An English teacher proudly announces how they can't read anything but children's books

1  2020-08-05 by CigsAndAlcohol


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I'm currently living with two elementary school teachers. They are the absolute dumbest, least stable, most dog-brained foids I have encountered in my whole life.

Are they hot tho



Elementary school teachers aren't teaching English lit though.

theyre too busy getting Lit every single night and talking about how beyonce is such a girlboss

I think everyone knows at least one adult woman who only reads YA fiction and they are all equally annoying.

I don't know what is considered "classics" but I liked Beowolf in high school. I fuckin love A Picture of Dorian Grey but remember being forced to read some boring af shit from Virginia Wolf and others I don't remember because they were just so awful and the teacher acted like I'm supposed to be in awe of the wonderful writing. I actually liked some of the high school stuff I read but college made us read some boring af shit.

Virginia Woolf was boring enough to me, she read Ulysses and seethed so hard at it, called it awful and nonsensical, vanished for a couple of years and came out with Mrs. Dalloway which copied what Joyce did with stream of consciousness but much worse and far more boring, to the lighthouse is supposed to be good though.

Virginia Wolf is just always so dreary. A Picture of Dorian Grey is cynical and makes everyone seem awful, but at least Wilde had wit and had some good points about humans. I don't remember too much about Beowolf and a Tale of Two Cities, but I remember as a high schooler thinking it wasn't so bad and kept my interest.

Books seem to be like movies. If snooty critics love it and give it awards, it's probably awful.

If snooty critics love it and give it awards, it's probably awful.

Ehh depends, Ulysses is often regarded as the best book ever, at least in modernity and it's true, Critics though will attack good authors and poets when they fall out of favour though, WB Yeats is popular to tramp on now even by Irish authors (if you can call Sally Rooney and author) despite being one of the best poets of all time because he wasn't some f-slur commie

To the Lighthouse is good but skip The Waves. Picked it up because I liked the former and it was listed as a staff recommendation at my local bookstore, then regretted it almost immediately.

Thought I was in bookscirclejerk for a sec

On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. An English teacher proudly announce... -,

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I'm on the teachers side here, most classics suck.

Some classics are famous solely because they had a lot of influence in their time, they often suck. Some classics are famous simply because they're good and timeless.

Don't start with the Greeks, start with something you find interesting.

Why do you hate the erastes-eromenos relationship

I grew up Catholic 😩

Yeah, a lot of classics were written before commonly accepted concepts on pacing/plot structure etc were worked out, so even if their material is good the technique is often lacking. Still, they often make for unique settings and are outside the mold 90% of post WW2 literature conforms to, even serious lit.

Dickens fucking blows. Dude was paid by the word so it kind of explains why his books are so bloated. Some classics are good though. A lot of times they seem shitty just because the tropes they established have been copied to death.

Bleak House has the best first chapter in all of English literature. CMV

You obviously never read Hungry Hungry Caterpillar

That is a kids book, those are fine.

False. Harry Potter is the only book that has ever been written, it is a classic, and we should all live and die by its message.

What is it's message

My side = good. Your side = evil

oh em gee you sound like such a ravenclaw rn!

It's not my job to educate you, chud. Maybe offer compensation if you want me to perform emotional labor for you.

It is better to have snogged and lost than never to have snogged at all.

I tried reading catch 22 for pleasure. Following the plot and characters gave me a headache. Although I suppose that's the point.

Most classics are pretty good (especially shorter <400 page stories), but the ones assigned in school settings are typically not enjoyable. For some reason people think Dostoevsky and Faulkner are good choices and it just bores people to tears.

Also calling Shakespeare part of "classics" is fucking weird.

Every form of reading is valid.

What is up with these invalids and their hard-on for validity?

Maybe if she read more she’d have a bigger vocabulary 🤭

Because they aren't valid. Useful people never need reassurance that they are valid because they know they are

because they can't assert quality as anyone with two brain cells to rub together can point out YA shit writing is.

so they shoot for the lowest achievable standard which is "validity"

it's the same with all acceptance movements. they know they can't get people to agree their things are good (because they're not) so they have to shoot for "acceptable" as a first rung then once they're valid they can try for fooling people into thinking they're actually good.

Just watch Wishbone for the classics, bro.

I myself am an avid reader of Professor Cliff's lecture outlines on the classics.

Teacher union is probably the only reason why that bitch haven’t been fired yet

You underestimate just how incompetent the average foreign language teacher outside of university is

She's an English teacher in the Netherlands, so she probably mostly has to teach the language and barely any literature.

She is as qualified as a teacher as all the weebs who go to japan to teach ESL.

I think you underestimate how actually stupid a lot of teachers are.

At my old job there were two people that were in grad school for teaching. Neither one should be around kids.

Grad school for teaching is so retarded. I know a teacher getting her masters. She has been teaching for like 10 years. She probably knows way more about teaching than some stupid professor that has never had a classroom full of kids. It's just a scam but teachers get a bump in pay for having their masters so they all do it. You don't need an advanced degree to teach algebra or basic grammar.

and those people were probably more qualified than 90% of public school teachers

most teachers do not have a post-grad degree, just any bachelor's degree and a certificate

You can tell by their posts that person most likely just listens to audio books.

Audio books are heckin valid though

Imagine reading Fiction in general

If you're not teaching the work of dead white men and a handful of dead L-slur foids (who are honorary dead white men, anyway) you're a reading teacher, not an English teacher.

An accredited page turner

If you're teaching YA novels and children's books it's more likely you hold a degree in special education than in English anyway.

most teachers are glorified babysitters anyways

Well yes I'm sure yours were with a flair like that.

Lot of focus on not stimming and "appropriate sexual self-expression" and shit like that they really earned that minimum wage

so THIS is the guy at fault for making the zoomers r-slurred

Why is someone who doesn't give a shit about legitimate literature and grammar teaching it? Why even get into that field? Eng/lit is probably the most basic ass BA you can get if your brain is too smooth for stem so I guess if you just want a bachelor's that'll do it, but why teach?

No wonder people told me I was bless to have passionate and quality English teacher when I was in high school.

I'm an English teacher that doesn't always take the time to do everything properly in my private life. I use slang like tbh, omg and all that jazz. The message is more important that the properness of the language. How I use language in my private life isn't an indication of how I teach it.

This is the reason education is a joke.

So you're an English teacher that misspells every other word, doesn't capitalise proper nouns, hasn't made an effort to engage with most of the Western literary tradition and has tried, but can't really "get through" Shakespeare?

Imagine making 35k/yr to babysit 30 kids and thinking any of this shit actually matters.

I remember really hating Uncle Tom's cabin in high school. Why you would ever pick that unreadable mess for mandatory reading is beyond me. My goody two shoes ass, who read the other mandatory book Grapes of Wrath from cover to end, just sparknoted it.