ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM is having a normal one

1  2020-05-26 by Can_The_SRDine


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Honestly while the girl on the right might “look” cute, for me learning a girl is not just conservative but MAGA makes me lose almost all physical attraction for them. Their faces look way meaner after I found out and I find it very hard to say they’re “hot” after that. I just kind of get repulsed.

It’s the reverse whenever I realize a girl who is otherwise average or mediocre is a leftist. I immediately become much more attracted to them.

I'm so glad my life doesn't revolve around politics

male "allies" really putting their latent misogyny on display 🙄

nothing sexier then a communist cat girl with a feminine penis i always say

It's bigoted if you don't leave without a mouth full of cum

I feel bad for the countless cute right-wing girls this guy must have rejected, must be heartbreaking for them

Don't believe him, this guy is using this line of BS in order to better his chances of getting pegged. I've tried it in the past myself, with debatable results.

There’s a porn star that’s maga, Eva Lovia. She’s insanely hot but I can’t even watch her videos.



not cooming is a legitimate form of protest for these people now

She’s insanely hot but I can’t even watch her videos.

The absolute state of cumbrains.

I think that a part of the reason that leftists are seen as ivory tower academics is that learning often makes people more left leaning.

Except when it comes to economics... Or history.

What I have a hard time reconciling with is that the left is supposed to represent labor and bourgeois libs and centrists really fucked that up, and the right took advantage.

Ah yes - It's the centerists and right's fault that Twitter left and Chapo and Breadtube are all full of pale suburbanites who spend all their rent money on tattoos and clippings. Big Brain thoughts here.

Except when it comes to economics... Or history.

Or biology.

Lol government class made me a filthy rightoid. Then my based as fuck history teacher in like junior year told us about Ruby Ridge and that was that

To be fair, that should really make you a lolbertarian rather than a rightoid.

A rightoid lolbertarian. Not super versed in drama retardese so I'm not sure of the distinction.



Ruby ridge was good though. The Waco and Ruby Ridge losers were dangerous lunatics.


Come on rightoids, post your gun collections so I can compile it all and email it to the alphabet bois


Lon Horiuchi 😍😍😍

The Weavers brought it on themselves. So did the Branch Davidians. Fire on the feds, win stupid prizes.

Did the feds deserve oklahoma city? Fuck around and find out

No, because the militia movement had the temerity to strike against the state. The state's power comes from Heaven itself, and to attack it is sacrilege. Know your place.

Wisdom beyond the average dramatards comprehension 🙏 ATF were too soft imo

The average dramatard can't wrap his tiny little brain around the divine right of kings.

The moment the Branch Davidians disrespected the Holy US government by not immediately complying with demands the entire compound should have been levelled, little cultoid children and all 👪👶💥



best buds ❤️ & workout mates

Absolutely. Based and second amendmentpilled.

Killing feds is literally the most patriotic thing a person can do. They'll commit pretty much any atrocity the headless bureaucracy signing their paychecks tells them to, often against their own citizens. Alphabet spooks aren't people, they're just organic drones.

This thread is gonna get y'alled.

Lmao I knew it.


Patriotism is loyalty to one's country. The Feds are the country, by the grace of God.

You'll have to speak up. I can't hear you over the sound of my turret press.

Weak bait

It's not bait if you're being sincere.


Which is why they shot an unarmed woman holding a child, right?

Newt Gingrich was a high school history teacher 🤔

Everyone in my finance and business class were right wing

Because money is all they care about?

what’s wrong with that?

The pursuit of money above all other values tends to lead to behaviours that create suffering for oneself and others and lead to a disregard for concerns (such as the environment or animal welfare) that are not easy to profit from.

renting out property to certain tenantcels really feels like improving “animal welfare” tho sometimes🙄so money is prob fine


Except when it comes to economics... Or history.

Except...thats not true at all lmao

Ah yes - It's the centerists and right's fault that Twitter left and Chapo and Breadtube are all full of pale suburbanites who spend all their rent money on tattoos and clippings. Big Brain thoughts here.

Guess this dead sub got taken over by the brainless and baseless right wing circlejerk. Such a pathetic outlook on life you must have if you think anyone is spending rent money on tattoos, I can't think of a more obviously brainwashed worldview than anti-labor/screw the little guy. If twitter is your big perfect example, time to GO OUTSIDE.

lol do you even own property?

The perfect comeback, who knew elitism was all it took.

if you actually owned property you would know how uneducated and brainless slaves are and probably wouldn't be supporting them.

Fucking based.

Oh I'm sorry, forgot it was the 1840s. As long as we're being elitist, I could probably afford 100 acres in whatever backwater you're from.

elitism is one of the great evils that communism will abolish

wtf stop making fun of me you stupid serf

Why do you think commies are infinitely more elitist than any hick rightoid?

Because your perceptions are biased to think that way. If "do you own property?" Passes for a joke, what makes you think I'm serious?

So you're saying you're actually poor and don't assume that everyone disagree with is a dumb hick?

Largely yes, depending on what you consider poor

at least my multiracial and gender inclusive slaves know what year it is.

Learn another joke, tool

MY life style choices are NOT your joke.

Why? This jokes triggers you just fine

You're so transparent it's just kinda sad.



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almost every professor in a serious field (econ, business, law, stem) are centrists, maybe 3-1 democrat to republican, but almost never commies and almost never tr*mp supporters.

Such a pathetic outlook on life you must have if you think anyone is spending rent money on tattoos

i guess you've never been to brooklyn.

Brooklynite here, can confirm. Shocking how many people never run out of weed and booze here but always complain about barely making rent. And this is coming from somebody who loves weed and booze.

This just sounds like the same r/thathappened bs the right construes for the norm. One person uses food stamps for something arguably trivial and you'd think society is falling apart. 99.9% of people do not spend rent money on tattoos. When people are polled on how many poor people they think waste money, are welfare queens etc the results are almost always an order of magnitude higher than reality. Perception=/=facts, outliers are not the norm.

no one said it was the norm or criticizing poor people. they're just dunking on ugly, unattractive lefties on reddit/twitter, because beyond being ugly and unattractive, and usually fat, they also have bad taste.


no one said it was the norm or criticizing poor people.

Top reply literally asking if I own property and complaining about my lack of "slaves"

you're the butt of that joke dude

No shit

you think people making fun of you is criticizing poor people? get over yourself.

Not what I said. You said yourself that you don't have a point to make, guess you were spot on with that!

i'm just trying to make sense of your whining.

The time for making sense was before you declared that everyone was an idiot and nobody was allowed to make a serious point on reddit dot com. The only truths I am aware of now are "YTA" and "play stupid games win stupid prizes"

okay man, i'm just tryna be a good listener.

That describes a majority of right wingers I know, not sure what the point is. I could "dunk on" sad, fat, divorcee MGTOWs, but there wouldn't be a broader point to be made, it would just be a way to hand-wave and distract from any actual point being made. Don't suppose it matters that red states are usually among the most fat because lmao at all the fat leftists amirite, feels>facts

you think people are making actual points on reddit dot com? if anyone here was actually smart they wouldn't be here. feel free to dunk on maga boomers killing themselves with mcdonalds and opium btw.

I don't know, are you? I was replying assuming that's what you meant to do because your comments weren't otherwise clever, funny, or interesting. Other comments may be low effort crap, but assuming everything is 100% ironic is a misunderstanding of how circlejerks work.

am i what? sir, i'm gonna need to step out of the vehicle.


Post bussy

time to GO OUTSIDE.

Whatever happened to #stayhomesavelives?

Go outside and try to avoid licking people


It remains impossible, at the national level, to court the interests of Joe foundry worker.

First, because your message will be denied a platform by any capitalist media. Second because acknowledging a need for change would force Joe to recognize that some aspects of his lifestyle are unsustainable and he actively resists this notion in favor of his comfort.

Unless you know him personally, you aren't going to change his mind and even then the odds are in favor of his immediate interests over the global good.

Joe is a lost cause and we must learn to operate effectively in his absence.

I've got news for you: "trans cuties" and furries are never, ever, in a million years going to be able to effect political change.

Further news: "trans cuties" and flurries are why Joe will never want anything to do with your union.

Jazz hands.

Such a thoughtful and educated outlook. Finally someone seeing pro-labor attitudes for what they are: the furry agenda.

pro-labor attitudes

"Joe Foundry Worker is a lost cause and we must learn to operate effectively in his absence."

In which universe is that a pro-labor attitude?

The one we're stuck with

"Joe the foundry worker is a greedy, transphobic Neanderthal and we'll have to build the socialist movement without him."

You realize that that's what that sounds like right? You've got to have at least that much self-awareness.

You just put quotes around something no one said, don't blame other people if you choose to misconstrue their argument in the worst way possible. Social media and cable news are ensuring that a segment of the population will always vote against pro-labor stances even if they would benefit. I am a blue collar worker, some people are pro labor, some people are hung up on "PLANdemic", "Killary", some vague Jewish deep state, and a litany of other media-fueled distractions. The point is, in this age of media, we can't wait for every single person to be on board to push for a cause. Media will always hoist up people voting against their interests while smearing those in favor as crazy lunatics. It's not really about Joe Foundry worker, who may very well be on board, its about the current state of affairs where the 99% of ordinary pro-M4A or pro-union working class people is mistaken for the 1% of freak shows that get 99% of the attention.

You just put quotes around something no one said

Are you genuinely mentally disabled? I literally copy+pasted something that was said by someone in that very thread.

If that's the case, then your wording was very misleading, you said

You realize that that's what that sounds like right?

Which suggested that the quoted portion of the comment was not verbatim. I realize we're in your backyard and you're getting lots of internet points, but cmon.

Can you link to the comment?

Damn you motherfuckers sure do got a lotta words

I'm running out actually

Thank JEsus

Here. This person feels nothing but contempt for working-class people, and it couldn't be more obvious.

So...you put quotes around something no one said. You realize quotes are meant for things people said verbatim, right? You know...quotes?

It's been fun having you throw comments at me that I neither said nor endorsed and expecting me to defend them, but this is getting pretty boring

Stop being pedantic.

Conduct a survey amongst the blue-collar demographic in this country on their opinions towards the positions in that sub, it ain't pretty.

If you cut out the whiteoid segment, it gets worse.


You misspelled "better"

Lol you guys were too busy screeching about mental illness rights online to actually get outside and vote.

Who is "you guys"? I voted

Except...thats not true at all lmao

Think again sweetums

philosophy majors

What a relevant sample of academia.

Lets try and look at real majors instead.

So a decreasing majority sees socialism as unfavorable, therefore everyone loves free market capitalism? And the subjects most related to history seem pretty on board with socialism. I don't see why you have to be condescending when your source largely agrees with me lol

Sweetums is a genuine term of endearment.

Consider me skeptical about the genuine part

Shut up pizzashill, Jesus Christ

Imagine reading all this


Seethe Chapo

Seethe more breadbitch

Your rent is due, chapoid

Got em

The average face of conservative America isn't Megyn Kelly, it's Joe Exotic.

...the homo?

Yeah, now that I realize it, the leftist is always pictured as some total punk with all these tats and colored hair or some dude who looks like they’ve been smoking fat doobies all weekend lol. Not that there is anything wrong with that

We're not gross stoners, but actually we are and that's okay

gorgeous blonde girls

Libertarian identified

The face of conservative America is a methed up hillbilly with a homo harem? Why did no one tell me sooner?

Seriouspost, it's such an asinine strawman. It's like saying that the face of the Democratic Party is Tyrone Washington, the black guy who didn't even finish high school but has somehow figured out a fool-proof way to vote ten times in every election. I know it's fun to demonize the rival tribe but my god.

That sub has hopelessly been overrun by Chapøcels who aren't even trying. The entire thing should be, as they say, gulag'd.

A very subtle but nice touch using chapo language against chapos

I hate the messenger bot. Now this post is being brigaded by the cr!nge department

That's not very hospitable of you!

If you don't wanna milk some lolcows why are you here?

SMH this sub is just filled with people who want to be smug now.

I consider myself more of a david attenborough than a steve irwin when it comes to these things

Shit take, its pretty much the only way we can bring lolcows without pinging.

I like how lolcows nowadays would still keep on screeching even when we downvoted them.


Get the fuck out average redditor

I meant to say colonized

We can't be colonized by agendaposters if we attract agendaposters from all across the political spectrum. They'll cancel each other out.

I just want to grill for g-d's sake

This sub shouldn't be linking 2/10 drama. People largely agreeing with each other is not drama. This sub brought it on themselves, not that y'all aren't already cringe lmao

You're being dramatic by writing walls of text about memes

Technically true but an extremely low bar, hence the 2/10. There's better drama in this thread than that one.


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Mostly coming from you replying to everyone. Lol. How do you have the time for these walls of angrysmug words? Get a life, you filthy wh*te.

Ok? Y'all got pretty triggered lmao. I started shit bc it was fun, you guys are just easily baited

payrent or gimmie those pops

That's ideal.

You must be new here, fugee.

The mask really slipped this time didn’t it lmao.

/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM is the only sub that could turn some Yang-ganger wanting a non-partisan solution to society's problems into a crypto-fash calling leftoids ugly (n-not that there's anything wrong with that!!)

To the extent that EC's users are the left, yeah, I'm 100% hostile to them, and I'm convinced that they're fugly.

"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Imagine living on a planet where a sneaky Chinese socialist is centrist. Big yikes


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Left: weedy nerdy loser weirdo dudes

Right: gorgeous blonde girls

Definitely no bias here.

Beauty has a conservative bias, sweaty.