The greatest film of all time is getting a special edition director's cut!

16  2020-05-22 by MasterLawlz


Lol I farted out my pussy 🤭💯


Queen La’Queefa in a 90s kinda world, glad she got her girls

Feig was most likely joking about releasing a directors cut of his Gostbusters film.

But like all the jokes in that film it was completely undetectable.


y'know despite all the stink people raised back when, I really keep forgetting that the movie even existed

I had to reread this because I thought stink people was some new slur because it should be.

hey, it could be still

dont let ur dreams be dreams

You thought it was Indian people didn't you

They prefer the term "people of odor."

omfg im still laffin at this lol

It was the most forgettable fluff piece movie of the year. The womyn stuff was the only reason anyone noticed it came out

The fact that these g!rls are so funny is the only reason I'm in it.

  • Underhanded burn by Bill Murray pre-release, who was from what I understand was contractually obligated to perform in it

I watched that, literally broke my sarcasm meter.

Even after Ghostbusters received generally positive reviews, a large majority of audiences dismissed the film and let it flop at the box office with a mere $229 million worldwide total.

(✿^‿^)Reminder that you have a social responsibility to consume mass market entertainment product (◕ᴗ◕✿)

let it flop

let it


It’s the customers that are wrong!

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. The greatest film of all time is ge... -,

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At least one particular mayo with a swollen ego, and a juvenile obsession for capeshit, spaceshit, wandshot, etc.

The franchise is getting another reboot next year with Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which aims to be a more direct continuation of the original films.


It looks promising imo

Of course it looks promising, thats what the marketing team does

Then why didnt they do that with the last Ghostbusters

Paul Rudd may be enough to salvage it. But you know it's going to be kiddie movie with that little rat from Stranger Things having panic attacks every 5 minutes.

that little rat from Stranger Things

Which one? That show had the ugliest damn kids on the cast. All five of them have fucked up faces.

The main one, black haired kid. The only one constantly having twitchy

So it says he "seriously" wants to release it in the title, but in the main article it says he was probably joking. Quality journalism




but the release of Snyder Cut was incredibly dangerous

The fact that Warner Bros. has not only acknowledged this incredibly obnoxious fan uproar but also agreed to, per their demands, #ReleaseTheSnyderCut, is mystifying and potentially dangerous. The message is clear: if you bitch and moan enough, chances are that the studio might not only hear you but agree with you.

“Incredibly dangerous to have a mob bitch and moan loud enough that they get their way”

They’re so close to self-awareness

They bullied those who suggested that maybe the Snyder version, which would require tens of millions of dollars to finish the audio and visual effects, might actually be the worse version. (Who would want to watch a half-finished movie anyway? The skeptics wondered.) They bullied those who thought that the theatrically released version was good. But most of all they bullied Warner Bros., who clearly went in a completely different direction from what Snyder was planning. 

imaging s!mping for fucking Warner Bros 🤣🤣🤣

Imagine thinking that films are great because of the director’s editing decisions lol. If directors edited their own films they would be 5 hours long and filled with homages towards films they studied in college.

Peter Jackson actually prefers the theatrical cut of lotr. Although given its three hours each run time the studio was clearly already being very indulgent of his editing decisions, the extended edition was just fanservice to milk more money out of the cow.

Peter Jackson literally has no idea when to stop lol. Just look at King Kong. It’s a fantastic 2 hour movie trapped in the body of a 3.5 hour movie.

I wish the Mouth of Sauron was used more. Something about the big bad ancient evil sending out drones to trash talk the nearby humans speaks to me.

perfect, just how I like them. Long, boring and full of incomprehensible memes is the only way to truely enjoy cinéma

The only thing more pathetic than this movie are grown ass men who were REEEing over a movie about ghosts and vacuums

Those brave warriors against the feminist agenda! Bless their hearts.

The only thing more pathetic than that, is the fact that you losers are still talking about this shit.

Capeshit, Spaceshit, Wandshit, Swordshit, Elfshit, and now it's time for Ghostshit, what's going to be next? Cybershit?

However, it ran into problems almost immediately when a vocal section of the internet complained about the new cast being all fem*le.

How much do you think Feig paid the author to put this tidbit in?

That’s exactly what happened. Regardless of where you are on the topic of this abortion of a movie, that’s just what happened.

This interpretation is like someone getting chlorine gassed and then saying their mad because they can't smoke anymore.

Keep it

I saw Ghostbusters and for a small second thought this was serious and the actual Ghostbusters was getting an actual extended edition. I feel very sad now.

You can't make a mediocre film good by adding in a bunch of stuff that didn't even make it past the cutting room floor the first time.

I'm pretty sure the reason for this flop wasn't the editing. Yes you were going to get sexist attacks given the concept, but had it actually been funny people would've forgiven you in an instant. It just wasn't that good and became a giant flame war over a turd due to the sexism allegations. Like two echo chambers just reinforcing each other uncontrollably.

Don't make me link the plinkett review.

why does he have to use that stupid heckin voice? I can't stand it



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Eat my *ss automod it was in the quote.

Avengers Infinity War???



Wanna go to McDonalds?

Jack n the box. Actually Wendy’s.

Jack n the box. Actually Wendy’s.

Maybe we'll finally get to see that le ebic dance scene that cost them several mil to shoot.




Remember when while this movie was still filming, the studio thought it would be a good idea to have the cast go to a children's hospital in costume to promote the film? It led to some great comedy, considering it looked like half the kids were a week away from being busted.

They should remake that movie where they make the little wop kids eat a dookie
