FATS MAD (x24)

1  2020-05-23 by -holier-than-mao-


I mean, the article does make a fair point. Online left wing progressives always talk about accepting fatties and everyone else, but then as soon as someone they don’t like shows up being fat, they make fun of him for it. It’s almost like many progressives aren’t really accepting, they just use it to virtue signal or some thing. 🤔


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spending countless hours dedicated to the Left as a 340-pound woman.

Maybe if you spent some of those hours dedicated to the gym you wouldnt be 340lbs

If only she could turn all her mental gymnastics to justify being morbidly obese into actual gymnastics

Even better, waste less time just by eating less.

The amount of food you'd have to consume to reach and then maintain a 340 lb body weight (without lifting, obviously,) is just totally unfathomable to me.

How does a person consume so much? It's like 6PM here and I've had half a philly cheesesteak today and I still feel full.

How do they eat so much without throwing it all up?

I guarantee there are tons of sodas in that diet. I too can eat one fatty meal a day and stay full for hours, but it's easy to drink soda all day and get those calories up.

Is there anyone who weighs 340lbs and it's all muscle? They'd have to be a giant.

some top level strongmen and powerlifters weigh that or more, but they're generally like 6'8+ to not be hugely obese at that weight, and still aren't very lean. pretty sure a few have been well over 340lbs

Here's Big Z at 340 lbs / 6'3 (on the right)

Probably close to 6'10" or something. I'm a king manlet and at 220 lbs, my traps have traps. If I somehow manage to get 10 lbs more of gains I won't be able to move my neck anymore.

Hafthor bjornsson is almost 450

you only have to eat a little bit of surplus every day to keep gaining weight until you're a huge fatass. and someone who weighs 340 pounds only needs to eat 400 more calories per day to maintain the weight than someone who weighs 140 pounds, which isn't that much, especially when you're drinking soda and eating donuts and candy. and these people are completely sedentary, so they're not burning much to begin with.

it's more a matter of always eating too much over a long period of time than it is eating vast amounts of food in a day.


Save money too.


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That's almost triple my weight.

You're either a woman or a manlet.

People who use the internet are either skinny cunts or lardarses. I am the former.



340-pound woman

Jesus christ 24 stone.

Stick this humanatee on one end of the seesaw and Tyson Fury on the other, and she'd stay firmly anchored to the ground. I once had a girlfriend who, to within a bag of sugar or two, was equal to the difference in weight between them.

I once had a girlfriend

Calm down decaprio


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And she wouldn't even seem out of place at an American Costco.

I had to look this up. A stone is 14 pounds in British measurements. Because that's a perfectly normal round number.

Are you implying ameritard weights or lengths are perfectly normal and not r*slurred?

Metric system represent!

We got them them all from Britain. S'all their fault.

No gym required. Just eat less. Calories in < calories out.

She must look like Jabba the hut.

She dedicates her life it to the cause because it is all she has.

She doesn't even need to workout or even do any sports, she just need to eat less at this point to half her weight.


Who would consider what this new war did to its child soldiers, the fat kids who were suddenly enemy combatants?

Being told to eat your vegetables is literally the same thing as growing up in Liberia in the 1990s.

It's worse than that. They were told NOT to eat everything in sight!

Look Fat, look here's the deal

Arr, thar she blows. Call me Ishmael, I’m going in, yarr

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. FATS MAD (x24) - archive.org, archive.today

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fatties deserve everything they get


February 2019

😴 😴 😴

Journalism in the current year is just rage blogging change my mind

This isn’t journalism. It’s a blog.

implying there's a difference

Wall Street Blog


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I miss pre-Drump Zero Hedge.

Yes exactly.

Blog about how an 84 year old has a saggy ass.

What next, about how he takes fiber supplements?

My point exactly.

I cant even tell the difference anymore

If it comes from medium.com then it's always a blog.

If you call this journalism, then by Allah I will shoot myself right here!

wait let me get my camera

it's journalism

Journalism used to be about cool stuff like seeing naked w*men inside of mysterious night zeppelins. This is just boring.

I sat at my laptop, a lifelong fat person and a lifelong progressive, watching it all unfold. My stomach sank, turning in on itself

Even their metaphors are fat 😂🤣

With a stomach that large, who knows whether that's figurative

I don't trust the opinions of people who call themselves "a lifelong X," because it suggests that their opinions haven't evolved since they were 17 or 20 years old.

She was less fat at 17 or 20 years old probably. Also being fat is not an opinion tbh.

Thinking opinions of fat "people" matter and should be shared is an opinion tho

Black people are valid.

Muslims are valid.

Latinos are valid.

Fat people are not.

What’s so hard to understand about this?

Hopefully someone called the local authorities to perform a welfare check after Kween Pelosi dropped some #problematic facts a few days back.


They wouldn't have gone in the brave, new age of Corona.


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Unsettled, I went to bed, hoping for deep sleep, but finding little of it. My night was restless, my sleep light, and what little dreams I had swirled around the wave of angry responses I knew would follow.

Imagine being this mentàlly stunted and negatively affected by things not said to you online. hôly shît day of the 19th repeal when?

She’s using chocolate syrup analogies

I felt like a KFC Famous Bowl, my self esteem chicken growing soggy in a pool of instant mashed potatoes and shame gravy

My night was restless, my sleep light

So pretty much the exact opposite of her lmao

Maybe she just forgot to plug in her CPAP before she turned in.

Imagine being this mentàlly stunted and negatively affected by things not said to you online.

This is literally every "progressive" I've ever met. If they're not mentally will before they get "woke" they eventually end up there all the same.

Have some respect. The author has died since publishing the medium blog. And it's totally unrelated to being fat, I can assure you. Totally.

Really now, she died?

Coronavirus complications...

for being fat

ALL deaths are due to Rona

Yes I see this otherwise healthy young woman died of a heart attack and had cocaine in her system - an open and shut case of Coronavirus, good work Johnson.

Sprinkle some bat soup on her and get out of here.

Leave the made in Italy leather gear right beside her

YOU SEE IT KILLS YOUNG PEOPLE TOO you selfish heartless bastards walking around maskless.

Where's that? I checked out her website and there's still articles being posted, unless I missed something.

Its like 2pac




A psychologist could have a field day with this creature, assuming psychology wasn't junk pseudoscience.

Left arm and right arm meme joining together to dunk on fatties

The left eats it’s own

That's why it's so fat.

That's a lot of eating.


Unsettled, I went to bed, hoping for deep sleep, but finding little of it.

Bitch needs a CPAP machine.

This made me LOL, thank you friend.

updoots leftward frienderinos


Since we know that obesity is “contagious” — someone with an obese spouse is 37% more likely to be or become obese — then we shouldn’t permit the obese to marry. If an outright ban on fat marriage seems too draconian, then we shouldn’t permit the obese to marry the non-obese. The odds that the skinny spouse will be ultimately be seduced into the risky obese lifestyle are simply too great and the potential health consequences too severe.

Actually based

we shouldn't permit the obese to marry the non-obese

Black Kings and mayo foods absolutely BTFO!

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Eat my ass r0b0-j@nnie.

When are we opening the fatoid forced celibacy ghetto

Half of these photos are shopped

That's a lot of words. Probably almost as many words as the calories she consumes each meal.


The thing about being fat is that you can literally just choose to not be fat whenever you want.


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Since we know that obesity is “contagious” — someone with an obese spouse is 37% more likely to be or become obese — then we shouldn’t permit the obese to marry. If an outright ban on fat marriage seems too draconian, then we shouldn’t permit the obese to marry the non-obese. The odds that the skinny spouse will be ultimately be seduced into the risky obese lifestyle are simply too great and the potential health consequences too severe.


only an Amerifat could ever write something like this


"Unsettled, I went to bed, hoping for deep sleep, but finding little of it. My night was restless, my sleep light, and what little dreams I had swirled around the wave of angry responses I knew would follow.". Is she trying to write a novel?