

Salty, slippery, full of Italians 🤮

Worse. Sicilians.

Barf, how did that word escape auto mod 🤮

Who do you think funds big auto mod?

Big Sicily

Stay woke 🍝




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As if anyone gives a shit enough to lay word games with fslurs.

For people whose entire persona revolves around WORDS WORDS WORDS, those guys sure are shit at using language. Consider:

Srdines must be cleansed in the fires of Jahannam

All Srdines must be cleansed in the fires of Jahannam

I neither see, nor meant there to be, any difference between those sentences.

God the smug is so annoying

"Why no, that obnoxious bullshit our side did a year ago never happened, and I'd you think it did then you're alt lite 😉😋😛"

They think they're so fucking smart and that no one will remember the absolute hysteria that broke out when drampf nominated the Boofer

They think wordplay is their refuge. If they can stir up a side argument about grammar and semantics they can bury the opposition in WORDSWORDSWORDS.

As if we can’t see twitter for ourselves.

They like to play professor when called out, and fire off as many words they can find in the thesaurus to obfuscate the conversation.

This shit was going on since before 2016.

Their whole argument was you should just believe the accuser blindly regardless of evidence to the contrary.

Now suddenly they memory hole their own slogan. Lol.

Stop victim blaming. Huffing that much fart over that long of a period makes you lose cognitive function.


Dude bussy lmao

All of the parties involved in this are lame

That titrcj guy seems so irritating even by SRD standards

He’s definitely in the top running for biggest f@ggot on the site

Once upon a time I would agree yes, but now that honour would undoubtedly go to the fàrdbïnn/p3nny/st3v3n

Didn't they get dementia and then cut their balls off?

he literally has no intention of even discussing

if you ever pose any good points he just acts smug and refuses to even acknowledge them

Lawlz vs titcj WHEN


Lawlz would destroy him in neutral playground.

Man I can't wait for you to utterly own him

He created the SRDines as we know them.

A male feminist so it's given

Someone need to do a wellness check on TITs, he's becoming even more unhinged.

Redditors and inane pedantry name a more iconic duo.

Redditors will cry about legal loopholes all day and then turn around and say "well ackshully nobody said 'all' checkmate Nazi"

Except "all" was clearly the understanding at the NYT, or so says the New York Times editor and alt right Nazi Bari Weiss:



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The thread about abortion and child support is even worse.

They're so shamelessly full of shit.

They're only even supporting Joe because he supports their plan to shred due process in the name of false rape accusers.