They've been protesting nonstop for the past two years for no discernible reason. Do you really think a lack of black people will stop them from having an extra protest?
This is libel, and harassment - a civil tort, and a violation of the Reddit Content Policies.
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The best part is that, despite being mobbed by a dozen anarkiddies, you're man still held on to his flag. How much of a manlet do you have to be when you and 10 of you buddies collectively can't take a pole off of a boomer with poor situational judgement?
4 Redactor0 2020-05-31
I just want to say that I'm really proud of our police force for deescalating this situation by completely ignoring it.
3 D_Legare 2020-05-31
To be fair, it’s very easy to not care about what happens to any of these people.
2 Redactor0 2020-05-31
They definitely don't get paid enough for this shit.
2 AnnoysTheGoys 2020-05-31
Sometimes it's better just to let them tucker themselves out.
1 cfbWORKING 2020-05-31
Manlet and a sucker punch, a tale as old as time
1 Lysis10 2020-05-31
guaranteed male femin1st
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
BONUS CHALLENGE - Try to find a black person in the crowd. If you can, you've got keener eyes than I do.
2 cfbWORKING 2020-05-31
It’s Portland, it’s all white unless a trailblazer is there
3 DangerNut 2020-05-31
This is why I really don't get why they are having protests about police violence against black people there.
Oregon doesn't let black people into he state.
It's like people in Utah having a protest about discrimination against Muslims.
1 fancyhatman18 2020-05-31
They've been protesting nonstop for the past two years for no discernible reason. Do you really think a lack of black people will stop them from having an extra protest?
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
Except Utah actually has some Muslims.
1 DangerNut 2020-05-31
It was a joke.
2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
Even the Salt Lake City archery video had some black people in it lmao
1 [deleted] 2020-05-31
1 AutoModerator 2020-05-31
Hi Acto12!
This is libel, and harassment - a civil tort, and a violation of the Reddit Content Policies.
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1 CytokineFlower 2020-05-31
a self hating mayo in drama lol
2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
Facts don't care about your feelings
1 tHeSiD 2020-05-31
I guess burgerland is the only nation where you get curbstomped for carrying the national flag. Kudos 👏 👏
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
TBF burgers get weirder about the flag than anyone else on earth.
1 [deleted] 2020-05-31
1 d4ddyd64m4 2020-05-31
Is that a mexican flag in the background? Jehovah (but in arabic) your light cannot come soon enough
0 ScunneredWhimsy 2020-05-31
The best part is that, despite being mobbed by a dozen anarkiddies, you're man still held on to his flag. How much of a manlet do you have to be when you and 10 of you buddies collectively can't take a pole off of a boomer with poor situational judgement?
1 Can_The_SRDine 2020-05-31
The boomer literally started trying to use the flag as a spear once the scrum formed lol