Ivy League (soon-to-be-ex) lawyer gets tired of filing motions, decides to try throwing Molotov cocktails

10  2020-06-01 by NervousTomatillo


she struggled with financial problems after losing her job

She was suffering from economic anxiety. 🤭

All three face mandatory minimum sentences of five years and a maximum of 20 years behind bars if convicted.

Exonomic anxiety no more with three hits and a cot

Is that a valid excuse now? Can I rob, say, the federal reserve bank and claim economic anxiety as a defense?



Made it about 6 months as a lawyer before firebombing cops.


Some dumb couch surfing profile as well.

I'm surprised she didn't stick a tampon in a white claw.

A tampon would probably work pretty well, I'm not up for testing that, as a bottle of gas is a great way to end up dying really painfully.

Made it about 6 months as a lawyer before firebombing cops.

To be fair, there are some law firms so shitty that it's a minor miracle if you last 6 months before attacking someone with an improvised explosive device.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Viet Nam

You need to step back here for a second and try to understand the layers of pain that she's experienced as a person of color enslaved in America for 400 years.

Northern Ireland

United Kingdom

Imagine not knowing that these are the same country. This is who is lecturing you about Colonialism on the internet.

They're the same country in the way that Israel and The United States are the same country.

Yes, little known fact: the US and Israel have no borders with each other, use the same currency and are governed by the same laws. No differences at all actually.

yeah that's what i said.

aren't you the guy who killed your wife and has to strangle women to keep an erection?

No I’m the guy who allegedly killed his wife, and the joke’s on you because I can’t get an erection.

well, have you tried strangling?

I would but my deep freezer is completely full these days.


Lol, Palestine isn’t a real country.

Music, Movies, and Books

Harry Potter

Every time

This is really important people....when preparing to commit a crime and during the act, don't take selfies and post them on the internet.

It makes it really easy for the police to track you down. It also tends to hurt one's subsequent legal defense.

Fucking kids these days....

Why do it then?

I have everything but likes.

Sshshhhhhh your flushing our future drama down the drain

Oh I have no faith these people will ever get self awareness.

Affluenza is a meme, but I guarantee that she’s never really faced consequences for shit in her life and was actually unable to imagine getting in serious trouble over something.

If only lawyers had lawyers as good as police union lawyers.

The device failed to ignite because she used tissue paper as the rag, which burned out before reaching the explosives inside, sources said.

These are the people who think that they might win a civil war 🤭

How many years of college + graduate school between the two of them and they couldn't manage to set gasoline on fire?

Something that illiterate children in third world countries can do with ease, these over educated dingbats managed to screw up.

They almost certainly didn’t even thicken the gasoline either.

0/10 riot skills

thicken the gasoline

And what would you say is the correct thickener and the ratio?

I usually use a 1-to-1 ratio of gasoline and cum from my cum-jars.

Imagine not reading the Anarchist Cookbook or the Industrial Society in the current year

Does Law still have shitty job market, or this is just some random idiot getting the "save-the-world" too much in her head?

It's highly dependent on which schools you went to tbh. Fordham is not great but it's solid. A black guy with Princeton UG and NYU law degrees should have no trouble getting a good job offer though.

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman

You don't saya.

You don't want a criminal lawyer, you want a CRIMINAL lawyer.

Man, I hope ATF gets in on this, will probably be a change of pace. Cocktail Molotova are considered destructive devices under the NFA. Shoot their dog or cat or something, maybe WACO the law office.

Lmao, of course they were degenerates from Brooklyn.