A Korean grocery was looted in LA last night and the Korean community has immediately pooled guns and headed for the rooftops.

147  2020-05-31 by Joe_Rogan_is_bae

Not even a shitpost. They're back. Will update this thread through the night as nögcels get sniped by rooftop koreabros

it's happening


Korean community has immediately pooled guns and headed for the rooftops.

Then there has to be more than this same photo everyone is blowing their load over.

Since Asians look alike it could be a different pic

Yo what did that deleted comment say, anyone?


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Minoroties against minorities like allah intended ❤️

Tfw the white man's plan works 😡

Asians have always been Schrodinger's minorities. Sometimes they're oppressed minorities, sometimes they're privileged oppressors. Today, the Koreans are honorary whites.

It is based on who the offending party is. The oppression food chain takes no prisoners.

Fortunately, the Koreans don't either


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Mashallah brother 🙏🙏

I'm not gonna immediately believe this, much as I may want to, but honestly I hope someone that owns one of these mom and pop stores truly takes this initiative soon.

Also, the looters who are acting like this is white vs minority when it's actually everyone vs black, if we're really gonna paint colors on it. Fucking hilarious to me honestly

someone did in Minneapolis and got arrested for murder since MI has a "duty to retreat" law.

If they have a duty to retreat then the community has a duty to protect their property or reimburse it.

Hopefully people will start waking up to the fact that mommy gov can't and won't protect you and your shit as well as yourself.

just have insurance 4head


Truly c*cked beyond repair. Abandon the north, it’s over for Son-Of-A-Gundersson-Cels.

forfeit your homes!


Search "pawn shop owner shoots rioter" im too lazy

MI is Michigan, MN is Minnesota you absolute failure.


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Was going to say. MI is a stand your ground/castle doctrine state.

it's not everyone vs blacks. it's everyone vs dumbass rioters and looters. (might be mostly black, but seen a lot of black people call for it to be stopped/protect stores/police and a lot of dumbass white/asian/mexican people destroying shit)

Every video in LA shows the looters being like 90% black. LA County is 11% black.


11% of a population of how many?


LA County is 11% black.


I have yet to see an Asian looter, and I've been binge watching this countrywide riot. Its mostly blacks and then a few white and hispanic here and there.

The antifacels are almost all white, with a few very very light mixed people and a few white-looking Latinos. The looters are mostly black. The difference is that the antifa set fires and smash windows because the poor fools think they’re going to make a difference, whereas the looters just want free swag.

That Bangladeshi-owned store put up a Minority Owned sign to try to capitalize off this as being White vs Black. Still got looted.

Okay Alexa play Kill 'em All by Metallica

He even busted out that same old M-1 carbine?

I’d love to see them Korean N1gg@s with a SCAR-H, that’s a real 2020 upgrade for my yellow mans.


I remember them all having Daewoo l1a1's

The one I remember seeing at the time was a guy standing on the roof of a gas station with an Uzi or MAC-10 or something like that. And I'm like, "Daddy, why is he doing that?"

M-1 Carbine is a great gun.

Personally, I'd take a Mini-14 but I'm not sure Mommy Kamala would let me have one in the Caliphate of Gold.

Mini-14 is one of the few semi-auto rifles that aren't borked. You see, it doesn't have the child-murdering pistol grip.

Also, if you take off the magazine it looks like an old-timey huntin' rifle so your neighbors are less likely to keep reporting you to the cops.

I literally saw this as one of the mini-14's advantages over the AR-15 on a youtube video.

If you want a hunting stock that's compatible with AR-15 uppers, I recommend checking out the SCR-16

Can you even still get ammo for the M1 carbine? Didn't it use some weird bastardized pistol round that never caught on?

30 carbine round. Still sold online (used in some pistols) and is actually quite cheap.

Would not have guessed that. Interesting.

I have the strangest boner right now

Don’t call your doctor if it lasts more than four hours, that is completely normal in this case.

minorities exercising their 2A rights


Well it's LA. There is one cop for every 1.3 million idiots.

So pretty much you have to take the law into your own hands

Ummmm... Based???

Koreans are returning to the rooftops. Nature is healing

Will be interesting to see if the desire to loot TVs and Korean groceries is strong enough to besiege a fortified Korean area.


Who needs movie theaters when we have this

The return of the King.

If they run, they’re looters! If they stay still, they are well disciplined looters!

More like the ride of the Rohirrim



When people dis fantasy—mainstream and SF readers alike—they are almost always talking about one sub-genre of fantastic literature. They are talking about Tolkien, and Tolkien's innumerable heirs. Call it 'epic', or 'high', or 'genre' fantasy, this is what fantasy has come to mean. Which is misleading as well as unfortunate.

Tolkien is the wen on the arse of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagious—you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislike—his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichés—elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic rings—have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.

That is a revolting idea, and one, thankfully, that plenty of fantasists have ignored. From the Surrealists through the pulps—via Mervyn Peake and Mikhael Bulgakov and Stefan Grabiński and Bruno Schulz and Michael Moorcock and M. John Harrison and I could go on—the best writers have used the fantastic aesthetic precisely to challenge, to alienate, to subvert and undermine expectations.

Of course I'm not saying that any fan of Tolkien is no friend of mine—that would cut my social circle considerably. Nor would I claim that it's impossible to write a good fantasy book with elves and dwarfs in it—Michael Swanwick's superb Iron Dragon's Daughter gives the lie to that. But given that the pleasure of fantasy is supposed to be in its limitless creativity, why not try to come up with some different themes, as well as unconventional monsters? Why not use fantasy to challenge social and aesthetic lies?

Thankfully, the alternative tradition of fantasy has never died. And it's getting stronger. Chris Wooding, Michael Swanwick, Mary Gentle, Paul di Filippo, Jeff VanderMeer, and many others, are all producing works based on fantasy's radicalism. Where traditional fantasy has been rural and bucolic, this is often urban, and frequently brutal. Characters are more than cardboard cutouts, and they're not defined by race or sex. Things are gritty and tricky, just as in real life. This is fantasy not as comfort-food, but as challenge.

The critic Gabe Chouinard has said that we're entering a new period, a renaissance in the creative radicalism of fantasy that hasn't been seen since the New Wave of the sixties and seventies, and in echo of which he has christened the Next Wave. I don't know if he's right, but I'm excited. This is a radical literature. It's the literature we most deserve.

I mean, there's the emerging Percy Jackson series(s) and the like, but those are novels for teens. I'm not sure if they have the same appeal that Tolkien's had.

Dude seaweed lmao

Dude, drugging dragons with heroin lmao

Shut it, Goat Boy

Anywhere else is this thread, that would be a copy pasta

I don't recognize any author on that list except tolkien, so my conclusion is that you're a poopoohead

That just means you're one tm

C_pe. But fr, any of them good? I've been looking for something new to read

Iron Dragon's Daughter is good, but I find it sort of hard to keep up with the terse style of writing...and the central message is actually difficult to justify internally.

Try the author of this pasta. He got cancelled for this before cancelling was a thing. Perdido Street Station is what got me hooked.



The Return of the Kim.

Looters didn't learn their lesson, it seems.

The Return of the Qing

Theyre taking the joggers to Isengard!

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Theyre taking the j0ggers to Isengard!

Lmao if MUH ROOF KOREANS is back, fucking reddit

Probably not even real tf

Fucking based Korean gods. Aim true, bros!

About fucking time.

Never send an @merican to do a Korean's job.

Link to stream?

Got taken down for "violent content" a few mins ago

Someone dared to try streaming violent content today??? 😲😲😲

This in LA?


The heroes we need

Based roof Koreans


You said "they're back", but it's one asian dude wearing a shirt from one of those instagram tier one operator brands.

Oh hell yes. i was just explaining these historical beauties to someone last night, and here they are.


eVeRy rAcE iS raCiS eXcept oNe

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it's like i'm watching a movie

If giving Reddit money wasn’t straight rarted i’d give this one them ”Wholesome Chungus 💯 “ awards

Fuck yeah, now it's getting juicy.

Wtf this is some purge shid

Yeah wasn’t there a black guy who did this in the worst one? Like when the bitch tried to get elected and people got pissy?



Roof Koreans 2.0

He has the high ground, a carbine, and a cigar. Nogcels won't get past his iron sights.


The only good Korean is a North Korean

Until we see more pics, this didn’t happen. OP got a gun and is fooling the retаrds with a timed self-portrait.

We’ve waited 28 years for this moment

/r/LosAngeles beat you to it by an hour and they're also ready for the boog: https://www.reddit.com/r/LosAngeles/comments/gu5jwh/the_roof_koreans_are_back/

Sort by controversial and get the popcorn ready 🍿

Roof Koreans part 2: Electric Jigaboo


queue the endless pedo wank sigh

Meanwhile their repressed k-pop loving sons are posting about a dc blackout.

So much dishonour

M1 carbine

Patrician choice

Nature is healing. Koreans have returned to the roofs. We were the virus.