Terry Crews makes Twitter mad again

1  2020-07-29 by NJ_Escapee


Good for him for doubling down

Heck yeah, this guy's on a rolll.

The woke crowd feeds on blood. Never, ever apologize.

Never apologize for being white right.

"I wouldn’t brag about this. You could do so much with your platform. Your hometown still doesn have clean water, for instance. But this is what you choose. I haven’t been this disappointed since Bill Cosby. I need to stop expecting famous black men to do right by us."

If you say you like good people no matter the race you are the same as a serial rapist

Your hometown still doesn have clean water, for instance

They think he is a plumber or something?

R slurs don't realize net worth doesn't mean they have that imaginary money in liquid form ready to go.

It’s not just that. Like if a government approved/reputable business or charity came to him, with the solution to the problem all mapped out, and a cost for the materials and labor required to fix all of this, I bet he’d donate. Or do style some and publicize the thing as a charity drive.

Problem is that as this stands right now, you’d basically be dropping money into a bottomless pit with no way to verify if it was being used for god or just being snatched up with only a small % actually going to charity work

This is a great business idea.

you could do so much with your platform

Translation: "Why aren't you tweeting about some fad cause that people are going to like and completely forget about in 3 mins?"

They are comparing Terry crews to a serial rapist

This but unironically


"I need to stop expecting famous black men to do right by us"

This is dripping with racism

Her bio, presented without comment

"I'm good on any MLK Blvd. Wobbly Boned and very average. 40% that bitch. Hufflepuff. #blacklivesmatter"

Terry crews is fucking based

You have the support of white nationalists. That alone is enough to tell me you are dead wrong and it should be enough for you. If you're on the side white nationalists agree with, you're clearly on the wrong side.

Tfw neo-näzis drink water so now you have to die of dehydration.

Contrarianism and reactionary politics is the modus operandi of all of Twitter. There is never anything good on that platform, except for all the drama it provides.

How's reddit reacting to this? They were his biggest fan boys, or did he go the way of the Harry Potter chick?

It's been fun watching the hivemind turn against Crews, Rowling, Musk, Tyson, etc.

wa-what did Tyson do...

he said mass shootings are statistically insignificant when considering gun violence as a whole

Lmao. I want someone to bring up how gun violence as a whole is statistically insignificant compared to other deaths.

Yes politicians please commit careericide like the good seth

But it isn’t

Yes it is dummy, https://i.imgur.com/SYaQqNC.jpg And something like 60% of gun deaths are suicide, so it’s really less than half that if you’re talking about attacking someone else.

Reddit is pro-gun but only for black people, I'm sure they still like him

Baste and statistic-pilled.

Mass shootings, relative to the population don't happen all that often.

Most mass shootings aren't even reported on, because most mass shootings are committed by black people and only kill several people instead of 20+.

Ten gangbangers killing 4 people each in drive-bys isn't news, but one mayoid killing 20 people? You betcha

Shhhh they'll try and ban handguns next if they hear they're responsible for the most firearm deaths


that’s a new one

Like 50% of mass shootings are committed with handguns by gangbangers who can't aim and kill 1 person if that.

I’m a progressive and I havnt heard that mike Tyson was cancelled

Wrong one, it was Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Neil deGrasse Tyson went from being reddit's end all be all to #spaceknowledge, but then started getting too popular/taking himself too seriously lmao

He fell shortly after saying space force was a good idea. A rape allegation came out within a week or two of him saying it.

He does think way to much of himself though too.

Neil peaked on reddit when r/atheism was a default sub and euphoric quotes of him against a space backdrop regularly made the front page.

Changed their tendies recipe.


wasn't that known before Twitter was invented tho? Rather late cancelling


The best part of Reddit is you can simply downvote things that go against the popular narrative, so we can continue to circlejerk and be hypocrites for ever and ever and ever and ever :)

The problem is that if you get downvoted enough the big bad mods can ban your hateful and bigoted comment 😡. We need a social media platform where anyone can be as hateful and bigoted as they want and the free market allows it.......

If only! We could name it case book? Lace book? I’d something like that?

If you can't drag the metronome towards the center then why even live

Reddit is taking it calmly and respect his opinion as a reasonable one that he is entitled to. Many redditors disagree, but treat his opinion as a valuable contribution of alternative perspective.

Normal reddit stuff really.

Most would still suck his cock including me

I never joined the “read another book” circlejerk and now I feel vindicated.

Is Reddit fanboying someone the kiss of death for their public image? Seems like everyone they idolise either dies or goes anti-reddit after a year or so.

How dare a black man tell people to be positive. He should be rioting like white people tell him to do and be outraged like they tell him to be!

Using a reaction-image of yourself to dab on twittercels.

God bless Terry Crews. 🙌

It's a mayo foid 🤔🤔🤔 Terry crews knows who uses Twitter

Bluechecks want their words coming out of your mouth and they don't even know how to comprehend anything else.

I fucking love Terry Crews man

Terry Crews has now overtaken Idris Elba and that one twink as hottest black man in my heart.

Honestly, almost every tweet I'm seeing responding to him is positive. He's encouraging people to speak out against the woke mob. Good for him.

The reason he is in incredible shape and incredibly successful is because he works harder and smarter than 99% of the people out there.

Terry Crews is based as fuck

Someone tell this uncle what’s good for him. He is clearly confused

Can someone fill me in on what Terry did? I think I’m out of the loop here

He said:

  1. All races are equal in the eyes of (((YHWH)))

  2. Not all mayos are bad

  3. Blacks and Yakubites are equal and should work together to fight against mayo supremacy

Simple as that, but since woke Twitter wants a segregated black-only ethnostate, they went after him for being a race traitor supporting rassenschande.

He dared to wrong think

Doesnt he know black live are superior 😤😤😤

He told twitter that not all mayos are bad people.