Large British man takes $300m from nerds to make space game. Things turn to shit after they cannot come up with a plan to make a space game. Don't worry though, they have a plan for their future plan to make the game.

1  2020-08-04 by Bagtot


There's so much juicy Star Citizen drama right now it almost made me want to effortpost about it. I mean they are at the point where they just unironically released a roadmap for the roadmap of an offshoot of the main game, not the actual star citizen game. Yet they are still getting more money than ever before though, so just LMFAO @ gamers

it boggles the mind, these people must have the worlds best marketing team

Please do the effort post. This would be worthwhile.

Just give up and play Elite: Dangerous already.

Also if you’re bored I would highly reccomend watching “sunken cost galaxy” on YouTube it’s a series of videos detailing the entire Star Citizen saga from a space nerd who used to be one of the whales for the game in the early days. It’s very entertaining

What happened to bootcha anyway, did the spacefurries get him?

I’ve backed the game since I was in middle school. I will now be starting my junior year of college.

I’ve followed the development closely for years, and while I will continue to, I am not holding my breath for anything.

I am looking for ways to include my hangar in my will so my next of kin can enjoy the game when it finally releases!

The average "donation" to this game is like $111.67 per user, I wish I had the skill and foresight to post non functional ship models and promise the moon and stars so I could milks these R-slurs forever.

Imagine ever giving money to a kickstarter

It's way way worse than just being retarded enough to crowdfund something. People gave then 300m$ AFTER the kickstarter, and they are getting more funding than ever right now after 8 years. I just can't imagine how autistically you'd have to to want muh space wahs that you end up falling into total delusion over a game

The System Shock kickstarter put me off them forever. That game won't be out for years and they've already been at it for 4 years. The original game was made in 2 years including all pre-production.

yes but this one will be 100 times better.

you should really donate.

They say it'll be done this year, early next year at the the latest.

Development times were just shorter back then. Wolfenstein 3D was made in like four months. System Shock had an unusually long development cycle, to the point that Origin forced them to release a shitty early build without voice acting six months before they actually finished it.

The large british man is too busy hand sanitizing thots in his mansion to finish building this game

I did it for wasteland 2 and got some cool swag. Glad I missed the choosy begger email for 3 though because that shits taking forever.

How long until the scam citizen devs just take the money and run?

when people stop giving them money, so never

why stop doing something that's not broken, ok is broken but in a way that financially benefits them?

Weren't they selling ships on there for like $5000 or something?

So many suckers.

They bought a .jpeg of a ship that more than likely doesn't have a finished ingame model for thousands of dollars which will never be finished because of extreme development creep.

Oh my god, gamers are so fucking gullible, like how?!

there are pre orders for ships that don't have anybody making them for a few years now. some of this can go to 40k if I recall

lol gaymers have the smoothest brains

I can’t believe this is still going on.

This is pretty much what they've done for the past 10 years, just without running because people keep throwing money at them.

They’ve already been taking the money and running is irrelevant when new (and some old as well) waves of idiots throw money at you constantly. This game has been through this rigmarole countless times, and we’re still here, just with a different undelivered game title from the same idiots

They found out that idiots will give you money and if you bullshit hard enough, even more will redistribute their minimum wage income to devs who have been methodically milking theirwould-be player base for all their worth. Why run when really stupid people will continue to throw their funko pop budget at you.

retards Gamers literally deserve to be exploited and taken for all their worth at this point with this product.

Why would they ever run? Gaymers absolutely refuse to stop giving them money.

Bro, we just need like $50 million more to finish this thing. We're so close, bro! I swear this is the last time, bro!

Is this that space exploration game where you travel to an infinite number of planets?

Nah, No Man's Sky is actually decent now.

Got cross play too, been playing with my PS4 and Xbox friends all at once it's pretty cool

No better than ethots

I didn't think it was possible but they're going to manage taking so long to develop this thing that the engine they used will be outdated by "release"

It already is outdated its the Crysis engine. Thats why it’s in development hell because its supposed to be a pretty singleplayer shooter engine that they are trying to jerry rig a space mmo out of. What surprises me is how they are having trouble releasing the single player shooter part too

Roadmaps are such transparent marketing lies. How do gamers still fall for them?

$288 million game btw

Does duke nukem forever still hold the record for longest game development time? Come one sc, you can hang on for 8 more years.

No, that title belongs to Grimoire, which Cleve Blakemoore spent about 20 years on before he shockingly ironed out the last "microissue" and released it.

I think Dwarf Fortress is likely to win that but that hardly counts.