D@ddy was right all along
1 2020-05-27 by Throwaytway
You bussy licking coke sniffers remember when the TDS hivemind was creaming themselves in anticipation of using “Its just a bad flu” “Democratic Hoax” back in Tr*mp’s face come November?
The CDC numbers were changed with very little attention from reddit but you won’t see “it’s just a bad flu!” Mentioned hardly at all. It could be the Hashish (May Allah smite me) but methinks /r/paranoiavirus really doesn’t want that comparison made now. Flu is 0.17% mortality. 0.26 is 150% of that. It’s literally the flu and a half.
Every day the fucking Newsoms and co stay locked down after the CDC report is validating Golden D@ddy’s “Democratic Hoax”. Imagine being locked in your home for something with a 0.26% chance of getting you while your asshole redneck brother in law is drunk on a Florida beach and the bodies never stack up. Stay tuned Drananauts, the best is yet to come.
40 DrunkenRecidivist 2020-05-27
I'm never taking my mask off again. I haven't felt this safe since before mommy threw away my security blanket
17 king_of_retardland 2020-05-27
my friends and coworkers have donned a 'pervibial mask' of bussyphobia and hate towards me. ☹️
what to do reddit?
14 Barkasia 2020-05-27
It never began for dictionary-cels.
7 ason 2020-05-27
Spelling things however you want makes you a genius like Shakespeare.
5 Maclife 2020-05-27
I'm failing to detect any iambic pentameter within your comments
2 ason 2020-05-27
oo AAH oo AAH oo AAH oo AAH ee EEEK
1 -Kite-Man- 2020-05-27
some of them are pretty smexy
1 zergling_Lester 2020-05-27
Do you think that people will care who you are now?
1 GourmetImp 2020-05-27
This but unironically. Feels good to obey the law and be safe from hobo germs
28 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
OP, please don’t wear a mask and never wash your hands
26 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Yeah man wouldn’t wanna push my luck with that 0.26% chance I die.
If I was feeling wild maybe I won’t shower for a week to bump that up to 0.3 😆😆
Yeah bro I’ll go to the bars, cus I’m just loose cannon ok? I take these risks because I don’t care if I live or die! You got too much to live for, u stay in that basement and don’t you dare risk a goddamn hair on your precious head. Promise me you won’t dare step out until there’s a virus. We need you here with your vital Reddit activism.
7 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
Take your hydroxychloroquine for all that seething
23 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
This looks like seething to you? I’m at half chub bud.
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
You gain sexual gratification from arguments?
21 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Holding Redditors accountable when they’ve been hysterically spreading now provable misinformation does feel similar to tying a girl to something and shoving my cock down her throat in some ways.
-2 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
lol ok incèl
16 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Damn guys I thought I was cool but...he got me Don’t think I can recover. I mean do see that epic wit he got going on for a username? Shoulda known I’m talking to a pussy crushing MASTER.
-8 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
When l’orange loses, will you follow your leader?
9 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Oh you silly meme
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
You can't possibly believe Joey Sharts has any chance at beating Glormph can you?
1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
We can make a bet on it if you'd like.
1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
Yes. RemindMe! Nov 7 2020
1 RemindMeBot 2020-05-27
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1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
How much would you want to bet?
1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
Mod "powers". 🍊👴☑️, I get to be a pathetic jannie. 👃👴☑️, You ban me.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 HodorLePortePorte 2020-05-27
I don't mod this sub. How about if Trümp loses, you have to post your full name with a photo of yourself holding up your username and the date it's taken proving it's you. If Bîdén loses then I'll have to do this.
1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
That's too edgy. How about when the rapist loses, you delete your account. If Blormp loses I'll don't be same.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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6 Mayos_side 2020-05-27
4 wow___justwow 2020-05-27
is there any other reason to argue on reddit?
2 -holier-than-mao- 2020-05-27
Paging Dr. Pizza.
1 Monsantoshill619 2020-05-27
Well they aren’t getting it anywhere else....so yes
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Bitch I’ll have you know every single pornstar on OnlyFans calls me sexy. Don’t be jelly.
0 hemm386 2020-05-27
100% yes lmao
3 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Not sure how you define seethe but I think sperging would be a better description. Most accurate would be making the lockdown enthusiasts of /r/drama my little fuckpigs all day but that’s a lot more words.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 hemm386 2020-05-27
Yes pls continue to rile up your fellow MDEfugees, its top tier content for the sub.
1 StoneStasis 2020-05-27
that sub has been dead for ages, why is it still the bogeyman?
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Glad I could please another pussy of mine. Now thank me
-2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
6 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Oh yeah sorry I haven’t manned up and turned it inside out to make a beautiful bussy yet
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
6 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Stop calling for violence against women
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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-2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
6 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
0 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
rent free
3 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Kinda. Your mother and I have an ‘arrangement’
6 jubbergun 2020-05-27
I am unironically just marking time until I finally die, and I'm kind of disappointed that we didn't get an actual plague to either kill me or kill enough of the rest of you to make life interesting again. I plan on going to every bar that's open this weekend until I find a young blonde chick with low self-esteem and shitty taste in men. If I can't get corona virus I can always settle for whatever the trendy STD is these days.
3 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Jesus Christ if you really don’t care if you die you could at least do something cooler about it. I’d totally go do my best Rambo II impression at China or something
0 jubbergun 2020-05-27
One of the reasons I am unironically just waiting for the Grim Reaper to get off his dead ass is that I've already done everything I've ever wanted to do and far more than a few things I never wanted to do. I did my "kill a commie for mommy" bit in the 90s. I'm too old, fat, and out-of-shape to do any action-movie bullshit.
2 Sasanka_Of_Gauda 2020-05-27
SMH mayos can't even figure out how to mass murder on their own, why did Yakub not give you functional brains?
4 RedditIsFullOfBasics 2020-05-27
I'm sure you'll be fine 😇
But when you kill your grandma don't come crying here 😇😇
15 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Yeah that would be a concern if I didn’t move out on my own over half a decade ago. If you need any help getting your self together so you can live like an adult please let me know so I can laugh at you again
1 OniTan 2020-05-27
Conservatism is a death cult.
1 Corporal-Hicks 2020-05-27
actually, if youre under the age of 60, the mortality rate is 0.0006%. Its in the CDC report as well.
-5 strathmeyer 2020-05-27
I see the odds you will kill someone don't matter to you?
12 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
While I was responding to someone addressing only my health I responded as such but to answer your disingenuous question as well the answer would be that the odds do matter in my decision making. Very much so. If the odds were significant that I could hurt someone I would need to adjust my behavior significantly. When the odds are less than one percent it is not as high of a priority.
For example I think it would be a good idea to keep the masks for a while but I do not think making decisions that have a 100% chance of crippling the economy is worth preventing something with a quarter of a percentile of risk but you know, maybe I’m just wild like that.
-2 strathmeyer 2020-05-27
Do you understand that losing a quarter of a percentile of our population at once would cripple the economy? Also the one percents add up you know? This math is confusing maybe you should just listen to the people smarter than you.
7 RerolledANewAccount 2020-05-27
So why weren’t we requiring masks and shutting businesses down for the flu before all of this mass hysteria?
1 strathmeyer 2020-05-27
Because it's not as contagious or lethal? Yes apparently I was the only one here avoiding the flu before the pandemic. Only mass hysteria I've seen is pathetic people too afraid to put a mask on.
6 AllisonGator 2020-05-27
.75% of the US population dies every year and it doesn't matter since most of them are b*omer sm*ker ob*se l*eches
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
5 jubbergun 2020-05-27
Typical Redditor Pre-2020: Fucking booomers suck ass and vote for Drumpfts. They're bad and I hope they all die off soon.
Typical Redditor Post-Covid: If you try to go out and do things and live your life you want grandma to die, and that makes you a bad person.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
23 Redactor0 2020-05-27
So when D*ddy decided to take coronavirus seriously for a couple months, he was actually wrong and was just duped by Deep State J*ws like (((Fauci))) and (((Birx)))? 🤔 That was pretty stupid of him.
10 heretobefriends 2020-05-27
Imagine getting c*cked by automod twice in your own thread.
Edit: oh god, he just kept letting it happen.
8 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
Lmao I was wondering if someone would say this. Everything that Däddycels hate about the government's response was done at Däddy's behest. Däddy could have fired Fauci at any moment if he thought Fauci was doing a bad job. Even the big stock market crash happened because Däddy made a whoopsie and said he was shutting down all trade with Europe.
Two months ago the DDF was convinced that the virus was a Chinese bioweapon or something, now they're saying it was a hoax all along. Pick one and stick with it, REEEEEtards.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
2 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
haha autojannie go brrrr
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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17 canipaybycheck 2020-05-27
"Confirmed Covid deaths" includes people who died of the virus and also includes people who died from something else while they happened to have the virus.
"Presumed" deaths means they count untested people in the official counts for some reason
Oh, and the first official Johns Hopkins Covid data points were manually entered by a Chinese student using Twitter and his Chinese social media account:
4 watermark1917 2020-05-27
Lmao they were using Chinese students to track the coronavirus while there was still an outbreak in China, why didn't they use sp*cs instead of people with a direct interest in the region hmmmmm. Literally this was just a side project of the two students at a time when common presumption was that this would be an epidemic confined to China, they made a dashboard for it, they didn't know that it would be the biggest thing since WWII lmao. "Manually entered official data", how the fuck else do you enter covid data besides manually, do you have a robot counting deaths out there somewhere lmao. Spit them in the face for trying to do something for your garbage country.
When are you going to start advocating for Chinese internment camps brother
3 QuantumFreakonomics 2020-05-27
Total mortality is way up though
10 kyle_schwartz_ 2020-05-27
A lot of sick people are avoiding hospitals altogether because they fear getting COVID. Including surgeries and other treatable conditions. I have a feeling that could account for an increase.
But I'm not dumb enough to be totally dismissive as OP. Especially for people living in dense cities.
5 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
To be clear you think people are letting themselves die at home rather than risk catching the beer virus? This is the reason you believe is more likely than people becoming depressed and lonely after being forced into solitary confinement “for their own safety” for months?
Meanwhile Sweden did not lockdown at all, does have a higher than average corona death count but their total deaths from all causes is not at all above normal. Again, more and more evidence that not only was lockdown not helpful, it may have been pretty harmful
1 informat6 2020-05-27
This is old data. Sweden has nearly the same number of per capita COVID cases and deaths as the UK despite having 1/10th the population density and less international travel.
1 informat6 2020-05-27
However the number of extra death correlates with the number of cases, not on how "safe" people feel:
1 kyle_schwartz_ 2020-05-27
What are you trying to say exactly? People not going to hospitals out of fear of getting sick increases mortality rates... the only question is by how much.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 spaceshipguitar 2020-05-27
Are you under age 60? The average age of death by covid is currently in the mid 70’s. It’s higher than the average lifespan.
2 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
23% which is pretty high thanks mostly to strict lockdown states smh. Not only did they contribute more to corona deaths but strict lockdowns increased suicides and stuff. I’m sure you’re just as concerned for those lockdown related deaths as you were for the victims of the beer virus
3 Redactor0 2020-05-27
So has the suicide rate gone up by 6 times? 🤔🤔🤔 Because that's what it would take to equal 100,000 coronavirus deaths in half a year.
5 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Do you honestly think suicide is the only cause of lockdown related deaths? Remember, the data says lockdown most likely increased the corona deaths as well too.
1 -M-o-X- 2020-05-27
The data also says overall deaths plummet in a recession due to lower travel and worker deaths, even when accounting for suicide upticks.
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Source on that? I could believe that during your ‘normal’ is cyclical recessions but not for a global economic shutdown jeez
1 -M-o-X- 2020-05-27
Tldr about a century of precedent
2 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Last line before the paywall
Which is exactly what you’re doing. I wish I could explore the actual numbers tho so if u can copy the text from behind the paywall that’s be great tho since this source actually directly contradicts your claim that recessions are actually better for public health I’d imagine you’d want a better one
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2020-05-27
He didn't say that, he was talking about your inferrancr that lockdowns increase deaths when that really isn't the case.
I understand if you think covid is overblown, but no need to be full of shit about everything just to try to make a point
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Lol what? He’s trying to say recessions aren’t that bad for public health therefore lockdowns aren’t that bad. His own source proves that’s bullshit to say nothing of states not doing dumbass lockdowns are suffering LESS overall excess deaths than states under full lockdown.
So to be clear I’m the bullshitter because he has one source I can’t even analyze behind a paywall but even then still contradicts his point. Y’all are pathetic. The meme flu bullshit is over. The longer y’all stick to these dumbass arguments the more America will remember come November.
Say it with me fuckpig “D@ddy was right all along”
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2020-05-27
Lol its clear thats what he meant. I dont even judge people for questioning the lockdowns, youre just making an identity out of it which is silly
1 -M-o-X- 2020-05-27
This is the entirety of my post, where is that line?
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
Hi jubbergun!
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1 jubbergun 2020-05-27
When the day comes that we can finally have sex with bots I'm going balls deep in this one's ass without any lube.
0 canipaybycheck 2020-05-27
You are just having an argument in your own head with all that strawman BS
1 canipaybycheck 2020-05-27
That's also true
1 dehorser 2020-05-27
People tend to die when you devastate the economy
1 spaceshipguitar 2020-05-27
It’s actually way down. They calculate it by dividing hospital cases into hospital deaths and the cdc admits there have been enormous amounts of cases that went untreated, never visiting a hospital and had full recovery, so the real number of cases is much higher to divide into the actual deaths and therefore making the percentage of death much lower. Likely less than a third of what it is now.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AllisonGator 2020-05-27
If you're looking at CDC numbers, presumed means tested by someone other than the CDC. If you're looking at C*N or N*T numbers, presumed includes a lot of bu*lshit
17 UpvoteIfYouDare 2020-05-27
OP seems very stable and not at all obsessed.
13 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Oh I’m fucking all the way off my rocker. Popped an edible and found out I’m 4 days late to the turning point of all this? The vindication might be hitting me harder than this damn edible.
Do you realize that we have MONTHS of Reddit hysterics about MUH MASS DEATHS on record now proven fucking ret@rded? The Covington shit still gets mentioned, this one is going to be used to shut wokeists down for YEARS.
14 UpvoteIfYouDare 2020-05-27
1) BOTH SIDESTM seem to be taking potshots at the CDC when its data/statements don't mesh with their chosen narrative.
2) You needed vindication that Reddit is r3tarded?
3) "this one is going to be used to shut wokeists down for YEARS" lol
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
Hi Throwaytway!
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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5 Eva_TryNotBeinRacist 2020-05-27
i might be even more out of the loop, do you have links to drama on other subreddits about this shit?
that's kind of the only way I can process news now. I know I'm not alone on this
6 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Oh no that’s actually what inspired my unhinged posting spree today (day off and this beast of an edible helped too) I couldnt find nearly as much drama as such important news warranted so I felt obligated to create some.
3 throwaway_pls_help1 2020-05-27
Truly an a*tist of the people
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Call me the peoples autist n fucking thank me
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
literally what
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Is this new to you?
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-27
Something about Andrew Yang?
1 GourmetImp 2020-05-27
Is that the smiling boy thing
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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5 UpvoteIfYouDare 2020-05-27
I hate this bot so much.
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
Wigga you realize the mortality rate is 150% the flus even though your entire country is in lockdown and cyanide mode
What do you think happens when the lockdown ends
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
You fucking moron dude. Please tell me how locking down increases your chances of dying if you already caught it. 0.26% has nothing to with how many people catch it you Fuckn muppet.
1 KittehDragoon 2020-05-27
Bruh, just the fact you are apparently too tar'ded to do some back-of-the-envelope maths doesn't mean that you have somehow invalidated it. Lets do some together shall we?
It takes about ~15 days after infection for someone to die. Therefore the number of people infected two weeks ago is roughly the number of people who died today. So far, ~100,000 people we believe have died. That means that 100,000/0.0026 people had the virus as of two weeks ago if it really is 0.26%.
And, that works out to ~38.5M people. To get from 500 to 38500000 in ~85 days, that gives you a spread rate of ~0.14 new infections, per infection, per day. And that is when we include the period of time when the majority was shut at home, the supposed best case scenario. So, extrapolating onwards, to get from 38.5M to 400M with R0=1.14, what your number implies it must be, that would take ... 18 days. And this is 18 days from two weeks ago ... and that would mean ~240M people, or over half the USA is already infected, at this very second.
So, if you are right about Pr( death | covid ) = 0.0026, and unless you have so other explanation for the 100,000 dead bodies everyone seems so worked up about, about three weeks from now, we can expect that there will be closer to 1m dead than 100k. Do you want to set that remindme bot or should I?
2 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Did you really type all that to remind me 0.26% of our population is still close to a million bodies?
My victory lap includes an admission that we should still use masks and social distancing but between the new cdc data and what we’re seeing happen in Florida and GA (or not happening). It certainly looks like lockdown isn’t needed. And the optics for the TDS fanatics are terrible.
There’s also new data saying covid isn’t as contagious as we thought either, so the larger spread than previously known is probably because it’s been here longer than we thought which would make sense with such a low CFC.
Damn all that math and words to get picked apart with basic logic. Sucks2suck
1 KittehDragoon 2020-05-27
No, I put like five exponential equations into wolfram alpha and typed the results while high as a kite.
My mistake apparently was assuming you have the mathematical background to understand your mistake even when it is being pointed out to you.
The point you apparently missed, is that if only 0.26% of people who get it die, and 100,000 have died already, that implies 38.5 million people have already had it. Three months ago, this wasn't a thing. If the US really has gone from a handful of cases to 38.5 million in under three months, none of this matters because it is spreading so fast that everyone will have it within another month or two.
Let me try using smaller words: The mortality rate isn't 0.26%, because if it is, the virus must be so contagious that everyone will have it in another month anyway.
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
In three months that we knew it was here*. Why do you keep missing that point?
38 mil is what, 15% of the us population?? If it’s been here since November that’s entirely plausible and a big reason why I predicted this before the cdc correction. Antibody tests started showing around 13-15% spread with a fuckton more asymptomatic cases than we thought
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 KittehDragoon 2020-05-27
We're just making stuff up now are we?
The thing about virus is they have genetic markers that are as distinctive as tree rings, and if you have genetic analysis of samples of an infection taken over time, you can tell how the outbreak spreads and which group got it from which other group.
Of course, at the moment, resources are a little stretched to paint that map in pixel perfect detail - there is only so much genetic testing capacity in the world, but its already apparent that there are two strains, one which traveled through Europe, and the original one straight out of Asia. Both of them are in the US, but it is the strain from Europe strain that is actually more widespread.
Now, it's possible the virus showed up in November, there's just literally no evidence for it, and because viruses have these cool little tree rings built into them, you'd expect to find it if you looked for it.
Right now, tests are the cool new thing in high demand. And every self-described entrepreneur and their dog is trying to cash in, meaning the market is saturated in bs-tests that don't actually work. The US probably isn't the only government right now buying dodgy tests in bulk at a discount to run up their numbers.
As for what the CDC says - Trump at this point has let it be known he will fire anyone and everyone who doesn't publicly felaciate him. I have a funny feeling they're going to read the press release he gives them word-for-word as Jarred typed it.
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 KittehDragoon 2020-05-27
I guess anything goes if you just make stuff up.
The thing about virus is they have genetic markers that are as distinctive as tree rings, and if you have genetic analysis of samples of an infection taken over time, you can tell how the outbreak spreads and which group got it from which other group.
Of course, at the moment, resources are a little stretched to paint that map in pixel perfect detail - there is only so much genetic testing capacity in the world, but its already apparent that there are two strains, one which traveled through Europe, and the original one straight out of Asia. Both of them are in the US, but it is the strain from Europe that is actually more widespread.
Now, it's possible the virus showed up in November, there's just literally no evidence for it, and because viruses have these cool little tree rings built into them, you'd expect to find it if you looked for it.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 KittehDragoon 2020-05-27
I do, however, apologise for the 'tistic effort posting. Blame it on the dexedrine.
It shouldn't be important to me that you realise that the maths of your statement doesn't comport with reality, I see that now.
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Thank you for admitting you can’t find anything to actually dispute in my previous post and no longer have the arguments nor energy to continue. Consider yourself my bitch.
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
Less people catching it means less old and young people have it because they're all in penitary meaning the death toll is a lot lower since those are the ones who usually die from it you brainlet. The only people catching it riight now are the 20-40 year olds who want to go on vacation
3 Sasanka_Of_Gauda 2020-05-27
You should contact pooh's puppet, he'll appreciate your groundbreaking new discovery.
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
The fuck does this mean
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
You think that’s why the cfr dropped by like a thousand percent? You haven’t read the studies showing wayyy more people had it than we thought? Not to mention 65% of new cases in nyc were from ppl in quarantine.
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
I dont give a shit about any of this and I dont know what it means
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Sounds about right. I’d be happy to explain but u don’t give a shit so
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
so I win 😎
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Sure bud, u take this one
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
1 seshfan2 2020-05-27
Remember when D@ddy said there would be at most "a dozen" coronavirus cases and now 100,000+ Americans are dead?
Good times.
1 AwanBros 2020-05-27
Rona deaths are being revised. Doctors were coding everything as WhoFlu because it gets them fat stacks from the federales. I bet that jogger in Minneapolis was counted as having succumbed to the Shanghai Shivers.
1 jubbergun 2020-05-27
True, but in their defense we have an obligation to do our part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2020-05-27
Healthy is the last word I'd use to describe this community.
1 jubbergun 2020-05-27
We're very well adjusted compared to other Reddit communities, thank you.
9 mohkohnsepicgun 2020-05-27
I like wearing a mask.
It's kind of like being a ninja.
3 BigMacVert 2020-05-27
Wholesome comment :3
5 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
It’s really nice being on the side hoping for less of a disaster, don’t have to hide our happiness at being proven right.
Tho I’ll miss the smug concern-gloating every time a significant amount of deaths occurred. Truly an advanced circle jerk technique when you can do so while simultaneously denying you are. “Circle jerk? Noooo my hands are in his pants because I’m just SO upset and concerned, totally”
14 watermark1917 2020-05-27
No I'm literally actually just glad Americans are dying tbh
Please continue to spread this propaganda, it will hasten the decline of the Evil American Empire and help to liberate the global south
4 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Hey I respect the honesty. And don’t worry I certainly will! If u think it’s going to do all that you wanna help Me spread this dangerous propaganda tm all over reddit?
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2020-05-27
This but unironically
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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3 BigMacVert 2020-05-27
Seriously. Had so many mates take this attitude with me whenever I talk about how overblown coronachan is
2 dongas420 2020-05-27
I don't agree that Americans deserve to die, but given the choice between two geopolitical hegemons, I'd also rather the one whose people value human life more end up on top. Please keep on spreading your valuable message.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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5 heirofflint 2020-05-27
I am only upvoting this because I have read that one of this subreddit's rules is "Do not downvote the lolcow".
8 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
I’m honored to finally have that title
1 duckraul2 2020-05-27
you're lookin like moderator material
2 heirofflint 2020-05-27
Is it because of being rich or because I love putting my friend's penis in my mouth?
1 grabthebanners 2020-05-27
Upvote everybody here, except Lawlz
4 ToonamiWasted 2020-05-27
Thanks for helping me see the way random stranger.
you have proven to me that all the numbers are wrong and the whole world is lying.
when my shift is over I will make sure to throw away my mask and hand sanitizer, and let Chinese mainlanders cough in my mouth.
But in the meantime, Im going to have to ask you to leave, this is a Walgreens and your scaring the customers.
12 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Considering we’ve been making decisions based on a mortality estimate that was off 100x over it’s literally not debatable the numbers were wrong.
Don’t worry I’ll step out tho, don’t want to risk you your Walgreens job, I think you’re going to have an amazing career there
-5 watermark1917 2020-05-27
Imagine being American and stigmatizing another group of people as more likely to have coronavirus
8 ToonamiWasted 2020-05-27
Why would I imagine being anything else?
We're literally the shitposters of the world.
We're stubborn, stupid, hypocrites, and we love it.
We live rent free in the minds of the world.
It's beautiful really.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
3 SnapshillBot 2020-05-27
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
D@ddy was right all along - archive.org, archive.today
/r/paranoiavirus - archive.org, archive.today
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Based Shilly
3 jackcaboose 2020-05-27
Maybe it's because of all the preventative measures taken that aren't taken for the flu you absolute r-slur
7 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Really you mean like Florida who was blasted for taking the least amount of preventative measures yet Miami has half the corona death percentage of LA despite being more population dense?
See what I mean? Neckbeards are about to be heartbroken as their beloved science is what reveals them as the dogmatic fuckheads u are.
2 Doesnt_Draw_Anything 2020-05-27
Atleast they aren't daddy supporters though 🤷♂️
So they got a leg up on you
9 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
You hambeasts aren’t lifting your legs out of your mobility scooter for anything stop lying
1 Doesnt_Draw_Anything 2020-05-27
2 informat6 2020-05-27
Miami population density: 1,004 per sq mi
LA population density: 2,744 per sq mi
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Awh nice try but I never said I was comparing their greater metropolitan areas but the cities themselves. Do me a favor and fact check me correctly mhmm?
1 informat6 2020-05-27
Comparing just the cities limits is incredibly misleading. The Miami city limits is drawn very differential then LA. The LA city limits doesn't include a lot of densely populated areas like Maywood and Cudahy.
Also where are you getting the "Miami has half the corona death percentage of LA" number from? Is it city limits? County? MSA?
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
I will concede that’s an important distinction I did not check for.
I am using the NYT tracker which I was not able to find the full details of their regions. Maybe Ull have better luck
Irregardless the entire state of Cali had excess total deaths of 7% vs Florida of 5%
Which means either lockdown doesn’t work or it causes more deaths than it stops.
1 informat6 2020-05-27
They didn't have the same starting point though. California and New York are the states with the most air travel to COVID hot spots (China and Europe), so they're a lot farther head in terms of being infected. Give it a few months and Florida should catch up.
Remindme! 4 months "Does California still have higher excess deaths then Florida?"
2 fat_fist_fister 2020-05-27
A per case mortality won’t change if there’s 5 million cases or 500.
1 jackcaboose 2020-05-27
but most people who get the flu probably just say "its just a flu" and dont see anyone about it before they become one of the unlucky 0.0001% that die or whatever, but if you think you have the coronavirus, you're probably going to go see a doctor
6 fat_fist_fister 2020-05-27
No, I have 100% had it if we’re talking statistically. I work in a public sector and come into contact with hundreds of people a day. I’m just not a shutin loser who is scared people will go outside again and you’ll have to bathe in the reality of your failure agin.
3 BigBrownDog12 2020-05-27
Yeah I just don't want to get my parents sick you know
2 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
If you’re over 21 at home I’m sorry but I don’t have much sympathy. If you really care you’ll sanitize yourself religiously every time you come back home and save up so you can live out on your own
4 BigBrownDog12 2020-05-27
I live in an apartment but my dad has Parkinson's and occasionally needs help around the house and I'm the only competent sibling. I am very particular about hygeine and even started wearing a mask about a month before it was "required".
4 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Oh wow that’s awesome you take care of your folks dude. I hope sanitizing yourself before coming in contact with him isn’t too much of a sacrifice for you in order to help us prevent another Great Depression, depending on their age your folks might have been around to tell you how many people that hurt/killed.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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2 kermit_was_wrong 2020-05-27
You haven't thought this through, as the CFR goes down, the R0 just keeps going up. The end result is that what we have here is somewhat deadlier than the flu, but far more contagious. Altogether it still adds up to a nigh-uncontrollable pandemic capable of generating large body counts.
3 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Damn bot, I’m tryna actually have a real discussion for the first time today and u goin delete it??
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
I was saying this is a really good point but keep in mind there is also the possibility of covid having been here much sooner than we realized. That would make more sense because the latest research also indicates Covid is less contagious than we had thought.
Damn had me stuck for a min ngl
2 yocrappacrappa 2020-05-27
Oi, you got a sorce for that m8?
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
You can sorce this diiiick bobby?
2 Sasanka_Of_Gauda 2020-05-27
Early on, I could understand lockdowns because Chinese response was pretty spooky and then Italy and New York racking up body counts that high in such short time was even more spooky. By now, though, any logistical issues with dealing with number of hospitalizations/deaths spiking should have been prepared for. I don't even get what endgame of rolling lockdowns is, do these people genuinely want to keep them till a vaccine is developed? That's insane, there's no actual hard date and even most optimistic scenario is a year.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 DannyLee90 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 Arrrdune 2020-05-27
I don't even remember what i said
1 watermark1917 2020-05-27
9/11 errrrryyy day yeeeaaahhhh
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 sam-raimis-spiderman 2020-05-27
How does this square with literally every massive antibody study, in NYC, Italy, and Spain all indicating death rates above 0.8%? I get Italy is old and Spaniards are punished by Allah for driving out the Moors but NYC is much younger and thinner than the average american town
Like I really really want to believe it is that low but I dont think it is
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
I’d have to see those studies and compare them to the cdc findings but I’ve been told that that’s actually a dangerous mentality and we should just TrUSt ThE ExpErTs
1 strumyabird 2020-05-27
There is way too much maths in this post. Imagine thinking drama users can even count.
1 the_nshi 2020-05-27
isn't the problem that if the lockdown happens properly, it seems tgat in retrospective it was useless? there's no way for us to know exactly what would happen if we didn't social distance, since that's what we're doing.
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Not when states/regions/countries that didn’t lockdown or were less restrictive end up doing the same or better than comparable regions that followed strict lockdown procedures.
Quick example would be Miami which is denser in population than LA but has half the deaths per capita despite being open for weeks now
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 EddardNedStark 2020-05-27
Did you reply to the wrong comment?
1 Goaheadidareyou 2020-05-27
You need to brush up on what libel is. This isn't libel or slander.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 Ugly_Merkel 2020-05-27
How does Covid formed?
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 artemis_m_oswald 2020-05-27
Take your free vacation and calm down. Anyone complaining about lockdown is a poor and needs to get out of this thread
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Lockdown has been great to me don’t get it twisted. If I were only worried about myself it would 100% be in my favor for it to continue. Ngl happy hour and force feeding Reddit liberals their own horseshit back to them makes it pretty worth it
1 Throwaytway 2020-05-27
Ight I’m finally getting tired I think I’m cooking out soon.
Pretty sure I just took on all comers and fed all you bitches this dick. I’ll expect my mod invite by the weekend? Kthanks.
1 freet0 2020-05-27
Dementia daddy #1 supporters eat lead paint chips. Change my mind.
1 ABaadPun 2020-05-27
the boddies are only piling up in old folks homes and and the ocassional random death attributed to crona
1 scruntbung 2020-05-27
Ret@rded and bait
1 informat6 2020-05-27
There is a noticeable increase in the total number of deaths compared to a normal year. The fact that we have no vaccine and it spreads better then the flu makes it more dangerous. And then there is the whole permanent lung damage thing for people who get it and live.
Also can we get a source for that .26% number? The lowest I can find is .4%
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 0write 2020-05-27
I just want to keep working from home goddamnit, stop
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 ChipChippersonAMA 2020-05-27
I believe that many in the data and scientific communities have issue with that number and think its too low. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniemlee/coronavirus-cdc-infection-fatality-rate (I know its buzzfeed but their news section usually is good).
Personally I dont know wtf to believe, I hope the lower figure is right obviously but I'm still going to play it safe. One thing thats insane to me is just how retarded everyone's bet on all sides. On the one end is the i want a haircut people who spergrd out when all data was saying it is super serious, and kn the other you have the panic people hoping they get it as if that somehow makes things better
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-27
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1 Lysis10 2020-05-27
The flu and a half oh dear oh my. Better cancel my family gathering tonight and pooling.
To all the people who lost their businesses to the .26%, you are the real heroes. Enjoy the soup kitchens.
1 Strictlybutters 2020-05-27
This rtard doesn’t understand what r0 is and that makes his silly argument completely fall apart. Also comparing the CFR of novel(NEW) covid-19 and the flu is especially rtarded because covid-19 is a new virus and very few people have immunity to it. Whereas there is a vaccine for the flu and people have built up immunities over the years from contracting it.
1 MagicHoudini 2020-05-27
It’s so funny to see this develop in the US.
You people are going through the same debates and shit opinions as here in Italy but with a month of difference.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-27
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