The Scots have a wee debate session over JK and trans rights.

1  2020-07-12 by Standard12


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That woman really confuses me. Why choose to die on the hill of denying people individual liberty because you believe that men will go through years and years of mental and physical anguish simply to access a female toilet, compete in womens' sport and speak on behalf of women? It's just such a wildly insignificant thing to sacrifice your career and legacy to. I want to make the argument that she's receiving an undue and quite scary amount of hatred compared to other people who deserve it more but I can't do that while she's still standing on that hill.

Weird how pivoting so quickly to demanding lesbians fuck men and indoctrinating children into being anxious about their sexual identity can cause people to get upsetty spaghetti.

Is it hard to just not fuck them and not even announcing it just because they complain about people not wanting to date them doesn't mean people have too please those incels




Exactly i knew you would understand

Youโ€™re just mad men end up being better women than women in every way.

Sit down, sweaty.



Funny how redditors think the respect of alphabet people has any value

Reported transphobia trans women are not men.

No trans person is arguing that people should be forced to have sex with them; however, we donโ€™t like global statements that perpetuate belief trans ppl are unlovable and liking trans ppl is a fetish.

Kids were previously indoctrinated into traditional gender roles; now, we want to listen to them and let them choose their own identity and expression.

Thank you for your service

It's only a loud minority who have issues with JK Rowling.

The majority is silent as sane people know that there can be nothing gained from getting into arguments on this topic.

Instead you'll just have people foaming at the mouth screeching hatred at you.

Not worth it.

Iโ€™d also say the majority of people have no idea about this drama.

This sub is the only reason I do

For real. I've never even seen a t-slur in real life (besides one person that looked like an androgynous alien that might have been it), you only see them congregate online to screech about shit. Really makes u think...

I've met one at a friend's birthday party. I think she hated me because everyone else was taking turns calling her brave for getting her boobs amputated or something and I just chose to talk about other stuff instead. Mainly grocery shopping

Umm they're not mentally ill narcissists sweaty...

I saw a guy in a blonde wig and a shitton of make up and in a red dress.

I saw him literally slap the ticket guy at the cinema for doing a double take when he heard a super deep voice.

He went to the manager while stumbling in high heels.

I pissed off my date by laughing my ass off.

Despite being 0.6% they take up 150% of the airtime


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The amount of virtue signaling in that thread is absolutely insane

Trans people sure are experts on keeping everyone hating them

The IOC allows trans people to compete after 2 years, as itโ€™s understood that any advantage is gone by then. This has been the case for more than a decade, I believe.

As itโ€™s understood that any advantage is gone by then.

Any advantage is gone by then.

How do you even cancel someone who peaked a decade ago? You can't retroactively go back and make Harry Potter not a world changing success...

You can't. Mel Gibson actually said somr wildly fucked up shit but he's basically immune for instance

That's because Mel is awesome and told the truth

O wise one, what are the Truths of Mel?

His wife doesn't blow him enough and some cops have nice cans.


I believe he had some deep thoughts about the Jews as well.

Yeah I thought that's where they were going with that too lol.

She's dressed up like a pig in heat

Seriously. Are they going to build a time machine and take away her billions and resuidals for the rest of her life? Gonna make her kids and grandkids not be set forfuckingever?

Pretending to get on their side with all the Dumbledore is gay tier stuff and then full speed ahead anti-trans is a pretty impressive long con. wp, jk

She was a dramanaut all along, planning, scheming to bring us drama. Praise be her ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ธ.

First she wrote the Harry Potter novels to create a fertile lush field of green ๐ŸŒฒโ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿƒ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒ„๐ŸŒ„๐ŸŒ„.

Then she attracted, nurtured and fed the lolcows by creating a Twitter feminist persona ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ„.

Now with every TERF tweet that she likes, these lolcows give us their bountiful harvest, their purest milk, right into our face ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Is it wrong that I got a little hard reading this?

I think "legit" is a bit of a mischaracterisation; I don't think anyone really denies the science of it, which is that trans women who went through puberty as males have musculo-skeletal development that is likely to vastly exceed almost all women, and in elite sports is almost certain.

The question is more: what do you do about it, something I'm not sure I have a good answer for, despite being a full-fledged trans rights supporter. I think the only real logical answer is that rather than men's and women's sport, it should be banded in the same way as weight-based competitors are, on a gender spectrum instead of a weight spectrum. The question is how you measure that gender spectrum, though.

If I had a vagina I would be terf. Maybe not the radical feminist part

I think I have a kind of idea how the gender spectrum would work:

  1. Were you born with a dick and balls?
  2. If yes, you're not allowed to compete with anyone who wasn't.

Complicated I know but I think with care, attention and good will all round we could make this happen.

What if we separated men's and women's sports and had them compete in separate categories.

Rilly meks u fink

Next step: ban all sports

Implementation date: 2024

Transers must have push alerts from the entire internet when the work trans is used

You jest but there are people who are actually like that. Our favorite fishy AHS powermod has a script that alerts them whenever someone writes their name, or any variation of it. It is why that name is censored by automod.


Seriously though, why live like this?

Terminally online people don't "live" like you and I do.

They live and breathe the internet.

I can't think of a more pathetic existence tbh.

Edinburgh is the biggest hive of clown shoe wearing, self important poser twats you'll ever have the misfortune to visit. Set of emotionally frail wanks who think they're cool because they live in pound shop London. Its a fucking junkie infested shithole like the rest of Scotland, make no mistake.

Some very fuckin decent restaurants though.

I dont actually give a shit about the drama I just wanted to talk shit about Edinburgh. Fuck them all on both sides I suppose, shower of cunts.

Wow another junkie man bad poster. The junkies are great theyโ€™re free entertainment anywhere you go

Not when you have to kick them off your property every fucking day cos they passed out in the bushes again.

I thought removing junkies from your property was a hate crime in bongistan?

Troons want the oppression spotlight that black kingz and non white women have

I can't believe how awful Scottish people are. My whole life I always envisioned them as rugged, brutish, alpha males. Giving them internet access was a mistake.

They are somehow actually worse than Bongistan. Really let that sink in.

Their ruling party is led by a foid. That should tell you plenty about them tbh.

They are somehow actually worse than Bongistan.

They were conquered by Bongistan centuries ago. Is it really surprising?

yeah they really do not deserve their stereotypes

Some tryhard poster points out that the popular understanding of trans identity uses like 33 conflicting definitions of "sex" and "gender." The only response is that this shit is fundamentally unknowable unless you're a trussy.

I had a leftist professor decry intersectionality as devolving into sollipsism. If none of my empirical or rational faculties can possibly understand someone else's experience, then how do I know anyone else exists?

We don't exist. Wake up, David.

Some people just won't take a good educating.

Smug levels are off the charts.

hotlink because I don't care about anyone trying to view this post later than a couple of days

Damn even irrelevant countries feel the need to go out of their way to try to dunk on daddy

Ffs, two comments in and somehow they're already talking about drumpf having small hands.

You can't escape it.

Wait guys... Guys.. wait wait hold on I got a good one.. guys... Trump? You know Trump? Trump... ORANGE HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

Bwhaha and his hands are hecking small HAHAHA ๐Ÿ˜‚

These Scottish sheepfuckers are still making Trump hands jokes

It's the Welsh that fuck the sheep you cheeky bastard.

What animals do Scots fuck then?

Scottish women

(x) doubt

transrights are human rights

slams head into desk


They'll do this but if you suggested for a second they stop reading the fucking books and watching the fucking movies they'd lose their minds