BritBong's triggered when burger OP brings up the topic of their awful salaries

1  2020-08-04 by captain_HO


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Friendly reminder that England is poorer than every US state other than Alabama

Northern England is a whiter Alabama anyways

South Africa is whiter than Alabama

I think it was west Virginia not Alabama because wv was lower on the index and Germany was right below Alabama

Lol they always bring up healthcare. As if a decent middle class job doesn't provide you with 5x better and faster care in the US for way less than 40% income tax.

Bongs are the worst

They're still the best type of eurotrash.

Spaniards are the best western eurotrash for the simple fact that they accept their trash lifestyle.

Wake up 2 pm to work like 20 minutes, get wasted and sleep another 6 hours, wake up again to abuse the shit out of any migrant worker they can catch, rinse repeat. King shit.

Bongs have to live on a shitty damp rock eating warm tomatoes and watching their King-to-be diddle entire orphanages just for the pleasure of getting arrested for saying nono words on the internet.

Spaniards, pastacels, and frogs definately have the best life style countries and safety nets that make up for some of their shit salaries.

Bongs have the worst of both worlds, American style capitalism with eurocel level salaries.

Imagine being a bong, conquering half the world, and never once imagining to use some of those spices and seasonings from your slaves to make your food not taste like stale diarrhea

It's always funny when Euros learn the reasons people actually immigrate to America. If you're an actual professional, America is the best place in the world to live: high salaries, low taxes and freedom to buy the ugliest mcmansion on the block. Most euros can't even imagine owning property that isn't a shitty 2 bedroom flat an hour outside the city.

Average pretax income of 24k? Lmao, is that true? That’s a dishwasher’s salary. You can make more than that and still be considered poor enough to qualify for Medicaid at that income level. An illiterate DMV clerk makes more than that. Europoors, please tell me this is not true.

But muh healthcare costs and cheaper cost of living

But they live in shoeboxes that don’t have simple shit like dish disposals or ice machines.

What the fuck is a dish disposal?

hahaha look at this guy I bet he makes 12k a year

My dishes are made of pure red panda bones, very expensive, why would I dispose of them?

Meh, my woolly mammoth fossil plates aren't really that special, sometimes I just don't feel like washing up so I just throw them in the bin. Shhh, nobody tell Greta 😜

feel like washing up

You have a dish disposal but no help?

The help left after I told it to get rid of all its fucking makeup off the bathroom counter. Such is life.

A 16 year old can make more working as a cashier at target lol

24k GBP is 31k USD and change. That's about the same median income as the US

Fuck are you on about? Median income in the US is 78,500.

You're looking at household income dummy, completely different from personal income, which is also different than income pretax.

Even using median income the number is 55,432 which is over 20,000 more, which is almost twice the amount.


$38,694.45 (UK)

Where are you getting that number from?

Lol what planet do you live on that you think that’s the median income

Median personal income in the United states is 31K., it's better, but it's probably lower than you were thinking.

Average vs median 🤔

Don't know if it would change much, but they're two different figures

Both the UK and US numbers were median.

Oh, hadn't read the post yet lol



Median is better to compare. America has more billionaires and millionaires so that can skew how much an ordinary person makes.

Yeah, a 30% increase in your salary is definitely better. Also that is 2017. Look at what it is for anything more recent than 2016-2017.

The absolute state of American education. 24k in pounds, which is 31k in ameridoos.

Right? It seems the misconception is caused by people in this thread confusing USD and pounds in their arguments.

30% increase

31k dollars is 23.6k pounds sterling

You are brain damaged

He is american. One and the same thing

Still about how much an "illiterate DMV clerk" would make.

I think Americans look at household income numbers and think that's personal income.

Damn so we're poorcels too? ooofff, I know american household income tends to be really high, so I wonder what is causing the disparity?


Dude I made like 20k annually with my first job out of school. You're telling me bongs strive to make that much through years of work?


No it’s $35k according to National office of statistics.

Downvoted for incorrect use of the genitive case, OP 😡

English has no genetive case latintard

That brain of yours isn’t very good.

If calling its possessive case genetive then ok haha but no

Do you know how to English

" 's" is a possession marker, not a case marker. Genetive is a case for a single noun. If " 's" were a true case marker, explain the sentence "the old ruler of the city's daughter." If English had a genetive case, the word "ruler" in this sentence would have the genetive case marker

The sentence is incorrect and should be reformulated.

How so, latintard?

“The daughter of the old ruler of the city.”

Or “the city’s old ruler’s daughter”

...why not just use english's possessive marker?

Because the loss of “thou,” the loss of most verb-subject agreement markets, the loss of noun gender, and the decline of the subjunctive are bad enough. If your language loses its last vestiges of the case system then its cucking at the Normans’ hands will be complete.

So you need to apply foreign language rules ( must have le 2nd person singular pronoun) . No. We're not r-slured Continentals. We use word order to show meaning in these here lands

Imagine being proud of the fact that your language’s grammar is simple enough for a foreign child to grasp the fundamentals.

Are you actually a foreigner? If so I'm double btfo'd because I'm a native englishcel. Then again, burgerland isn't known for it's school quality.

Yup. I’ve lived among the burgers for a while though, so I know your ways.

Imagine calling a language simple and not understanding possessive markers 🙉

Me Grog and me think equal complexity hypothesis real thing

Imagine calling English grammar simple yet not being able to understand its grammar yet also saying you can't understand it cause it's different from continental europoor language and still calling it simple



And don’t you forget it.

If you ask a Bong God Himself descended from the heavens and bestowed the NHS(praised be its name) upon the tea people, declaring that it’s the only thing that makes them feel good compared to an American

It's really not the only thing. You have underground city's of homeless people. Not even Rwanda is that bad.

I met a hot Brit at a conference in San Fran once. Too bad I had baggage bro with me or I would have gone exploring with him. Anyway, he bitched about his ~40% taxes. Like god damn. He was a small business owner, so I don't know if that makes a difference but fuck that's a lot.

Income tax? That would be 40% on income above £50,000. No clue how that compares to America but the rates are laid out here.

wait that other person made it sound like he's insanely wealthy. So 50k Euros is all it takes for 40%? That's like $60kUSD. At 40%, that is pretty damn steep.

£50,000 is a good salary here, it's the bottom end of the Higher tax bracket. It's possible his salary was £149,999, at the top of the same bracket, in which case his take-home would be around £90,000. So 40% tax rate.

Lol that's $65k. I make more than that myself straight out of college. Lmao europoors.

What do your tuition fees repayments look like? It's 9% on everything over £21,000 here, which now that I think about it is quite a lot in absolute terms if you're a high earner.

Loan repayment is income based if you're a poor pathetic person or just under regular loan repayment terms. I earned £90k first year out of college, paid off £30k in student loans that same year. The salaries in the UK are shameful.

I earned £90k first year out of college

What did you do?

Picked a major with good career prospects and got a job. Turns out being successful in America is trivially easy if you try even a little bit. That's partially why being poor is so immoral.

This is unironically true. Reddit complains about minimum wage not being a living wage but how can you go more than a year or two working anywhere and still make minimum wage unless there is a serious problem with you?

I had $13k in student loans which I've almost paid off already.

That’s interesting. $60k here is ok for 1 single person no kids away from the city in suburbia. If you had to pay 40% on that you’d struggle.

If you earn £50k you don't pay 40%, you pay that on everything above the boundary. It's not equivalent to someone on $60k losing 40% of $60k. How would someone on $60k struggle from paying 40% on earnings above 60k only?


So you literally learned to code lmao

Lol is that the first time you have used ‘euros’ where it wasn’t intended as a slur? I’ve gotten the term euro banned on a few platforms

lol that and I don't know how to make the symbol. xD

On my keyboard it's <AltGR>-4. That's the <Alt> to the right of the spacebar, not the one near the <Ctrl> key. Like this: €€€€€€€.

50k GBP is 65k USD.

Inb4 Goodboy Points


Fuck, 40? I'm never bitching about my tax rate again. Insanity.

After all the payroll, property and income tax we probably aren’t far off from %40

Income tax in the UK:

Personal Allowance Up to £12,500 0%

Basic rate £12,501 to £50,000 20%

Higher rate £50,001 to £150,000 40%

Additional rate over £150,000 45%

Anyone who earns enough to enter the 40%+ tax band has no reason at all to complain about money. Tell him to go piss off back to his yacht.

50,001 pounds

That's equal to 65,314.31 USD you fucking europoor

Assuming that for some reason that that guy's income was exactly on the minimum amount for the 40% tax band, that still puts him well above the median in both the US and UK.

65k USD is what a middle class professional makes right out of college if he/she didn't pick a shitty liberal arts major. Hell, even with that liberal arts degree most college graduates will make that amount of money alone sometime in his/her career. A married couple with two incomes will easily hit 65k USD family income.

Keep up the cope, yuropoor. For your sake, I hope that Mommy Merkel's boots taste extra sweaty today.

Mind you, for that money you're getting what, two weeks off a year and you're paying for your own healthcare?

paying for your own healthcare

Idk about you but I'm not a fat druggie smoker, so my premiums are going to be pretty cheap especially since there's this concept called employers providing health insurance that europoors don't understand

two weeks off a year

Euros get a month off and get paid 25% less to compensate. Last time I checked there are more than four months in a year. Seethe cope and dilate

Idk about you but I'm not a fat druggie smoker

Can I guess which specific one of those three you aren't?

Sure, but let me guess: you're all three and a troid so you need Uncle Boris's NHS good boi points to get your hormones

Fuck that. Don't take more of my money because I'm not a stupid ass and actually know how to make it.

Then go move to some shithole where there aren’t any taxes, retard

Ah american individualism. The American dream is "fuck you I got mine". I love it.

lmao man i don't even care. Rich hot dudes are tops. And that Brit accent. /drool

Shallow bottom gang represent 😤


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You can make that in Eastern Europe and pay 5-6% as taxes at best. And if you tell me your bong shithole is somehow better that here, I will laugh in your face

Which country would that be? Eastern Europe is even worse for tax dodgers since the people are poorer and the higher tax bands come in sooner since you only need to make €1k a month or so to reach the national median. And if you're calculating social security too, you'll be paying the government the majority of your salary.

Almost the whole eastern block has a reduced tax bracket for self-employment, and by reduced I mean literally 5-7% depending on the country.

If you're self-employed (sole proprietor) in Eastern Europe, you're already making a shit wage and can't afford the €5-10k capital to form an LLC.

And the tradeoff for the lower tax is drastically lowered social coverage. You get no pension credits and your healthcare coverage rivals the homeless'.

You’re not making a shit wage if you’re working for the west. You have no clue about this

the Eastern Euro "living the dream" is getting a tech job at an outsourcing galley and earning the 5-6 times more than average dude around and then enjoying some pretty cool spending power.

Yeah or learn English and contract for the global north at 1.5-2x of the galley cuck’s rate.

Yeah that probably is for EU Slavs, not many opportunities like that for globonortho in euromexico. Sounds pretty dank tho

I know several brazilians that work for US at 80% US rates due to timezones and nonrarted accents

Sorry for hurting your fee-fees, subcontractor slave #38174.

My points about trading off almost all social coverage still stand, though.

Paying for social coverage around here yields you maybe a free diagnosis from a doctor that wasn’t good enough to fuck off to east Germany or Italy, and unemployment is like $50.

It's no good having tuppence-ha'penny more in earnings at the beginning of the month if you're subsequently worse off at the end

Holy shit, not only do they not know how to speak they don't even know how to save money.

I like how people think Americans have regular health emergencies every month that bankrupt them lol. Health insurance sucks here but good God, calling an ambulance is not a bi-weekly occurrence nor should it be.

It's one of the great American tricks - Because there are a few billionaires with residences in Malibu or somewhere skewing the stats, you think must be fairly paid - As you struggle to get by on the (equivalent of) £5.50 p/h min-wage.

The fuck is he on about? The US middle class averages $40 / hr. Not gonna bother converting it to useless poundage, but I'm sure it's several orders of magnitude above 5.5.

What's even the point of these AskX subreddits? They're all literally just living in their own bubble. Like this one with all the Europoors living in denial about their low salaries.

I've seen some big brain takes about America from the eurotrash before, but the idea that our food is expensive here is on a new level. Yeah, $2/lb for chicken is breaking the bank. I gotta skip meals just to make ends meet.

Ummm bleached antibiotic factory farmed chicken. Delicious

This but unironically. 🐔🍴🤤

Better question, why does the US 'need' such high salleries? The UK average is on a par with most of the rest of the western world's. It's the US that is the outlier.

Is this simping for the wealthy? No wonder the British still have a monarchy. The poor fools honest to god don’t believe they deserve better.

Our monarchy is more a tourist attraction than anything else

Try and ride the queen and see what happens

Bong here that hates the fucking monarchy but every other troglodyte on this god forsaken island laps their shit up despite the queens son being a massive nonce and their family essentially being wealthy tax hogs.

this god forsaken island

Don't let the door hit you in the ass

Yeah the state, corporations and landlords might be scamming me big time but atleast I won't have to pay for an ambulance when Muhammed throws acid on my face due to a small cultural misunderstanding.

Checkmate burgers, cope, seethe and fish and chips

He's unaware that the British have the same HDI as America despite a much smaller population. And lower median family income iIrc.

Not to mention CoL is much higher.

lol now he’s seething that American groceries are GMOs and hormone meat. I’m sure poor Euros would turn their nose up at anything but the finest filet

That blog post is a garbage of bad stats though

Ill wait for your debunking

The mess this thread has become whilst dramatards struggle to find the relevant statistics and then fail to properly convert between USD and GBP after eventually figuring out what the right statistic might be is why I've started to stay out of these stupid Burger vs. Bong threads.

I used to think these threads were ironic but both the bongs and burgers here seem actually invested in this. You're all just seriousposting at each other, and doing it badly too.

It's really great drama, as poorcels fight it out to see who is least poor. It's honestly shit for the bottom 50% of burgerland and bongland regardless. Dramatards love to pretend to be aloof but I see so much constant rghtoid sethe and seriousposting



I guess this includes all incomes, not just full time.

But, the better question is: why do yanquees keep complaining about being poor and getting stiffies for Lord Bernie of Sanders if they're so rich?

That's just redditors. Hard to be rich when you spend your mcdonalds salary on funky pops and onlyfans

Looks like that’s the thread Burgers that are triggered to me, but okay.


The burger triggering is in this thread. Wages are great in the USA if you survive school

How does paid leave factor in daily expenses? Do you take on an extra job while you take paid leave?

mfw povvo wagey slavey burgers

americlap asks quite reasonable question in a respectful manner
britbongs chimp out and start reeeeing about america being a 3rd world shithole

why was i born here.

It's true, most times those type of questions about living standards are asked in bad faith but op here seems genuinely curious and gets downvoted to shit and has to deal with a bunch of smug bong snark. Euro redditors are the fucking worst when it comes to comparing themselves to the USA.