/r/Neoliberal says "ACAB"

9  2020-06-01 by HodorLePortePorte


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Y are neolibs always right?

Because they're centrists.

Also attn: jannies, I'm a regular over at that sub and was active in that thread before I saw this one, so no ban plz.

Neolibs are rightwing corporate shills hiding like pussies behind idpol bullshit to LARP as centrist. Change my mind.

I won't even try to change your mind, because you aren't wrong. I'm center-right at heart but I recognize that the masses won't accept capitalism if they aren't given a share of the goodies. I also recognize that climate change exists, so I can't identify myself with the American right.

But Singapore-style state capitalism? Sign me up.

Based af

He's a regular at neolib, please ban this guy


Implying it is the police at fault and not the local, regional and federal levels of government and a bunch of unrelated social issues that are the true cause of the problems.

Pretty cringepilled tbh, police don't make the laws, they just enforce them as best they can in the gun filled drug fueled shithole that is the US of A.

Also, not drama.

Police unions are pretty shit tbqhwyf

The police may not make the laws, but there are numerous videos of LEOs attempting to "enforce" laws in a distorted or incorrect interpretation. So moot point if the cops simply make up how the law should be applied on the spot.

you can, but shouldn't

floyd was a crisis actor, police did nothing wrong, protestors should get the wall and looting shops is based, they're probably owned by jеws anyway

I love how we keep being told that the system protects cops who murder black men even though that's something that virtually never happens, and when it actually did this time, the system immediately went into action to hold him accountable. But I guess I don't understand all the layers of pain. 🤷‍♂️