“Men can’t be lesbians” “well actually sweaty”

1  2020-07-30 by sup3r_hero


So MTFs make up less than 1% of the population, and homosexuals make up less than 5%, so wouldn’t it stand to reason that the chances of someone being BOTH would be astronomical, yet somehow almost every MTF is also a lesbian....

Because they are entirely just straight men with a mental illness-induced delusional fetish.

feels before facts bruh

That's one way to guilt trip women into sleeping with you.

I unironically burst out laughing when I saw the picture. That may be the most masculine face ever. It's like if the Chad face put on makeup

Trans women are women, you turd.

If they are women, how are they men?

if i like foids, does that make me a lesbo?

makes you a feg

Trans women are women and you are on the wrong side of history and science. Reported and blocked.

Holy kek

OP has the arms of an East German swimmer.

Men aren't pretending to be lesbians.

Trans women are women and you are on the wrong side of history and science.

Reported and blocked.

Yikes chud, it's called being on the right side of history

Be better sweatie.


They were so close to being a productive member of society.

Born with a winning ticket to the genetic lottery but, like most lottery winners, pissed it up the wall on flights of fancy.

True to form, the lesbian subreddit is populated by mtfs.

The average user of r/lesbianactually is 79 times more likely to be a user of r/mtf than the average redditor, and 74 times more likely to be a user of r/asktransgender. Bizarrely, they are also 100 times more likely to be a user of r/wisconsin

What's going on in r/wisconsin?🤔

This is a topic that never fails to deliver. What a time to be alive

stemcels at ARPANET in the 1970's

Wow, we can exchange information across the world almost instantly! Think of the possibilities, this will revolutionise communication and access to information!

internet in 2020

Men aren't pretending to be lesbians.

Trans women are women and you are on the wrong side of history and science.

Reported and blocked.

J. S. Mill, father of liberalism, was sooo sure that average people, when given freedom to pursue anything, would choose become the most intelligent, erudite scholars. It's amazing how many utopic ideas the Internet has crushed.

All utopianist economic philosophers are retarded because they hugely underestimated how much people care about dominating each other. There is no stable political equilibrium for human societies, unless you find a way to radically re-engineer how our brain works.

Meh, it's always the exact same conversation of leftoids and rightoids seething.

"Trans woman are woman"

"No they aren't"

"Yes they are"

ad infinitum

Men can't be lesbians


Literal factual comment.

Trans women are women and you are on the wrong side of history and science.

How can you argue with history and science???

Schrodingers science bitch


Sho dong her

Well I would normally say it's neither a he or a she until you open the box. But jesus get a load of that lesbian, he's fucking jacked.

he looks like the chad meme, jesus


Me: you look like a bitch

Him: I know

But if they are post op they can definitely be lesbians, per the definition.

Women are only holes and tits


Lesbian - a homosexual woman. (Oxford)

Homosexual - sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. (Oxford)

Now remember that sex and gender are separate? This means that although your gender can be female, your sex will still be male, so a lesbian trans woman will be lesbian if she is attracted to other trans women, or biological men🧐. It's all factual information.

The alt right called, they want you back 😘

The math checks out.

What definition is that?

Shut up bigot!

Men with mutilated genitals are still men

Mentally ill*

Men kicking women out of their safe spaces should be encouraged, people!


It wasn't a man the photo

I don’t see a man, only La Ográ.

Ogrx* sweaty, but you ain't ready for that conversation yet 💅

La Ográ. She ravages our villages, eats our crops, and rapes our women with her massive Orgá Clitorá. Nothing can satisfy her lust for domination and red meat except virgin sacrifices.


Genders don't exist btw you're stepping on my astral wings.

Stupidest part is the response:

Men can't be lesbians

Trans women are women

Okay, then it's a fucking woman and not a man according to your own logic? Why complain unless you deep down believe they're a man yourself?

Also the fucking forearms on that lass(?)

Puts Popeye to shame.

It's the reason why they always put trans before women like it's a special modifier to a woman, if trans women are women then why even put trans before that?

Because no matter what, law of identity cannot be deposed. The moment you put that prefix away, the sentence is saying A = A. Not really an inclusive sentence.

stop trying to sound smart

The modfier modifies the noun. It means it cannot be the same thing even if they think it is.

So trans women are always women* (terms and conditions may apply) not actually women by that logic. It's almost like they want to be B when they just can be A and drop the special treatment. Biological women and women* are a different thing and by saying that conflates the two.

That’s dumb. It’s like saying ice cream is food. Ice cream isn’t any different to food, but saying food is food would be redundant and doesn’t convey any information. Similarly, if someone said “fat women are women” it wouldn’t automatically make fat women stop being women by whatever wormbrain logic trap you think you’ve found.

Note: I do not think transwomen are women, but there is nothing logically inconsistent about saying the opposite (well, apart from the obvious).

Let's talk types collocations and pragmatics.

Or not. Hardcore linguistics drained life from better men than me.

Why complain unless you deep down believe they're a man yourself?

Heh 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Virgin "please affirm my identity at all times or I'm gonna self harm" vs chad "I don't care how many times you call me a man because I know I'm a woman"


removeddit doesn't work for me?

Do you need to do something special now?

Ur prolly on firefox and got some shit enabled,

Oh, it doesn't work on Brave browser.

That's stupid.

Yeah removeddit works only on Coward browser


I think you have to turn off enhanced tracking protection.

That is literally just a dude in a dress, they aren't even trying to pass these days.

Maked you wonder why the majority of trans women are lesbians.

Because the majority of men are heterosexual.

It all makes sense when you realize they're all porn addicts and many of them have aůtism. This is what happens when you give an ąûťïșțîč teenage boy unlimited access to (lesbian) porn. This is not something that has been an issue until somewhat recently. Kids are growing up with advanced pocket computers with access to countless terabytes of porn.

Along with constant participation in echo chambers with fellow mentally ill, äûtīstic porn addicts who reinforce each others delusional escapism.

Inside of ever ‘trans woman’ is a Chris Chan. Someone who knows they’ll never have sexual activity with a woman, and self-hating, so they figure the only way is to destroy their ‘old self’ and become a new self that can subjugate women with social pressure to sleep with them.

I think for some of them it's simpler than that. It's common for people on the spectrum to get obsessed with certain things. It's often video games or anime or sometimes things like trains. I think what we're seeing here is that same obsession but with lesbian sex, specifically as it's depicted in porn.

Along with constant participation in echo chambers with fellow mentally ill, äûtīstic porn addicts who reinforce each others delusional escapism.

time to log off reddit then

Do what Teddy says boyo.



T-roids and F-urries both need their PC's and especially their hard drives raided.

Imagine being an incel in current year. You don't even need to become a manifesto author if you want do dab on foids, you can just slap on a dress no matter what you look like and troll the fuck out of women, with complete approval from the wokies

i clicked the image and just fucking lol'd

I clicked the picture and decided not to insult trans (wo)men anymore because I am pretty sure he could take me lmao.

those forearms good lord, I need to ask xer arm day routine

This transbian definitely gets lesbian pussy.

I'll bet that lady has a thicc ass cock


mogs me

The manic pixie dream-girl of /fit/. Absolute respect for not sacrificing those gains.

The manic pixie dream-girl of /fit/.

This is the comment equivalent of Shaq breaking backboards. I am in awe.

Virgin straight cissy vs Chad transbian

That is no sissy. That's a bull

It's almost the perfect cosplay.

He looks like he's about to cuck /biz/ out of their bitcoin earnings.

Domp eet

he bought?

Yo he's pretty hot

That jawline is god-tier, unfortunately it is wasted on a woman*

Ironically I think the makeup is enhancing the jawline making brother look even more he-man

stronger chin than 90% of male redditors

i swear to god estrogen just turns you into a slayer with tits. its bizarre how hard they mog the average male.

there's no way he's on estrogen with that much armhair and muscle. Thats someone looking to compete in a woman's sport right there.

Legitimately, I wish I had half the jawline of an average troid

I can only larp as a medical expert but I wonder if there's some odd reaction to injecting estrogen in a male's body. Like the teststerone production jumps and causes isolated affects. Hence now he has c cups but inreased muscle mass.

Very much the opposite, HRT at worst doesn't suppress natural testosterone levels and at best lowers them to those of a biological female. I think the stats are pretty varied, like 25% experience no suppression and 25% experience total, the other 50% in the middle.

It's difficult to biochemically detail the effects of HRT, sex hormones play a role in all sorts of signaling pathways. Approaching the issue from this perspective rather than a results-based one is currently pointless.



Xhe benches 3 plates for sure

“You’re on the wrong side of history and science.”

The swan song of the illiterate and degenerate.

You know I bet some people were saying that about lobotomies too

It's going to be funny in 50 years when we look back and realize we were cutting peoples dicks off when all we had to do was tell them they were retarded.

What’s your star sign, sweaty?

The science part really gets me. It has become
the atheist faith. It doesn't even matter what it actually says, all that matters is that you say what YOU think and then say it's what science also says.

Scientism is all the rage. A lot of issues people try to invoke science for are simply philosophical/political.

Reminds me of the "listen to the experts" shit. Science is not in the business of telling people how to live or how society should function. This includes covid and transmania.

Try explaining this to the average redditor and they mentally cannot process the distinction.

Besides "experts" exist on both sides, having precisely the opposite opinion.

Social sciences are not science and you can't change my mind.

Funny thing is that is really doesn’t say what they say it does. They literally cherry pick a couple old, poorly designed studies and say that it’s proof, conveniently ignoring the well designed studies that basically say “transbians have the brains of mentally ill straight dudes, etc.”

They're literally the flat earthers of biology lmao

What trans people do is none of your concern, it literally doesn’t effect you.

Now, bend over.

I've started baiting with "trans women are the better women" but that doesn't really seems to stick.

Need new ideas.

Trans women are only better women if a man performs the surgery. Takes a man to make a real woman.

Oh no they say that for sure ... because they worked for their womanhood!

They earned the right to be a woman just like an immigrant probably knows more about a country than someone born there. That's more valid.

Lol ok

Trans women had to ascend to womanhood with their own two hands, they weren't born with a silver tampon in their cooch like fucking biofoids

Don't want to deal with something that menstruates?

Take a chick with a dick out on a date!

Girl peen > blood vag

Nobody ever ruined their life getting a chick with a dick pregnant.

pretty based when you put it that way

Real women have cocks

transwoman don't complain #TWDC

  • about men all day

  • about menstrual cramps

  • about getting pregnant

  • about having threesomes

  • etc

holy shit, part 1?


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Classic Motte and Bailey.

It’s their favourite strategy

Literally if a historian and a scientist dug up his body in 1000 years they’d identify him as male because that’s what his DNA and biology would say.

I want to write an op-ed on the implicit transphobia of Archaeology techniques and send it to NYT.

Please do, it would be excellent for dramacoin

Please don't. They'll probably take it to heart

These days I could actually see the NYT's publishing that.

In this political climate we're like two weeks away from this being a reality


By that point, they usually just look at the bones...

That's the point

These transistors can larp as much as they want but their own body, down to the skeleton, exposes them

Mandatory "won't have to wait that long" 43% joke goes here

We should start getting our preferred prnouns spliced into our DNA



Just suck that feminine 🐓, bigot!

I hear it has a different mouth feel.

explain to me how a women cant be lesbian


distant honking


Yikes, found the Nazi

Is that the 3rd Bogdangoff child?

Quick rundown:

  • Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
  • In contact with aliens
  • Possess psychic-like abilities
  • Control france with an iron but fair fist
  • Own castles & banks globally
  • Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
  • Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
  • Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
  • First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
  • all theee brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
  • Ancient Indian scriptures tell of three angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
  • They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
  • You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
  • The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
  • They learned fluent French in under a week
  • Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the triplets. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
  • The triplets are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
  • In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot.


This but as literal fax

“Dømp ęèët.”

I have faith, sminem will save us all

Oh crypto lord, bless us with your presence

"Hé bøùght zé déëp"

Lmao, beat me to it.

Life ended in 2012.

Neitzsche was wrong. He didn't kill god, we did when we shot Harambe and the timeline diverged.

I suspect more that when Macho Man Randy Savage died

he didn't die he just transitioned

timeline diverged

r/DarK IRL

Legit anyone who completely understand the story in dark should go to Oxford

The number of mentally ill troomers who don't even try to pass has unironically made me want to transition just to be way better at it than them.

arr slash drama femboy cuties club when?

tfw no based dramanaut girlfriend(male)

more like arr slash drama hyper masculine male-presenting transbians

Need to find me a mentally ill girlfriend who's into that shit so I can follow my passion of showing up troomers.

Usually terf types are fun but this is a situation where both people are just rtards calling each other rtards

And neither side is wrong

Lol "she" looks like Dean Cain literally just put on a dress and called it a day

The dude in the pic is hecking jacked

Would any women actually want to trib with a poorman's Onion-sion

we'll never know, because the subs that would have discussed this have all been banned lol.

Quick, someone share a pic of Der Coomer in a wig in there.

Lol at the rest of the thread, too. Only comments not deleted are made by cross dressing men.

My lands... I clicked on that guys profile and he is one sexy man.

We all disagree with you. You do not make the rules of life.

Are these people aware that everyone outside their incredibly narrow bubble, that they have to work so hard to maintain, disagrees with them? Or is it just denial all the way down, and they think they're the majority?

Honestly the problem is academia encourages this shit.

I'm not one for saying that college is a libtard, trans-commy conversion center (even though I think that's 1% true for some) but this shit is tolerated where normal people just say wtf or shut the fuck up.

These wokies get praised for 4 years for this nonsense after 18 years of daddy issues and then this happens.

Honestly the whole academia system needs a purge and reset to learning. Not grandstanding about bullshit.

The scariest thing about this is simply this, as long as you are in university you are forced to tolerate this. Because the same people who proclaim all this shit are the same people who teach you and grade your stuff.

I had a buddy years ago who got disciplined because he asked the difference between trans and other kin.

If I remember correctly he had to write some paper apologizing and he snuck in the phrase "the final solution" as a defiant screw you to the people making him regurgitate that horse shit. As in ". Accepting all genders may be the final solution to real equality." lol

One of the worst papers I ever wrote was a final paper in English 2. Teacher clearly a radfem. Paper was basically bullshitting "men bad" over and over.

I got a 97. And my final average was an 85 and she gave me an A in the class.

Honestly I showed the paper to my cousin in law who's a high school teacher and she fucking laughed. I was like get a load of this shit I just pulled. I knew the paper was bad. She knew it was bad. I got a 97 for "expressing guilt" as a mayo moid.

I remember when conservatives were all crying about what college was teaching kids and everyone scoffed. The most wild eyed born again imagining what the hippies in college were up to couldn't have dreamed up some of this shit.

Based and academic bubble pilled

I really do wonder if they truly believe what they say or if they know it's all a larp which is why they seethe so hard when confronted with the truth. Tbh i wouldn't put it past them that they're so mentally ill they think it's real

If I take estrogen can I get to it's size or what?

This is too good to be true

That dudelady doesn't seem to know the rules, the easiness of life goes

Ugly man - average man - ugly woman - average woman - good looking man - good looking woman. He/she got downgraded 2 levels.


What is more transphobic?

"Women are women"


"Transwomen are transwomen"


Women are men!

I hope we don't all get banned since reddit admins have a hard on for men in dresses (and long hair!).

Both sides want to force their definition of a word on the other side, why can't people understand that the same word can have different definitions based on the context. Fighting over definitions of words is just another proof of the hubris of humanity, how they think they are somehow better than animals, just because they claim ownership over pretty much everything they find in the word: land, other animals, rocks, minerals and words. When humans are just one dust, in the big beutiful world full of wonders.

lol why r u gay?

idk maybe it's genetic, maybe it's because of something else, but i don't know the reason why I'm attracted to men

Just post your feet already dammit.

Lol go ask Webster’s

Shut up. Go define what a man is.

Just out of curiosity, do these r slurs have any idea how many regular people are turned off by this nonsensical imagination land game they are being told to play, literally the only apparent rule is that no one can stop you from declaring yourself a muscle bound man with a large dick who just happens to be a lesbian.

These threads do upset me. So much bigotry and discrimination.

Where is the hate for trans men? I literally never see any.

We need more TEMRAs (trans exclusionary men's rights activist). Perhaps they could call for transmen not to get a patriarchy pass? Or maybe call to limit them to no more than 4 milli-Trumps of toxic masculinity? Is a limit on penis size too much to ask for?

Come on MRAs - do your part to promote equality.

FTMs don't get as much hate because the gay ones just date each other. You rarely see them trying to force their gussy upon the gays. Possibly because foids are more self-aware, and realize they don't actually have the parts we're looking for.

Or maybe because the men in the gay community keep the women* in check.


Typically because trans men are pumped full of testosterone which is the more potent of the sex hormones, so not only do they pass better, but they act way more like men after like a year, than mtfs do women. An ftm will feel socially the same as a guy in most ways, wants to watch the game, have some beers, go to the gym. Won’t be so desperate for validation from other guys because part of being a man is being competent and self-sufficient, ideally.

That’s my hypothesis anyway

There've been some gender-baiting accounts posting trans-related shit in askgaybros and then screenshotting the dissenting opinions and posting them in gendercynical and other subs like that. One even screenshotted some gay dude mourning his BF who an-heroed, cropped 80% of his comment and left just the trans exclusionary part in and then posted it. Absolute dramachads tbh.

Nobody told you to pretend that males are lesbians.

Trans WOMEN are WOMEN.


Fucking speechless. Adonis transitioned.

Oh god anyone else look through their post history