LateStageDoomers agree that looting is good

9  2020-05-28 by kikidowndablocc


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lol @ cømmies pretending they don't have just as much disdain for small businesses. We're talking about people who hate work and want everything for free here.

Despite popular opinions, small businesses almost never pay more. Infact they are much more likely to underpay you even below what the law states. It has been this way for over a decade.

There it is

If it was small businesses instead of Target in that area, they would be run by Koreans, and the body count would be a hell of a lot higher than 1.

What do these people even want. Honestly. Nothing is ever good for them. Nobody is good and everything is awful.

They want every single person to be equally miserable and as unsuccessful as they are. They want people to remain in lockdown and shut inside for the next two years. They want you to agree with every opinion they have, despite their flaws, contradictions, and double standards.

They want to live a teenage lifestyle for life. No rent, no bills, food is free, but with the added benefit that they are allowed to smoke weed and drink alcohol all they want and have no curfew.


This counts as glorifying violence right?

Why is it ok when commies do it?


I'm sure the looters highly consider socioeconomic status of business owners before they decide which stores to pillage

that quote from MLK made me laugh

Homeboy is rolling in his grave right now.

They say he had dementia at the end.

Right? It's not that hard: people are justifiably pissed and misdirecting their anger. Pretty easy to see why someone would go loot a store if they're trying to rebel while a couple hundred bucks of material gain is viable.

nooooo you can't just make small business unprofitable by charging less nooo

I heard that in Kevin Harts voice.

Who knew I'd see latestagecapitalism root for the acquisition of material possessions that's aren't nessecary.

4K OLED TV and lifetime Amazon Prime subscription are a human right tho

Stop ripping off AOC's platform!

T*nkies are literally fucking r£tard£d, we 👏 been 👏 knew 👏

Damn y’all are SO fucking butthurt. This is funny as fuck. The cops killed a guy and the people responded by burning down an autozone. That’s objectively fucking hilarious. Y’all will laugh at anything but then an autozone gets damaged and y’all get mad? Crazy

y'allpilled ♿

What’s the y’all pill?

So many good boiz and gurlz getting their reparations from zo*mer mayoids

We need more police in these places. Fuck em.

Peaceful protest has changed nothing. The riot is the cry of the unheard. The city and cops could have prevented this by not lynching.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the hwhite owned multinational corporations?!

My favorite part of all of this is that rèddit can not and will not put kàngs and qwèens who do shit like this, in a bad spotlight.

whîte dude buys 10 cases of Mountain Dew during pàndemic

“😱😱😱 this màn is the definition of èvil!! HE NEEDS TO BE LOCKED UP NAO!😱😱😱”

basketbàlls literally burn a Target down after stealing everything and dousing a wheelchair bound disábled senîor with a fire extinguisher and mace

“🤷🏼‍♀️ that’s just what happens with large protests. Nothing wrong here 🤷🏼‍♀️”

Lmao self hatîng mayôs are the worst.

"White people be standing around with guns and the police don't do anything, but PoC be looting, burning, beating people and get arrested immediately... qwhite a double standard...."

rIoTs ArE tHe LaNgUaGe Of ThE uNhEaRd

They even stickied the speech that quote is from lmao.

Joggers are just too stupid to be held accountable for their actions you racist 🙄

mao self hatîng mayôs are the worst.

liberals are the white version of Uncle Toms

They're not uncle Toms. They're accidental white supremacists.

Think of groups that are not held accountable for their actions.... children, the mentally disabled, domesticated animals. Why is that? Because they do not nor cannot know any better.

Should chocolate folk be lumped in with those groups? Can we simply not expect them to do any better?

Based and Tedpilled.

Unironically started reading industrial society and its future recently and this part genuinely reminds me of every college liberal or leftist I have met.

t. Left wing

Holy fuck, this man was ahead of his time

When you ask lib commies, they'd say they'd never loot.

But black people? Of course they should, no, they must.


Of course, black people are nothing but pawns for the agendas of white communists. Why do you think blacks are never among the antifa groups that pop up, and why do these white communists get so pissed when a black person disagrees with them?

Understand this about commies: Literally nothing matters to them besides their agenda. They would and regularly do burn down their livelihoods if they think it'll push their agenda even one iota. They are no longer human, they are just a cog in the machine, and they love being one, because they value their individuality so little.

I unironically had that thought last night after seeing the LA protests.

An Uncle Tom acts in his own best interest by mimicking white behavior. Liberals do not act in their own best interest and cannot be the white version of Uncle Tom.

Every non hwhite conservative is leterally Uncle Ruckus!

*Wheelchair bound disabled neo nazi

Fuck Becky!

That was one of the most bizarre videos I've ever seen.



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Why do racists find such creative slurs lmao kangs and qweens? Bro spell properly first I see thats a recurrent problem. Once you hit third grade reading level we can "have a discourse"

No one wants to have a discourse with you lmao this is r/drama not r/tardsdebate

ya sorry realised racism doesn't really require debate... my bad

imagine believing racism exists in 2020 lol

Seethe harder normie, go consoom HBO shows

tfw hbo shows are part of the librul agenda

What are you trying to debate? Whether looting and pillaging is a legitimate reaction to this?

Or are you just mad someone used a word you don't approve of to describe a race? Seethe harder mayocel


Who downvoted this lolcow. What happened to my r/drama

Words words words

Meanwhile these are the same doomers that want the entire world to be on house arrest until 2022 and all small businesses have gone bankrupt.

The thing to keep in mind is these types of subs (collapse, bordingdystopia, lostgeneration, ECT) don't have actual grievances, just a collection of anxiety and dysthymia they don't know how to handle.


Dictionary-swallowing m0therf@cker.

Still, I learned a new word today, so that's something.

What word

Wow, if only I'd quoted something at the start of my last post.

I'm on mobile discord. Can't see the word. What word

dysthymia this fucking brainlet

YA dystopia is all they know



Uhmm looting is essential business, sweaty.

Exactly! Looting is not only an essential business but it patriotic as well! I mean for Heaven's sake the revolutionary war was started by riots and looting. If it weren't for looting we wouldn't have been able to kick the British skinny bottom and send them back to the UK where they belong.

Small business is a NOT work.

Maybe those small businesses shouldn’t have bought lattes every day and should’ve saved up a year worth of expenses. Maybe they shouldn’t buy the new iPhone.

Nobody wants to talk about it but there's a bit of mismatch between black people and modern society.

And not for lack of trying...

>modern society

Pick 1

I’m not a burger what exactly happened?

A black guy got killed by a police officer, cop just straight up put his knee on his neck for 7 and a half minutes, dude dead. Negronos mad as fuck which means looting and now they running around the streets robbing stores and shit. Theres actual reasonable protests too.

Not the best vid, but too lazy to look for the full unedited, you can find it though if you tried.

Well now I know that looting that doesn’t have to do with what happened not only happens in my shithole country

I'm in Canada, but the US has had several of these riots and looting sprees. If you haven't heard of it, you should learn about the LA riots.

They are literally stealing, just fucking taking stuff and reddit is on their side.

Insane! Many such cases!

How long have you been in Reddit? It's been like this for a while now.

The reeing when shoplifting was banned was hilarious.

I miss that place so much, it was such a weird little segmented community. Just a constant turf war between "I'm going to bring down Wal-Mart by stealing candy bars" teenagers and "The law ends with me" Paul Blart clones.

Immorality at it's finest.

Every time the chips are down these “communists” would rather screw over their neighbor than the big companies they claim to hate, so long as they get their gibs.

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. LateStageDoomers agree that looting... -,

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at this point, i hope the boog kicks off, these same people will be in line begging the .gov to hand out food to them

They'll sooner catch fire from smoking mavericks while making molotov cocktails

*Newports ftfy

Senecas or 305s

Well, yeah, it wasn't a SuperTarget. The grocery selection at a regular Target is ass.

I've never been quite sure why people even shop at Target. It's not drastically nicer than walmart, it's not as cheap as an HEB, there's no variety/things you couldn't get at other grocery stores. what is the upside

It’s just Walmart for people that don’t want to say they shop at Walmart. Their cheap stuff is the same quality as Walmart’s, yet 50-100% more expensive.

Target just turns people’s smugness into profit.

I'd gladly pay double to avoid the mobility scooter beasts which infest my local Walmart.

You ain't American if you don't shart in Mart.

Sometimes, if I don't want to go to the gym, I go to Walmart instead. It has never so far failed to provide the necessary motivation.

Worse selection and smaller, more rundown stores, too. Target sucks. It's not expensive Walmart, it's expensive K-Mart.

Houston has been peaceful since HEB opened a location in the 3rd ward

Target is basically just Walmart but the clientele isn’t as trash. It’s self fulfilling almost.

Dude, HEB might be the thing I miss most about Texas.

same :( here in NOLA we have Rouses, and they can charge anything they want because they know that the type of people who shop there REALLY don't want to have to step foot in a south louisiana walmart (the 7th-lowest level of hell)

There are good grocery stores in WI but you have to go out of your way to get to them. Even then none really nail that combination of price, quality, and selection.

you're literally paying for the privilege of not having to go to walmart, not having to interact with people at walmart, and getting to say you don't shop at walmart.

kind of a bargain really

Are walmarts in america really that bad? I thought the mobility scooters were a meme. Just how many people have to use them for it to become an issue

mobility scooters aren't necessary or the worst of it

it's not good

Look up their expansion into Canada. Flushed SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS down the shitter, lol. Worst corporate fuck up in retail history.

The logo is neat I guess?

LMAO what a read. they bought 200+ physical locations in like 2012, literally the very year everyone started realizing that brick and mortar was on the way out, and online purchasing was the new wave. they might as well have invested in pagers or blockbuster

there's no variety/things you couldn't get at other grocery stores

It's not a grocery store. They have a grocery section in case you went there to buy something else and decide to pick up some food on the way out.

The unspoken upside is far fewer joggers. Also, m-yo f-ids like their shoes and clothing section.

It's not drastically nicer than walmart

It's fucking luxurious compared to walmart are you kidding me?

user reports:
1: How does it feel modding the biggest racist sub on reddit?

lmao the boog cleanses all regardless of skin color. get wrecked chap00p

i hope the boog kicks off

seriously, stfu


I'm sure you'll be just as cheeky when looters kick your door in and gun you down because they saw your television through the window.


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What is "boog"?

Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo

Basically civil war/complete social disintegration (although those who use the meme don't like to acknowledge the latter). Some idealize it as another revolutionary war against the federal government and leftists while neo-naz1s and the like imagine it as a Turner Diaries-style race war. They're all r3tards.


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Gonna side with commies on this one, joggers destroying a megacorp shop after literaly decades of cop murderers going unpunished is quite a restrained reaction.

This cop murder didn't go unpunished though. They were immediately fired and it's too soon to assume that they won't be charged.

And what does stealing a TV have to do with cops killing blackinoids?

Also they're being investigated by the FBI, what more do you want. Like sure go ahead and riot if they find em not guilty cause this one seems cut and dry but why are they rioting now?

So they have an excuse to steal shit.


There's a lot of people bored because of coronavirus and this is their entertainment.

Not like they were looting the corner store.

There's footage of them looting a liquor store.

Alcohol is against the will of Allah, all liquor stores should be destroyed.

And burning down an autozone

Fuck the police, fuck your car repairs

I'm sure the footage of that will surface in the next few days. And they have been looting everything not just target meaning if you want to buy food you won't be able to go to any local stores.

You can still get food, you just gotta be fast.

The radical centrism doctrine dictates that I will not cheer the looters as I am neither Trailer-park American nor a Jogger American, but won't feel bad for the heckin megacorp losing 0.00001% of their revenue either.

Looting mom and pop shops is a low blow tho, if they're indeed doing that.

It's not even the fact they are losing revenue in my eyes, it just seems retahhded to loot and destroy stores in a form of protest as vast majority of people see that as ridiculous and savage. Im sure small shops are getting looted too, but no one should give a fuck about Target losing money lol.

The real big brain move would be to just show up in suburbs and other rich people places. You don't even need to trash anything, just the sheer presence is enough.

Prosecutors and judges would have the cop locked up tomorrow if 1000's of joggers showed up in their neighborhood while their phone was constantly ringing because all their friends are equally concerned.

God yes. Day of the neighborhood watch when

If they could actually organize and do proper mass demonstrations, it would seriously be unprecedented. The sheer number of people on the streets is insane.

Yet flatscreen TVs and Jordans are more important.


Broke: food deserts are a real problem for poor communities making life difficult for struggling families

Woke: destroying grocery stores is good because stealing TVs will overthrow the economic structure of the Americas, Europe, and Asia

Every burnt looted business is an extra dozen bureaucrats employed to fix the problem. This just makes the bureaucratic class stronger.

Food deserts aren’t real

Food Deserts follow the same ivory tower logic that lets white people think that voter ID laws are racist because black people cant find the DMV lmfao

Food Deserts follow the same ivory tower logic that lets white people think that voter ID laws are racist because mayos shut down all the DMVs black people use lmfao

A court literally ruled that they were targeting basketballs with "surgical precision" too.

Which case are you referring to?

The carolina voting laws, which made state issued IDs that were disproportionately used by black people not good enough to vote.

When I brought up rice and beans someone actually said that some people cannot afford to heat a stove every few days. Like they have a house. They can afford beans and rice. They have a pot. They have water. They cannot afford the 12 cents it costs to run the stove for 20 minutes.

In the fighting game community recently, dipshit leftists tried complaining that some people couldn't afford an Ethernet cable for better online connections... So a person who owns a $500-1000 console, $50 a month for internet access and $60 for the game... Can't afford a $5 cord.

Leftists are completely disconnected from the real world.



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WRONG. I'm currently covered in chocolate crumbs from my desert food.

They are mainly intended to shock the white community.

Mostly just riffing it while watching it on YouTube live.

Lol do these dorks think white people are shocked and scared when a Target gets raided? We get this once a year across the nation called Black Friday 😏

At this point, Black people looting stores in their own community no longer shocks anybody.

It's an American tradition.

Someone on twitter justified it saying "we've been doing peaceful protests for years and nothing changed, time to amp it up". As if the thousand times they've looted stores and the weekly story of antifa rich kids smashed windows has ever done anything but further alienate them.

Pfft. Imagine thinking it needs any justification.

They're burning down their own neighborhood, why would I have a problem with that?

I remember in the past riots, some tried to bring it outside of their own neighborhood, and it didn't go very far.

They are mainly intended to shock the white community

Please find me one member of the "white community" that is shocked over the most stereotypical unfolding of events possible 😂

It's shockingly entertaining to watch.

Rightoids maaaaad


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Anyone more successful than me needs to die.


Looting is unironically good. Specially if it's against large corporations. It's a symptom of a dysfunctional society, and also indicates citizens who feel completely disconnected from their community. People who feel like they have a stake in their communities don't riot because they care about the collateral damage.

Riots are signs that things gotta change.

plus it's fun AF. you telling me you never wanted to burn and destroy?

Looting is morally Grey but you shouldn't do it to locally owned small businesses. Be selective if you're gonna loot. All the flat screens and ipads are in big box stores to begin with. I do wonder what happens to a pawn ship debt if someone breaks in and steals the shit you pawned.

They interviewed a small business owner on the radio who owns a small jewelry store that got completely looted and destroyed.

He said they were already struggling heavily with COVID and is now racked with anxiety and feared for his life even going back to clean up.

So much for 'billion dollar companies'.

Looting is based and civil disobedience-pilled. Black Kangz stay winning. You’re just mad you can’t loot your local footlocker of all their Jordans. But muh heckin’ multi-billion dollar corporatirinos! Not the heckin’ AutoZonerinos! Destroying public infrastructure is cool and epic!

This sub is filled with some smooth gymnastics brained conservatives huh

Some of yall actin like u wouldnt be in that target stealing shit too

Projection much?

I wish something like this would happen in my city.. i need a new laptop and a switch