Do you ever read through your old posts and comments sorted by controversial?

1  2020-11-28 by PUBLIQclopAccountant

It's a good way to find out which of your opinions are based. Sorting by top gives you a list of your normie-tier opinions.

Most of mine are from playing devil's advocate or otherwise enjoying being a contrarian to the hivemind in the particular thread. The ones that are from my genuine views are because of my opposition to intellectual property rights and when I say that all activists are grifters until proven otherwise (and are also the ones with the highest negative scores).


I didn't realize you could do that. I remember my first heavily downvoted comment was telling this guy if he didn't want to get evicted he should have paid his bills on time.

Did a rentoid infest L4L?

you dropped this bro 👑

Thank you for your service.

if he didn’t want to get evicted he should have paid his bills on time.

That is quite naive

Yeah, in california you don't even have to pay your bills and they still can't evict your ass.

No, because I don't care if Redditors, even dramanauts, like my opinions or not.

But do you care if we love them.

All the time. It's how I find my best material.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Do you ever read through your old p... -,*

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A mix of bullying gamers in bvg, shitting on the auths in pcm, and sardines getting mad at me removing agendaposts back when I gave a shit.

Tell an auth that wrongthink is a typo of crimethink sets them up the wall lol.

Haha I expected something spicy and not very politically correct to be my top controversial post (like my third top), but in actual fact it's this:

DiB didn't quite know what hit them with that one - most of them aren't used to log graphs, let alone pseudo-log fractal graphs in perspective.

Dog-coins are better

Spelt Doge, and Dramacoin is better! 😑

Wow, mine are pretty good. Suggested reading for you guys.


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Lordy, seeing your own top controversial comments was quite... errm, an adventure!

Love everything about the video, apart from the dog breed.

I knew it was pibbies before I even clicked.

Ah yes, arr aww loved that comment. -11 was the score. It was such a cute video otherwise as well. I feel sad it had to be wasted on the gruesome twosome.

I only see how I gradually became a regular on arrDrama, and how used to be able to ping two years ago.

This is what they took from us. REVOLUTION NOW

Lol apparently I pissed off SRDines a lot 4 years ago. A couple of my controversial ones in this sub were because some of you fucking narnars couldn't tell this was pasta:

As an RPGer, vague Star Trek fan and table top gamer, Wil is something of a legend among my friends, he really just seems like a regular dude who in some cases got dealt a great hand in life and in some cases got a shitty hand too, like most people. There's a fair amount of consideration put in to all his work: if something is wrong he's the first to admit it, his interactions with people on reddit are awesome and doesn't seem stuck up his own butt. If there was a celebrity to win the award for most down to earth and reasonable human being, he would certainly be a contender (the prize would be 5 gold and a party).

I'm probably never going to get to buy the guy a (craft) beer but I sure would like to! But as this is reddit I'll give this a go:

Hey Wil, what's the internet equivalent of buying you a beer?

Don't be a dick, and play more games!

Yeah its fun

All this did was remind me that some nerd made a throwaway to specifically follow me around and argue with me whenever I said something that wasn't overwhelming praise for the game Hollow Knight.

Most of mine are me being contrarian or obnoxious on purpose, but there are a few where I'm being serious (like arguing with COVID doomers), and others where I'm being semi-serious, like this one from arrslashdrama itself:

The Weavers brought it on themselves. So did the Branch Davidians. Fire on the feds, win stupid prizes.

Janet Reno did nothing wrong.

A fist raised against the Feds might as well be raised against Heaven itself.

How many rightoids will Cop-Malla trigger into going Tim McVeigh during the Biden years?