anti-gunn Dem state rep gets tear gassed and middle class huwite liiberals argue about property damage being praxiss

2  2020-06-01 by Corporal-Hicks


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property is insured! It can be replaced!!!

Life insurance exists lmao

look at the huwite person here

It can be replaced!!!

Besides, only mass-produced things can be replaced. My limited run of books will be gone forever if they burn those down.

PrOpErTy CaN bE rEpLaCeD is the rallying cry of people who are either so privileged that they've never known what it's like to be one bad month away from the breadline, or so poor that they figure they already can't go any further down.

Some of us just don’t believe in private property and are happy to see others who feel the same

I know, now which category do you fall into?

Homeless anarchist scum who's only values are the extreme loneliness of daddy issues and a family that despises them

Far from anarchist. I’m a moderate Stalinist

I’m a moderate Stalinist so yeah private property is a fiction

property can be replaced!!!

oh but not my property, thats different