This is why you don't let Drama users outside.

9  2020-06-01 by ArlenBilldozer


Lmao the audience turned on him real fast. What a retаrd. Also why is Philly getting repped so strongly? I know it’s like the 4th biggest city in the country but it never really makes the news.

Kensington (where the majority of the Philly shit is happening) is a ultra-shit hole, a heroin paradise, food options are nil, and it's where a lot of poor people went once the surrounding areas got gentrified. It was ripe for something like this.

Oh lol, is this Kensington? For some reason I thought it might've been on one of the handful of remaining Center City blocks that haven't been gentrified yet. But I agree, Kensington is a total shitshow. I mean that literally, there's so much human feces in the streets that they had a hepatitis A outbreak last summer.

The big shit is happening in Kensington, but this vid could be anywhere in Philly tbqh.

Actually this is 100% Center City.

Pretty sure it's 16th and Chestnut

Yeah that matches.

They are turning on him for something that black rappers sing on the radio everyday.

I bet the same people who turned on him are the same ones that listen to rappers sing the N-word every day on the radio.

it never really makes the news

I feel like everyone, in their younger and more vulnerable years, thought "why haven't I been to Philly -- it's the 4th biggest city in the country after all."

But then they took the Amtrak between NY and DC and saw the backside of Philly and were like "I am never ever getting off the train in this bitch."

Only thing I knew about Philly growing up was they make the cream cheese for my bagels.

Never felt the need to visit them, they provide their cream cheese in stores outside the state.

Stay off the designated shitting streets and you'll be fine.

Because it's like 58% black, and most of the whites are far left.

So close

This is the best goddamn video I've seen out of these protests.

I like the three part structure: The "this guy is spittin'" beginning, the "lets see where he's going with this" middle, and the "yo lol wtf" ending.

These riots are the gift that keeps on giving lmao

Why did he get racist when people started to go “what?” After saying it isn’t about George Floyd

king shit tbh, dont let these colorful n*ggers silence your voice


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Extreme BDE exerting from the white socks, Timbs and shorts fit. Very drippy

Its the 🔥🔥🔥 fit of crazy hon-keys or your classic Drama poster.

I feel like people who are trying to monopolize being a nigga for one race haven't even paid attention to the Geto Boyz. 😒

Is my mind playing tricks on me or did you actually reference rap music?

Don't act like you're surprised that I'm a man of culture.

You're the whitest chap here hence my surprise.

Listening to gangsta rap is the whitest thing a person can possibly do.

🎶I got a letter from the government the other day, I opened and read it, it said I got a rebate 🎵

Ns come in every color

Wholesome 100 😊🌈

inclusive tbh