PA called for Biden. It's over for Trumpcels.

1  2020-11-07 by pewkiemuffinboo

lol cry more rightoid snowflakes.


arg news thread already has 800 awards in 20 minutes.

Day of the cancelled credit card when?

Which subs can I post in for the best karma farming atm

They were all Holocausted

Arr conspiracy and conservative Are pretty salty

WayOfTheBern is pretty salty too. The jannie even pinned a rightoid post about voter fraud.

the motte is where thinky people like to argue about stuff, there's a healthy rightoid presence and the election thread is full of good nuggets

Yeah, if you can stomach their wordiness and smug pseudo-intelligence the cope is amazing.

Oy vey!

You can go to the usual ones to post cope threads or literally anywhere else to post yass queen threads.


I do reverse-karma farming in EnlightenedCentrism. RES actually gives me the "sub troll" flair there now. I'm low-key surprised I haven't been banned yet tbh.



well, over except for the inevitable months of litigation already in motion.


49.7% against 49.5% in PA Democrats are acting like they won by landslide.

Any bets on property damage numbers tonight?


Only ones gonna be coping are Americans when nothing changes under Biden.


Radical centrism in all things

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?



Oh God I'm Cooooooooommmmmmmmiiiinnnngggg

Is this why reddit is taking an utter shit right now? Fucking-a I want to see the meltdowns.

The internet was not built for this volume of memes.

How long do you think it will take for Biden to succumb to Dementia and we get our first 💖queen💖 president 😍

If we're lucky, no more than 2 years. If we're not, he'll live to decline to run again, in which case Dems are totally fucked.

I don't like trump, but i don't like smug libs either so I'm conflicted.

it really is a circle. Had 4 years of endless screeching about how Killary deserved to win, now we'll have 4 years of endless screeching about how blombth deserved to win.

Not the best but one of the better outcomes for dramacoin. Invest today!

Lol at you rslurs thinking 2020 is finished with us.

May Allah hasten the US demise.


Over for MAGAcels


Drumph is finished

He really is special, isn't he?

Aww, it's already been y'alled

What did it say? It got JANNIED

it was some dude's asshole smoking a joint

Couldn't behave.


was some dude smoking a joint through his asshole

Talk big and then compromise. Daddy is angling for a spot on Biden's cabinet.

Burn it all down before you're evicted, Donald.

Burn it all to ash.

this time unironically though

New York state prosecutors are gonna rape him if he doesn't leave the US before Dementia Daddy's (D) inauguration

Personally i'm hoping he tries to keep power by force. It would create the maximum amount of Drama from the U.S

How many secret service agents do you think there are who would be excited to take a crack at him after four years of being on his golf detail?

Imagine having to stand behind him while he struggles to golf having to smell his Mcdonalds coffee braps

Why would he worry about that though? Isn’t he a multi-billionaire who can hire the best lawyers in the country?

Isn’t he a multi-billionaire

Not sure about this tbf

He was worth about 3 billion last time I checked, but he's heavily leveraged and a bunch of his wealth is tied up in entertainment and hospitality properties that don't have any guests right now.

How much of that is what he assesses his brand to be worth?

More like 3 thousand. He doesn’t pay taxes because he’s a failed businessman.


first, we know that he's heavily leveraged poorcel and, not a real billionare™

second, even with highly paid lawyers (assuming Trump is gonna pay in advance, a big if), he's probably fucked, Michael Cohen got arrested and is in jail based on the same evidence Trump is now gonna get indicted for, and I doubt he can pull OJ in the NY city where almost everyone hates his guts

third, and most importantly, anyone who can successfully prosecute Trump in New York can launch a major political career, anything short of that is gonna make them lose their career, so they will be inclined not to fuck up

All these facts are true and rightoids must PUT UP or SHUT UP before Byedon puts them on his special list of drumpfers 😎

He’s gonna get Rudy on the case.


you think New York state prosecutors give a fuck about optics? what is gonna happen to them, New Yorkers are gonna vote them out of the office for targeting Trump? more like the reverse, they will lose their job if they fail to prosecute Trump

The entire US Government doesn’t want to deal with that shit. Especially when 70 million people voted for the guy.

Can't pardon state crimes as president. Even if Biden wanted to cut some kind of "if you take the pardon and admit guilt and fuck off to maralago till they evict you for your unpaid debts" deal he can't stop new york from going after him.

Neither party wants to set the precedent that presidents can actually be held accountable for their actions. This SDNY stuff will be quietly dropped and memory holed.

This is in a state that hates Trump. An AG that goes after Trump could get some serious future running for office cred in NY.

Yeah Avenatti got it 🤭



a bad thing for Drumpf that New York is super blue and MAG*tards there are marginalized then

Does this mean that "I dont give fuck, let's have hookers working time squares" New York is coming back. It was the coolest New York.



High-risk/high-reward job. It would be a titanic fight but a prosecutor who actually pulled that off would go down in the history books. You'd need a brave fool, but those exist.


They are drooling to get at Trump. Yes, yes they want that optic so bad. Especially in NY where Trump is hated.



They are and will. Your opinion does not matter.


His opinion matters...

...Unless he is a leaf.

- A message from a leaf.

Stop touching me.

Manhattan went 85% for Trump. They REALLY hate him there.


I went outside an hour ago to enjoy a mimosa in the nice weather and the wind picked up and got super strong and blew my mimosa off the table.

This is Biden's America.


Now i'm just wondering if the red hats are going to give an Encore.

The Proud Boys have been activated.

I repeat: The Proud Boys have been activated.

60 million elite soldiers armed to the teeth are about to descend upon Washington and defend Orange Father from this blatant coup.



Why did Eva_ need to get banned a week before this? 😭

deep state = arr drama

Be sure to send them the help they need

Thank the fucking lord for no more orange man reeeeeing

This shit ain't going away. probably not until he's dead

I wouldn't be shocked if he runs for something in Florida and wins in a landslide.

At least I can't "never go to Florida again" any less than I'm already never going to Florida again

Idk they stopped it when he got covid, they'll bushify him in no time. He'll just be America's r-worded uncle you'd want to have a milkshake with.


they'll bushify him in no time.

Holy fuck I want to see this happen so bad, can you imagine it?


twitter and redditcels make wholesome 100 memes about how Trump was that slightly crazy but loveable uncle

all the TDS meltdowns and chimpouts completely memory holed

Dear Allah make it happen


I like this. I want a constant 4 year switch of leftoid and rightoid salt mining.

always be Daddy in my heart ❤


Orange ban had

Orange fan mad


Tv show goes about as well as Trump U, Trump Steaks, and the US this year.

Who could ever delude themselves into thinking a TV station would make money in 2020? Zoomiezooms are almost entirely past cable.

What is bloomberg

An investemment terminal company?

LMFAO look at the poors not knowing what Bloomberg actually makes money off of

By 24 he's gonna be way too old. Like Biden, except he's a fat slob. He's finished, go directly to jail, do not pass go.

You underestimate Orange Father.

2024 will be drumpf vs. momala

Why would the GOP run a loser?

It works for the Reform party


They ran Romney in 2012 after he lost previously.

When was Romney a frontrunner previously? 2008 was McCain.

Idk if he was a frontrunner, but he ran and lost in 2008.

So did Biden.

4D chess folx, it doesn't get any better than this, believe me

Instead of Trump TV he needs a prime time show on infowars. He has everything to become a great pills salesman there.



Which is funny because Daddy is basically Truman 2.0.

Except Truman got to tally two entire Japanese cities. Papa just got one lousy Revolutionary Guard general.




I am not crazy! I know he forged those mail-in ballots. I knew I had Michigan. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got those idiots counting votes to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. His son! Are you telling me that the Ukrainian government just happens to be pressured like that? No! HE orchestrated it! Sleepy Joe! He TRAFFICKED CHILDREN! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I challenged him to a debate! What was I THINKING? He'll never change. He'll NEVER change! Ever since he was vice president, ALWAYS the same! Couldn't keep child porn out of his hard drives! But not our Joe! Couldn't be precious Joe! Cheating them blind! And HE gets to be the president? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you, you have to stop him-

Heh. 😎🥤


Dementia Daddy snoozed his way into the White House.

Why is there so much genuine political discussion in these comments? I thought this was arrdrama

Allow me to shit all over the place:



At least approvecel me before going back away again this time




You don't give a fuck about Drama, just circlejerking Democrats.

Want to see big fucking drama? Imagine if the courts give Daddy the win.

How fucking dramatic will that be?

"BUt wE aLrEAdY dAncED iN tHE sTrEeTs!"

this is bad for dramacoin

This really shoeshines my equines.
