Guys...what's going on with pizza?

1  2020-07-31 by dw565

His account is gone šŸ˜¬šŸ§šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


He finally lost an argument because he was the first one to give in. It was a legendary battle of essay posts that nobody would ever read.

you're both so r-slurred in completely different directions, reading your arguments is legitimately painful for me

yes i am a radical centrist

Jesus Christ, why would you actually read it?

Have to click "Continue this thread" 3 times before reaching the end

He wasn't lying

3 times is noob tier

Amateur lolcow milkers smh

If you are really milking it you should be able to get into an entrie pages worth of semantics about someone being 'insincere' in their argument.

On one hand, I respect the stamina and resolve to go back and forth with him like this; on the other hand, I really think you need a better hobby.

Aren't you Mr spiderman mask-boner?


I imagine he was involuntarily admitted as a result.

He's deleted his account. No! šŸ˜”

There's certain characters that make r/drama feel like home and he is one of them. I am sad.

ChipchippersonAMA - banned šŸ˜” Kat_b0t - deleted šŸ˜” The tzar romulan people - no idea šŸ˜”

I'm sure they're active on other accounts but it's not the same. Each username imparts its own personality on the user, and you can't just carry on that magic with a new account.

The romulans are in the sister subs


Don't forgot momurapey or whatever. Also Randolphina.

Momruepari and Ed_butteredToast

Drama has lost some good ones šŸ˜”šŸ¤˜

Saruh :(

The Randy arc had a shit ending ngl.

Yeah that one was mercy killed

It was a sad day when the Prince was finally rinsed

Chip got banned? For what?

I don't know. I always liked feeling out of the loop of the whole Family Man sub he ran and the "It's a good show!" comments. I liked to imagine it was something deeply forbidden and offensive that I just didn't understand.

Pizza is a seriousposting, essayposting trashbag. Fuck him.

t. person who got dunked on by pizza

t. leftoid who agrees with all of pizza's leftoid tardposting.

e: seething leftoids downvote this post


Yes but he's been doing it persistently enough that I will defend him for doing it like I'm his punched-up little abused wife.


Don't forget EurasianTiger.

the romulans are on r/dosrama now

Who? I have never heard of anyone with that name.

This is like what, the 7th time he's deleted an account in 3 years?

He said fuck D12 Iā€™m outta this band

On Godnem

I never got to debate with him šŸ˜”



Maybe he finally realised how sad his life is.



I'm upsetti spaghetti. You need people like pizza around.

If everyone was just ironically shitposting all the time this place wouldn't be much different from subs like okbuddyrslur and there'd be no point in responding to anyone when no one is being remotely sincere.

...Plus his rapid-fire essayposts made my own longposting seem a little less egregious. He was my autist shield :'(

His delusions of intellect will lead him back to us, just leave out a bowl of pro-Trump posts and he'll be back in a week.


He earned it


RIP In Pepperoni