MAGA kid does something r-slured. Redditors proceed to justify his murder.

1  2020-05-31 by Fughtmeulilbitch


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. MAGA kid does something r-slured. R... -,

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You always hurt my feelings snappy 😞

plAy StUpiD gAMeS WiN sTUpiD pRiZEs 🤓

Le Darwin award has arrived :ddd



Talk spurdo, get burdo :DDD
Mage Ameriga Benis t: Basted kinge

Good 😹


This but unironically

Maybe if he wore appropriate clothes while walking outside, he wouldn't have got ~raped~ lynched.


Lmao wonder if he regretted trying to annoy people as that mob ran after him.


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Did he die?

He's a Trvmpt@rd so likely cardio isn't his strong suite.

if you look closely he walks face first into a pole lol

He's just meditating in the downward facing pretzel position

Sounds like they just ripped off his hat and chased him off.

I cant stand watching this🥺. I'm literally shaking😫. All I see is a brave young POC being hunted down by white supremacists(same ones that started the looting btw) just because of what he wears.😭😭😭.

EDIT: Ahh shit this isnt arrr politics, my bad.

remember guys - this is ok! he deserved this!

but if you get shot w a paintball bullet because you ignored the army and national guard to get in your house, that's literally genocide from the police state

I don't know if he deserved it, but anyone that goes out in that hat, especially to a god damn race riot is asking for it.

It's not that I endorse this - it's that I don't care about him or any conservative.


What about if some dude who just robbed a house, jogging away mayhaps, gets asked to stop by some rednecks with a shotgun... and instead of stopping, he jumps him and tries to take the gun from said rednecks, do you think he was asking to get shot...?

Except the person in question didn't rob any house nor did the men chasing him have any evidence or proof he robbed a house.

can you just admit i got u for once?

He wouldn't be Pizzashill anymore if he did that.

You didn't, you actually just engaged in one of the most absurd false equivalencies I've ever seen.

it's literally the exact same logic

he deserved it because he acted in a certain way in a specific environment

Snowkarl, if you think that what you just engaged in was the same logic as 3 men chasing down a random guy on the street on the basis he was guilty of a crime that didn't even exist, you need to seriously lay off the brain force.

you're right

it's actually not the same, attacking someone for wearing a baseball cap is not at all in the same league as defending yourself when a thug who just burglared a house jumps your gun. idk what i was thinking tbh

This is now the second time you've tried to claim a man murdered had robbed a house despite no house being robbed.

Furthermore, you know that he didn't show up in that hat randomly. He specifically put that hat on and showed up to a race riot to invoke a reaction, he got one.

it's cool, i know you're pathological and can't admit you got done but i'll leave it since we both know i'm right

Be honest, how much brain force have you had in the last week?

since i am unfortunate enough to live in a socialist dictatorship i can't procure ergogenic supplements like brain force :(

i wish though! maybe i can get that joe rogan brain pill instead.


Nah, pizza raped you as usual. Sorry dude.


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Rightoids BIIIIG MAAAD 🤣😂😂😂🤣

I don't know if he deserved it, but

Let's face it, we all know he deserved it. It is like throwing yourself into a lion's pit. The Mayo's got got.


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Victim blaming? From notorious f01d basher pizza? I'd never have seen it coming

Serious question, what do you think this guy was thinking when he decided to throw that hat on and show up to a race riot?

I'm saying that it's irrelevant what he thought. Don't classic libs like the rule of law and shit? The kid might be functionally mentally dead but so what?

I don't really endorse any violence directed at him, but I can't be bothered to care.

When people tempt fate to that extent it's hard to care.

I'm not disagreeing that it's a dumb-as-bricks move to make, but the kid doesn't look all that old. I can have pity for some dumb zoomer that made a mistake, dying by chimpout is a horrifying way to go. If this was an adult, I doubt I'd care either.

Sure, maybe it's just a dumb kid, I don't really know old he is. Hopefully he learned a valuable lesson from this.

Think that cr@cka's dead bro

I don't think so, there's an interview and he seems fine? I think they just snatched his hat and didn't even beat him up.

Oh ok, I didn't watch it. I just assumed they killed him. If he's just beat up, who gives a shit, why even post this

I can have pity for some dumb zoomer that made a mistake

well that makes one of us

I don't know if he deserved it, but anyone that goes out in that hat, especially to a god damn race riot is asking for it.

Just like any woman who goes out in a short skirt and a revealing top.

Did you think I'd disagree with this statement?


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Oh ffs.

I wouldn't go walk around seminary at 3 AM with a bunch of gold on, and if I did, and I happened to be robbed, I'd know it was 100% my own fault.

Because jōgger-Americans can't control their own actions?

What an odd statement to make after claiming to believe in personal responsibility.

People are victims of their own nature my man. I view the world as it is, not how I think it should be,

Like that one time you had to use Uber pool?

No, one of the scenarios that comes to mind was when I was 14 or so and some black kid kept asking to fight me.

I was willing to fight him - but at the same time I saw his 30 friends gathering and knew it was never going to be a 1v1.

So I sucker-punched him and dipped out. That way I won the fight and still managed to escape the gang violence that was coming my way specifically because I was under no illusions that youths fight fair.

You left out the part where Albert Einstein and the rest of the class stood up and clapped afterward.

The best part of this is that actually happened.

I remember how the entire event started, in detail.

  • Stupid kid named donald shit talks me and runs his mouth to all of our friends and thinks it won't get back to me.

  • I pay a thot 10 dollars to lure him to the park with promises of weed.

  • I beat the shit out of him. He takes his shoes off and runs home.

  • Tells his mom I stole his shoes.

  • Mom shows up and I offer to fight her too and tell her I didn't take his shoes.

  • She leaves and thinks she can pay some black kid to beat me up.

  • Black kid shows up with his army asking me to fight.

The best part of this is that actually happened.

/r/thathappened is exactly what I was thinking of, yeah.

You can believe whatever you want bud.

Lol you stole this from Tucker Carlson's autobiography.

Like why?


Lol you stole this from Tucker Carlson's autobiography.

Like why?

Why are you claiming a story that Tucker Carlson has in his autobiography as your own?

I have no idea what you're talking about.


Pizzashill with the LARP of the day already! Lol we have seen your picture and you are fooling no one with this fairy tail lmao

this didn't happen.

Here's the ice cold take I was looking for.

More importantly, if wearing a hat is all it takes to get people to go aggro on you why the fuck aren't more burgers doing it with auto guns stashed away for when they get close enough? It'll even be kind of justified as self defense, I keep seeing poltards talk about the Rhodesians doing it to a ZANLA camp but now that they have the chance to actually pull it off they end up being a disappointment.

Because burgers are pussies.

It depends on the state and city. It only works if you live in red area.

probably because certain cities have abolished the right to defend yourself, regardless of threat level

I'm curious how many mob assaults are happening in stand your ground states compared to run and hide states.

In the 60's, the only places where race riots didn't destroy the city it happened in was places like Milwaukee where the first sign of rioting was met by live fire. No more looting, no more unrest.

I am not sure how it actually affects overall violence statistically, but I think regardless of outcome, you should always have a right to defend yourself without fear of repercussions.

Certian states too. t. Californian



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My new favorite rightid cpe is larping for years about how they need guns in case the government turns on the citizens and now that it's actually happening they are just spreading their cheeks for it 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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This shit will never not be r-slurred. Let me try to dunk on rightoids in peace!

I gotchu fam

imagine being so r-tarded that you think the police telling you to stay inside is a bigger threat than millions of people violently assaulting, murdering and burning shit on the streets all week

btw good job gtting that message through on the 14th try

big mad

Making gun ownership similar to car ownership: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

Shooting at you for being on your private property after curfew: this is necessary for our safety people

Literally two weeks ago: this isn't Chyna! You can't make Mericans stay in their homes!

Today: Forcing me by gunpoint to stay inside is actually very smart and cool

what was the officer's weapon of choice? oh right, paint balls. Makes it a bit different doesn't it.

I was on the rioters side at first but then I got sober and remembered that people with alternate pigmentation scare the shit out of me so I'm pro pig now

because you ignored the army and national guard to get in your house

Yea, fuck Posse Comitatus!

the national guard is exempt from posse com as long as the governor agrees genius

because you ignored the army and national guard


i'm not a burger, you think i know exactly what unit's doing exactly what in this backwater mn shithole? why do you think i was vague fuckhead.

either way the national guard is part of the army

I don't know what that means. I'm not going to look it up. But I'm still 100% sure you're using it wrong.

Posse Comitatus

Ah yes, the law that was passed to protect Jim Crow. That's definitely a cornerstone of our liberties.

I don't condone assault but this kid is clearly in desperate need of some good bullying.



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Well I mean he deserved it for not having a good get away plan

> sub called drama

> gets mad when people act dramatically

Who’s mad?

Ho€s mad

they wouldnt be hos if they werent

x24 always


someone's comment contains more than nine words = they're mad

Can't argue with that

This but unironically

Half of the posts from snapshill bot would be mad by that logic

This but without even a hint of irony

big mad

ur mad b-word

You don't understand, I enjoy my anger

Hey thought he showed up to the MAGA counter-protest

That would make this ten times better if it could possibly be true.

That makes sense, all of the rioters are white supremacists

So it's expected that these people will act violently and yet people are mad they're "disproportionately" arrested for acting violently?

MAGA boy fucked around and found out

idn what this has to do with your love of cops

"These people are no better than the guy with the hat"

Best comment on that thread. It hits so many buttons on one sentence.

It's ok to be lootin.

he deserved that tbh

There's literally someone explaining that it was right wingers attacking him because non-tolerant leftists aren't leftists. What the fuck lol

All violence=fascism

The actual state of redditors.

leftist mirror of "all bad governments are leftists both hitler and stalin were communists"

his murder

OP lied, people nobody died.

Haha yeah I know, I said that cause people in the comments implied that whatever happened to him is justified because of wearing a MAGA hat.

The way they hop on over to him, literally like dogs

Dogs don't hop. Monkeys, however...

I was thinking "28 Days Later." There was a real zombie horde feel to the whole thing.

literally asking for it.