Women BTFO forever as man wins "female leadership" position at NYC council

1  2020-06-26 by Corporal-Hicks


Lmao its this dweeb

Imagine having your political party associated with this image forever.

It's almost like democracts were jealous of Republicans being the elite retard and wanted to be the new kings.

Its like some sort of post modernist painting

It's almost like a still from a sketch show

Word salad

Whoa not so fast pal: there can only be one king...and that position is taken

Read the article? A cis-woman had the official endorsement of the Queens democrats and lost.


NY republicans should include this picture in every attack ad for the rest of time lmao

You can see his clenis

You weren't kidding. The absolute state of Burgerland. 😥

Covid, your letting us down


M*yos not burgers

please man there's mayos and then there's white people please man please i didnt ask to be part of this albino monkey shit

fuck off mayo, there is no selling out your slimy brothers that can redeem you.

i just want to be an uncle daquan

please man there's mayos and then there's white people please man please i didnt ask to be part of this albino monkey shit

The Mayo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Mayo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I've been found out.”

please man think of my kids i want them to have a future outside of the one defined by the lack of their melanin please man please

You could stay Yurop and be aryan. But naaah, you had to see Big Bang Theory sooner than everyone else.

Take the trudeaupill

That's a chastity cage I believe. I can tell because some of the pixels.

They prefer the oxymoron, "girldick".

They're packing more than Michelle Obama tbh

nice cock sis. a little on the small side, but the shape is overall pretty symmetrical, and your balls have just the right amount of estrogen.

why hello there, yes that is a penis

Is that Carl?

Everytime I see this picture, the sound of angry geese honking plays in my head.

Support this 100%. The drama of troids usurping foids will be 👌

Stunning and Brave

that's a huge fuckin' head for that small of a frame

Lmao this motherfucker right here. Hands shaking and you salivating trying to blow that pick up. I see those ankles and thighs and know that ass is trash.




That's unironically a very cute outfit. It's being fucking wasted in that picture.

Holy fuck. Thought you were joking

Trannies are seriously to blame for all of the prejudice they face.

mogs me


wtf happened to New York. I used to want to live there

What the fuck? Tell me there's a video of this thing. Tell me there's a video of it wobbling up to the stage like a newborn giraffe. Chicken-head ho gonna tip over trying to balance that big ass dome. Looks like a pledge at a frat house and the brothers made him give a speech.

Dunno if theres video but i remember seeing this image months ago and making fun of it so when i saw it in the article i started laughing like a lunatic. Its like a joke with the punchline showing up half a year later, absolutely fantastic

Imagine being a woman and having to reply "yass queen" to this ahahahaha. Outplayed, we just had to add "girl" to any sexist shit we wanted to say.

"I'm going to girlrape you with my girldick"

Women did it to themselves. They need to start listening to the old bra burners who try to tell them wanting to be nice is socialization that gets them nothing. Except being made a mockery by Millhouse and his chub.

What is a swerf?


As in "I hate onlyf@ns so much, I have made it a central facet of my personality. I am as terrible as a c0nsumepr0duct regular, but worse, because I am an upper middle-class wh1te w0man."

But yeah, fuck h0es.

His parents must be proud. You can see his boner because dressing in women's clothes is his fetish.

I ain't gonna lie, that is kind of hot.

lmao imagine turning yourself into a foid willingly

To put women in their place. A nobel deed.

It's all a secret plot to give white males all the mandatory women positions in society.

Sports teams were just a preview, kids.

Ah, the onion, back when they were still funny.


Come on man. The topical is funny and the five minutes it takes to listen to are worth it. I like to play it with out comment when visiting boomer relatives.

They are still funny now tho

Problem is these ones have serious untreated mental illnesses and might as well be women


Based slip of the tongue

He was never a man

I'm a bit confused. What's the significance of this district that he won

He didn't win a district. He won a leadership role in the district DNC party.

Oh so he's like the leader of the party for that district

One of two but yes. Technically his position has been held for a woman on the assumption the other position would be held by a man.

A girl should apply for the male role now.

Alright, but she has to be a plaid shirt wearing, short haircut d-slur to make it even. They need at least some testosterone for that committee.

plaid shirt wearing short hair cut

I have a second cousin "trans man" who fits that description that got impregnated by a boyfriend. For some reason he split when he found out about the pregnancy...maybe he was wigged out that he wasn't gay afterall🤔

Hmmm ... seems fitting somehow.

lmao bitches are so dumb to allow this shit. I'm siding with the TERFs on this one.

terfs are the only real women left

Nah, prostitutes and tradwives are. Feminists hate being women.

Tradwife is everything.

Get yourself one of each.


True, an actual tradwife will turn a blind eye to her husband's tomcattery.

actual tradwife

She had to know we'd find blowjobs somewhere.

Good morning trannies are disgusting

Good morning glowie

At least this time it's not CP posting :)


ty for using the correct pronouns

Was that term invented or merely popularized by the late Mr. Davis?


You best get used to the taste of girl dick. Bigot.

Simp, imagine not support this king who's solving the problem of white women in politics

I wonder why the Venn diagram for commies and trannies overlaps so much?

I guess the shared sentiment that reality needs to change to fit their r slurred world views and bad life choices


Your comment has been removed because it contained a bad word. The word was trannie. If you intend to use this word in a purely demonstrative manner, please use the first letter of the word followed by '-word' or '-slur'. Thank you for helping us keep /r/drama safe.

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Trappy made a really good post about this actually. If I remember right it's because when peeps are questioning their gender they go to message boards/subreddits that have already been overrun by far leftist politics so as they learn about transness they also learn about communism but since the echo chamber is so deafening they're scared to go against the group think as new members of the community. It's why most older trans people aren't communists, they either discovered it on their own or on message boards where the focus was trans and politics wasnt really a part of it

That actually makes a lot of sense thanks.

I'll bet you always say that after rubbing one out and closing the incognito tab.

Decaudin, who identifies as transgender and non-binary, defeated Deirdre Feerick, a woman, for the female position by a margin of about 5.5 points. Feerick was an experienced politician who enjoyed the endorsement of the Queens Democratic Party. Decaudin appears to have only recently moved to the district after residing in Westchester County.

In October, City Democrats insisted that changing the rules "would NOT affect the gender parity of (half of the seats reserved for women) outlined for elected office seats such as District Leaders." This has proven to untrue—as was expected by feminists. District 37A will now be represented by two white men, despite the fact that the District as a whole is a "majority minority" District, largely consisting of Hispanics, and does, in fact, also contain women, who have now been deprived of a representative.

I know this ho, she blocked me on twitter after I scolded her ass for appropriating Transylvania as a nickname, which is where I happen to live.

We don't take lightly to having murican burgercels involved in cultural colonialism.

Out out out.

trans and non-binary

This shit makes me mad from a mathmatical standpoint

How can you transition if there is no point of destination?

I'm p sure there's a way to mathematically define the difference between transitioning out of and transitioning into. Like injective/surjective or something.

It's cope for being unable to pass by as a woman

I give this sub like a week before we get banned. It was fun while it lasted.

Yeah this is how deuxrama went to. The percentage of actual drama to rightoid ragebait slowly decreased until it was mostly novel-length screeds about the evils of semetic peoples and those-who-enjoy-a-jog. RIP to drama

I wish banned subs had tombstones for posterity

Yep, t-hate seems to be bannable nowadays.

I'm surprised that /r/itsafetish is still going strong

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Women BTFO forever as man wins "fem... - archive.org, archive.today*

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This seems like a joke, but I can't emphasize this enough:

“To have an entry level position, a position of some power in the party, of some influence in the party, is a very important thing.”

If a certain group monopolizes these positions, then 20 years from now the Democrats will have nobody else to choose from to run as candidates and work on campaigns.

The parity rule meant that half of the seats would be for women. That isn't a monopoly.

"Meant" is the key word here. From now on it will be entirely men and transesses.

Let's push equality that reminding women don't know what it means to be a woman.

Men are better at it, and we will prove it by destroying your sports records and erasing any factual definition of anatomy.

Surrender your personal spaces and suck dick or you're not a lesbian.

The absolute state of the west....

I was gonna be all like dude bussy but he isnt even trying to pass

That he isn't even trying just makes me love him more.

Crossing the gender border and taking foids jobs? Yeah, I'm thinking based

This entire thread is fucking disgusting.

All slur users and people speaking about percentages have been banned.

This is not welcome to our subreddit as a law abiding non-bannable subreddit. All abusers of hate speech have been banned permanently or for 60 days.

Janny isn't a slur.

This janny just made $0 for doing his job

Based, also when will you post your trussy? I keep coming back to your account and never see anything🤔.

thanks i was worried what would happen to drama when we reopened and had to deal with the swarm of refugees. i’m glad that you’re trying to keep their grubby paws off our beloved arrdrama

Shut the fuck up you stupid incel


Men are even better than womyn in terms of being womyn. It's fact.

and as usual the drama thread is the most reasonable one

Based. W*men will never learn until they see the results of them trying to meddle in men's affairs.

Dude, you should have linked to the /r/gendercritical thread. The seething is off the charts!


my GOD in the article's picture you can even see his dick through his skirt, what the fuck

oh my fuck that is hilarious

One important solution, she claims, is sex-based quotas

ah yes, the rise of signs in restaurant windows that say "only male applicants wanted" because they need to meet their quotas and the front of house is already full of broads. brought to you by a bunch of brand new terfs who claim that their district is all minorities and ladies yet somehow someone with a wh*te penis beat your candidate by 5% (not small in politics land).

man this shit is just getting sad now

The day that men became better than women - at being women, was the day all women were cancelled.

I'm not trying to insult them or anything (hell, I'm not even sure how I got here), but I have a legitimate question.

The article said they identify as both trans and non-binary. How is that possible? It's not even, like, a tolerance issue. It's like... idk math? It doesn't make sense to identify as the opposite gender but also neither. Unless it's like a DID thing or something.

I mean, am I wrong here? Can anyone explain this to me?

we entered clown world when Regan closed all the mental asylums. This person should be locked up and getting treatment but instead they are the leader of a political party in a major district.

honk honk motherfuckers.

Nazi Germany when??? And I consider myself a liberal mostly

Lmao terfs

Proof that dudes are better at being girls than girls are at being girls.

Unfortunately her career will be short as it’s 46% more probable that she will kill herself

Should’ve gone with “unfortunately her career will be 46% shorter”


Volcel if you wouldn't