Gender studiescel has sex with a drunk chick, surprisingly his peers are cool with it, except for one brave lady who decides to do something about it

1  2020-05-25 by OnlyDidMethOnceYAHOO


Assuming any of this is true why is nobody questioning why she kept hanging around this guy long enough for him to give her 7 shots? It’s almost as if they were willingly hanging out the entire night

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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. Gender studiescel has sex with a dr... -,

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Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.

Is it normal that she couldn’t keep her legs open?

Lmao no one talks like this. I mean you already knew it was a fake story because it's on twox but still. It's always so obvious when they have people use these phrases that they think are part of 'rape culture' that nobody actually uses.

Also lol she censored rapist in the title. Bruh what difference does it make if you can't see the a

Next your gonna tell me racists don't actually say stuff like "This is MAGA country"


he didn't shouted "it's MAGA country" when he lost his virginity

Get owned by gamergate bitch!!!



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MAGA Country sounds like a really fun water park.

Featuring Hepaslide-is A B and C.

It ain't just from sharing needles anymore!

Featuring Hepaslide-is A B and C.

It ain't just from sharing needles anymore!

wh!te supr3mecists love the show empire

i bet he went to vote for tru*p right after raping her 😢

Wrong, he was filling out the mail in ballot while he did it. He coomed as he put the check mark next to "Vote Party Line - Republican"


Is it normal that she couldn’t keep her legs open?

What could this possibly even mean?

I think the implication is that she was so drunk her legs kept closing but really if you were wasted and lying on your back they'd just stay open. If she'd intended to mean that the girl kept on closing her legs to keep him away then it would have made more sense.

Men do, but only around other men. So there's zero chance this actually happened


lol why was every single poster in twox raped at some point?

Because this is what happens when you constantly re-define these things so you can claim they're more common than they are so you can increase your intake of victim points.

Based and Pizzashill'd.

The Return of the King 👑

ok retard


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Get owned, libt ard.


Ah fuck I missed being pizzapilled so much

Yeah it’s pretty sweet alright.

Welcome back king.


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I missed this.


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All women claim they've been raped

Unironically this.


If they had a thread titled something like, "who here has never been raped" I guarantee it would be full of two things:

(1) equivocation - "I haven't been raped but lots of other bad things have happened to me so I'm still a victim!"

(2) seeking ally points - "I haven't been raped, and that just proves how privileged I am."


That number 1. Would be everywhere. Women on the internet only know how to show empathy by equivocating their experiences with others.

It's not really showing empathy though. It's making everything be about them.


But muh 1 in 4 women!

(It’s a bullshit statistic by the way. Lady behind it is a nutcase)


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I hate this because they're really downplaying how brutal rape is. Rape is one of the worst things someone can experience, and now things like drinking too much and sleeping with someone and regretting it later are considered rape (but again, only if you're female). It's like when they compare Tr'mp supporters to N*zis -- it cheapens the whole damn thing.

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I hate this because they're really downplaying how brutal rape is. Rape is one of the worst things someone can experience, and now things like drinking too much and sleeping with someone and regretting it later are considered rape (but again, only if you're a woman). It's like when they compare Tr'mp supporters to N*zis -- it cheapens the whole damn thing.

But they are putting immigrant children in concentration camps


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I would say getting beat up is way worse

Would you seriously rather be assraped than beaten up?


Ok based

not quite all of them, i still have a couple left on my to-do list

Isn't 7 shots like the equivalent of 3 beers lmao

Yes lol, but given how women make up shit it was probably more like 3 shots and a 200 pound bitch lemao.

Uhh no.. Standard shot is 1.5oz most booze is 80 proof/40%... 1.5*0.4=0.6oz alcohol

Regular mass produced beer is about 0.05% alcohol 12oz*0.05=0.6oz

That is not what women are drinking when they go out for shots though, it's fruity shit with a bit of alcohol in it.

Pretty sure women are biologically capable of imbibing vodka, especially at a co-ed get together.

Well no shit, but most of the time I don't see them slamming shots of straight 80 or 100 proof alcohol, it's shit like kamikazes with juice and triple sec mixed in, diluting it a lot. 7 shots of vodka vs 7 of something like a kamikaze is quite different.

Looks like someone has never partied with white trashy girls

Whos drinking 12 oz beers at a bar? 95% of beers ive gotten at bars have been 500ml (18oz or something like that)

US bars serve "pints" typically, and while they advertise 16oz (473ml) for draft beers, the glasses they use are closer to 14-15 unless the beer has no head and is literally spilling over the edge (sometimes they use glasses that are internally narrower near the bottom). Virtually all cans and bottles at bars are 12oz except either super cheap Pabst or expensive IPAs and 99% of those are still 16oz.


Depends on the shot. 7 shots of stroh rum? good luck with that, 7 shots of apple sours? thats like 3 beers.

Apple sours is only like 15% abv, there is not three beers worth of alcohol in 7 shots.

Sourz is just flavoured water

It's 7 beers which is easily blackout territory for a 90 pound woman.

Redditors don't sleep with 90 lb women, more like 390 lbs.

We don't know if OP's nemesis is a redditor.

well he's a r*pist so it's reasonable to assume he hangs out in m*le f*minist subs

He's a r@pist, so I'm sure he's a m@le f3minist, but I think he's more likely a Kiwi Farms enthusiast.

Depends what the shots are

Notice there’s no mention of the supposed victim’s thoughts on the matter.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the true story is that that OP is jealous her more attractive friend and the guy decided to get some drinks and ended up fucking

They forgot to write that character.

OP = mother hen

More likely that OP was hoping to do some muff diving on the fo1d in question and is upset that she likes d1ck instead.

I did this exact same thing except I was the one who got raped. My best friend told me I was asking for it playing mind games with someone I repeatedly told everyone repulsed me in the friend group. A couple other girls told me they had slept with him before and he was always respectful to them.

This makes no sense. Why would you play mind games with someome that repulses you?

alright I'll snog you, but let's get drunk first.

Getting super drunk with a guy that repulses you? WCGW

She probably fell for "just the tip".


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No 4'10 girl is doing 7 shots

lady woulve been in a coma lol. why do femoids always exxagerate everything even when it makes no sense.

Unless she is from Wisconsin or south Louisiana

Womxn will always be r-slurred, it’s the s1mps that are the real problem here.

Women arent POWERFUL enough to say no to 7 shots of alcohol. Only men have that power for them.

What a dogshit analogy.

Being rude to a friend who hosted a party because they're missing a stair is just like standing up to a rapist

I have friends like this. I think a lot about the Missing Stair Parable:

You go to a friend’s house. You’re having a good time, and then ask to go to the bathroom. They say it’s up the stairs to your right. Halfway up, there is a missing stair. You can see straight to the basement floor.

Once you come back down, you ask your friends about the stair. Are they aware that there is a gaping hole in their floor?

They laugh at your surprise and blow off your concerns. “It’s been like this since we got the house. All we do is hop over it.” They almost seem annoyed that you’ve brought it up.

As the night progresses, so does their annoyance as you ask what would happen if someone fell to the basement or turned their ankle. “I don’t know why you can’t just let this go. The house is the way it is, is it so hard to just skip one step?”

There are way too many people who would rather ignore a fatal flaw in the structure of a friendship, to the point that they will see a flaw in your power to choose better for yourself.

Edit: Thank you for the gold! I just want to say that power based harm is insidious and widespread, and we can all do our part to cut off one of the many heads by refusing to accept it. Whether it is a situation like the one OP encountered, a joke or comment that enforces gender or racial biases, or something else entirely, we all have opportunity to create tiny shifts in what can feel like an immeasurable sea.

This is exactly a pretty good I sight to how these people think. They choose pester people about their flaws while doing nothing to help fix them