Redditors mad that Mr Celebrity isn't their best friend and likes money

1  2020-05-25 by KingEggbert


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I'm not a homosexual because I have straight sex with a man and I like men. But I'm straight because I prefer women's dicks and love having sex with them. I'm a homophobe because I can't have it.


  1. Redditors mad that Mr Celebrity isn... -,

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Imagine believing he actually wanted anyone to feel better by reading uplifting news stories into a camera. He wanted to hog a camera and did it through reading uplifting news stories. Just because there is a global pandemic and you might be unemployed is NOT an excuse to not-consoom Krasinski product.

It’s basically, “only fans” but free.

He shouldn't have sold this one, not because "it was just John in his house" but because it profiteered off the pandemic and people's fragile emotions.


Imagine seeing a need in society and being rewarded for putting your time and capital towards satisfying it.

Ethically speaking, he has a moral obligation to make me feel good. Like, Socrates died for this shit, am I right? Like, philosophically speaking.


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Socrates died for this shit

That is a $picy thr0wback.

Makes Free Open to everyone uplifting news show Shamelessly sells out Reddit Cries

Pretty decent drama ig

Why be mad at this? At all?


Because we all wanted to believe krasinski was doing this to uplift people. If he wanted that, why not just give the idea away? It’s not very original anyway. If he took money now, I can’t help but imagine that’s what it was always about. What a sham.

Apparently it would all be better if he gave it to CBS for free. Riiiiiiight.

Over 2000 comments.

Lmao wtf is wrong with redditors. Stop caring about celebrities lives and start fucking peoples around you.

The best part is that this is being posted in television. Like, this was just on youtube, right? Youtube can be pretty good but it's not like it's even Netflix quality (and even Netflix gets made fun of for greenlighting so much content).

Nah man I've seen people make content better than some Netflix trash , like those YouTubers who make short horror clips have some quality, it's just more pg-13.

Oh I’m not disagreeing there. It’s just that I wouldn’t consider YouTube tv, but I would for Netflix (although their movies are really where the quality is)

Netflix is trying to be every channel all at once. They're trying to be everything from Cartoon Network to HBO to the Hallmark channel. They have TV shows for every conceivable demographic. If you're a Trump-supporting boomer or a hip bisexual millennial, they've focus-grouped something specifically for you.

They don't give a shit if people think some of their shows are trash because some people like garbage like The Ranch and Full House. Casting that wide of a net is what has generated them over $100 billion.

Definitely saw the headline in rising and could only think "a tv station got a tv show wow holy shit." Who gives a fuck.

Mediocre actor from mediocre show


pretty good director though

What did he direct that you’d recommend? Genuine curiosity.

A Quiet Place? I’m surprised I even have to mention it, the movie was pretty popular not too long ago

Oh I didn’t see it. Didn’t realize he directed it.

Might give it a shot, dog shit actors are sometimes decent directors (for example Ben Affleck, though he isn’t exactly a “dog shit” actor and this isn’t a particularly original opinion. I did enjoy “The Town”.).

Mediocre director as well, if A Quiet Place is anything to go by.

I love that now is the time where everyone turns on John Krasinski, not after a movie and two seasons worth of US Colonial propaganda

You act like that's a bad thing

That show is amazing and warms my centrist heart.

That edit was redundant.

We know...

Do they think he's a reddit moderator? Of course he isn't doing it for free.





The easiest money is always made off of emotionally and mentally unstable but functioning people with jobs.

As always, regret and disappointment is directly proportional to the degree of unwarranted worship.

Also, why YT algorithm did not suggest this to me, like, ever?


My dream is to start writing self help books as it’s an endless market that’s incredibly marketable.

And all you have to do is tell people to clean their room in five easy to follow steps.


It's funny, because Jim is a blatant sociopath.

Hit a nerve with the Awtist it seems


I'm implying you dislike Jim because he plays pranks on a fellow autist.

Nah, I was actually thinking about how he manipulates everyone around him. He clearly has some respect for Dwight.

My mistake then, carry on.

Jim literally spends most of his twenties and thirties harassing his autistic coworker every single day. Like I know it made for funny TV but if I knew him in real life, I would think he was a colossal loser

What joy is there in a job if not enraging the office autist?


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spends most of his twenties and thirties harassing his au’tistic coworker reddi’tors every single day

Like what we do in r/drama Lawlz

Yeah but here it’s a sign of affection

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Krasinski is one of those names I have difficulty believing exists outside of an episode of Band of Brothers.

People who feel real feelings watching things on a screen are pathetic. Be entertained, but finding some kind of joy or sense of fulfillment is pathetic.

This is pretty edgy, there isn't anything wrong with feeling stuff from watching films.

U are saying that about all film too ? marvel and shit is obv trash , but ALL film? there r many good films that is ok to feel something

Be entertained, but finding some kind of joy or sense of fulfillment is pathetic.

Gonna give you a moment to process how tarded that was.

Imagine feeling nothing when tony killed Christopher, or Lane killed himself or Jessie killed Gale. Get yourself austimo drugs before you go on a spree.

Lane had a dark humor sketch right before he did it and Gayle 100% deserved it. Anyway, if any of those deaths had any impact on you for more than 5 minutes, lol.

Gayle 100% deserved it

uhh, are you trying to prove them right?


CBS literally bought something that unemployed bearded mayos do for free