Has the term "cuck" fallen out of fashion?

147  2020-07-18 by MasterLawlz

You know, back in my day, "cuck" was like the ultimate word. There used to be a wonderful time where any time you were having an argument online and you were proven objectively wrong with facts and reason, you could just call the other guy a "cuck" and you would immediately win the argument.

I miss those days. The word feels stale now. I mean sure, you can still refer to other people as a cuckold, but it just no longer feels the same. It doesn't pack the same punch.


Daddy just officially endorsed cuckoldry by commuting Roger Stone's sentence.

You know, back in my day, "cuck" was like the ultimate word.

Are you actually a zoomer? That was like...5 years ago? I think?

Also this is only two paragraphs. I can't really call that an authentic Lawlz sticky. Please apply yourself.

He's like 22 so I think that makes him a zoomer

Lawlz is technically a Zoomill. Born too late to be a millennial, born too early to be a true zoomer.

A fate worse than death

Like being trapped into a purgatory of not being accepted by two of the worst generations while simultaneously being insulted as if you were both of them

Sometimes I unironically wish that I died on the beaches of Normandy

Me too especially when you post

Thanks for the recognition

Thata called a moommer

Wow. So Lawlz does not remember 9/11, and thus is not a person.

What if he's not a burger? The whole 9/11 shebang might've just been a blip on the evening news.

Idk he probably is but the question still stands.

11/9, burger


I think I vaguely remember it actually. I was 4 at the time and I think I remember my parents watching the news about it on TV.

my parents watching the news

Yes, the news.


WHere were you when Bush did it?

That was like...5 years ago? I think?

I had never even heard of the term until a couple years ago on Reddit. This was when TD was still huge and everyone who posted there threw the word around more than I threw the word 'retard' around when I was 12.

Cuck ➡️ Incel ➡️ Simp

No, incel and cuck coexisted and had very different connotations. In left wing spaces, everyone is an incel. In right wing spaces, everyone is a cuck.

difference is Ive never seen rightwingers defend incels.

Have you really not? I do it often by blaiming white women.

We are truly oppressed 😞

We gonna need a map on this

Neckbeard ➡️ Cuck ➡️ *

F@gg0t is the og term and still the best




Should be "soyboy" instead of incel

No masterlolzcow, maybe, consider, that perhaps, you have possibly, fallen out of style

Impossible, I AM the style

Give it up, old timer. You're only here cause u get stickied by the j*nnies every time your fingers type a sentence on your Galaxy s 5 powered by T-Mobile. accept the new

T-Mobile has merged with sprint and Metro PCS so they're pretty decent now

User u/skiatook lol's at the thought of following capitalism

u get stickied by the j*nnies

If you think others are doing the stickying, you don't know Lawlz lore.

A jannie's a jannie

Lawlz, you are my favorite social media influencer. 🤗

simp just rolls off the tongue better, plus has a wider range. Despite what many say, not a lot of people are actual cucks, but almost every man in existence has simped before, makes it more personal.

People actually say this with their tongues and not fingers? Yikes sweaty.

I think cuck was just too associated with rightoid-spheres, and with the rise of onlyfans normies needed a non-tainted word to describe the phenomenon.

Kind of like it's not ok to call a woman a whore, but you can call her a thot.

Bluepilled, beta, virgin, soyboy, cuck.... so many Internet insults, each one replacing the other only to get replaced just as quickly. What do you think will replace "simp"?

White privilege




I know you’re gonna be like “haha I never tried” after reading this, but this low quality. Even on a scale of 1-teachers are overpaid this is a DistortedLines level sticky.


You were right by the way. It really doesn’t pack much of a punch anymore.

even though i usually enjoy your stickies i gotta admit this one is real bad. it doesnt even have the feel of a lawlz sticky

I think DistortedLines would have gotten a better reaction if he had stickied coins from his collection.

You know, back in my day, "cuck" was like the ultimate word.

Wrong. "NPC" was the ultimate word. Much like other n-words, using it got you banned from default subreddits, Twitter, and Facebook.

Learn to code

No kink shaming.

No insults work now except maybe political ones because people aren’t ashamed of degenerate behavior anymore. Ted, deliver us from these dark times!

You’re right Chud is a better insult used by such intellectuals as SRDines and AHS users

It became the ultimate insult for alt-righters around the 2016 election, though its use dates back earlier of course. Even Steve Bannon liked to use it in combination with the popular "globalist" slur. We probably don't encounter that word in reddit much anymore now that the alt-right subreddits have been mostly shut down. However, I suspect the word is still in heavy use by the ejected T_Diaspora in their refugee camps over at ruqqus, voat, donaldwin etc.


It's definitely lost it's seethening power.


No, because it still describes you


Cuck Muzzle is my new favourite term. They are deffo in fashion. Go outside and see.

No, we just needed to wait it out a bit so we can use it without sounding like just another rightoid. We had NPC and Soyboy, but neither of them have quite the same bite or edge. They are just weak imitations. Simp is nearly as good as cuck, but it still feels like it falls just a little bit short.

Cuck is just chud

It used to have teeth now its just like any other word king.

Welcome to the internet, where things come into and fall out of fashion within a year. No longer do jokes or insults last for a decade or more

No, don't worry. You're still a cuck. Btw loved those bussy pics, pls send more.

The two biggest changes in the English language during my lifetime are "f*ggot" being replaced by "cuck" and "retard" being replaced by "autist".

Cuck's been losing ground to simp ever since onlyfans got big.

So long as a word still triggers and upsets people then it has value. I feel like "Can't spell CUCK without UK" could be memed into causing Bongs to an hero: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/hsuwse/how_about_no/fye3ctz/

Thems some deep thoughts right there

Now that he’s not going to prison maybe Roger Stone will bring it back.

No... :(

Lmfao, dude you're such a dotnose.

Put down the child you're drinking and get some help

A twitter leftoid called me a cuck and that I should let the cops rape my wife or something, after I said I’ll wait for more footage of the Portland moms to decided if they didn’t provoke the cops.

It's just another word that got overused by redditors and Twitter folk to the point it's lost it's original meaning. Getting karma and likes is more important than talking like an actual person for those simpletons.


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Daily reminder to hide masterlawlz low t posts and maybe he'll stop eventually

lol no I won't

this actually hasn't been reposted in a while

It's even the wrong imgur URL. /r/drama isn't what it used to be.

It's not necessarily wrong. There was great debate over the merits of WLMJ6D7 vs zhcyiD9. Entire factions were formed. Civil war nearly broke out.

This is the dumbest fucking subreddit of all time

Thinks zhcyiD9 is the "correct" url


One might say you cucked the elephantofdoom so hard he gave up on the Lawlz history posting.

Is that Jared Fogle?

Jared wishes he looked that good.