[Family Drama] Had a thanksgiving get together against the advice of Dr. Fauxci and 2 of my family members tested positive for the China flu today

1  2020-11-29 by THE_LANDLORD_MESSIAH

You guys want drama? Well do I have some for you!

So against the advice of the libt@rd d00mer Clinton News Network and Dr. Fauxci my family had a get together for thxgiving. My mom is a doctor and brought rapid tests home and made everyone take one at their arrival. Everyone tested negative so we started partying.

It was about 10 people including myself. Friday, one of my family members started feeling sick and we were slightly worried but didnโ€™t think this would happen at our place. So we didnโ€™t isolate from them and kick them out or anything like that. We thought they just had a cold.

Yesterday the family member was feeling worse and went to go to the doctor. The doctor told them it was possibly covid and to get tested. I told my family they have to leave. Now. My r-slurred family says no we have to have empathy. We split have the house between covid and non-covid. They said lets get them tested tomorrow (today).

Well they get their test and two of them are positive for the Shanghai sniffles!

I wish I was making this up ๐Ÿ˜–


Lmfao. Your familly is retarded.

Lmfao ya for real. I may have to put them in a home for this.

Don't worry I am sure it's a self solving problem and you will get your inheritance soon.

Iโ€™ll finally be able to buy that new car Iโ€™ve been holding off on

If you had to hold off, it means you didn't raise rent fast enough

Treat yourself king ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘

Under the influence of Japan, China modernizes and undergoes its own version of the Meiji Reforms in the 1910s. In 1922, China breaks away from Japan and fights a brief war that culminates in the Chinese annexation of the Japanese possessions of Korea, Formosa, and Manchuria. Over the next half century, China's population steadily grows, and eventually migration overwhelms European colonies in Asia. The United States and the other Western powers launch a biological warfare campaign against China, resulting in the total destruction of China's population, the few survivors of the plague being killed out of hand by European and American troops, and China then being colonized by the Western powers. This opens the way to a joyous epoch of "splendid mechanical, intellectual, and art output". In the 1980s, war clouds once more gather between Germany and France, and the story ends with the nations of the world solemnly pledging not to use the same techniques that they had used against China.


What that schizo said

Where is that one from?


Short story by Jack London during a period of hysterical anti Asian racism. Jack London was a Socialist FYI.

Also I have to point out that the line:

war clouds once more gather between Germany and France, and the story ends with the nations of the world solemnly pledging not to use the same techniques that they had used against China.

Is basically echoing a lot of the sentiment and worry around the time at the damage that would be caused in a potential European conflict in light of some of the new weapons being deployed to great effect [and fanfare] against colonized peoples the Europeans has recently conquered. People would just dismiss it, "Oh, we would never use this horrific weapon against fellow civilized Europeans. This is only for savages." Of course when World War I broke out we absolutely did, every single new innovation was immediately deployed.

One of the first things that happened was by Belgium during the very short period in which it existed as an independent entity during the conflict and was briefly resisting, the Germans came upon on a machine gun nest and were at a loss for how to deal with it, and just tried to rush the position using full frontal assault tactics. Eventually they basically were forming mounds of dead and bodies, that people started taking cover behind. This was one stupid machine gun and one machine gunner who I assume had just been planning not to go down without a shot, and found himself utterly impervious. Eventually a young officer would walk through the town around the machine gun building, open the door, and take the machine gunner prisoner. People were too stupid to realize you just don't rush a machine gun position head first, you try to flank it or bombard it. The officer I just mentioned BTW would go on to become wartime dictator later and also one of the most important early members of the Nazi party.

Several innovations in war crimes were actually made that had never been done before on the colonies. The use of poisoned gas, for instance. And also the use of air power for "strategic bombing" of civilian areas with the zeppelin raids on London. The second was actually surprisingly not useful at all to the Germans. People had yet to figure out quite how to inflict mass casualties with bombing runs, the zeppelin attacks lasted years and killed a grand total of 500 people, a scratch in the bucket when you're losing millions elsewhere. The Nazis also didn't quite figure it out and the battle of Britain later didn't inflict huge casualty numbers either, about 15k were killed, like it's not small but this was seriously supposed to terrify Britain enough that they'd surrender without anything else. It was only later the allies would discover that the trick is to just pound a single area with an absurd number of firebombs to the point the fire department is overwhelmed and it forms into a horrific firestorm. Allied bombing runs using those tactics were able to inflict hundreds of thousands of casualties in one event. Hiroshima also notably inflicted most of its casualties by causing a fire storm, whereas Nagasaki caused much less because the fires failed to coalesce properly.

I think the only allied target that had the misfortune of its cities being targeted with these sorts of tactics was China by the Japanese. China had one of the largest casualty totals out of any nation honestly though no one ever talks about it and imperial Japan is not nearly as hated as the Nazis, like honestly even Italian Fascists seem to be hated more absolutely they were choir boys compared to the Japs in China.

The Chinese are always much more enthusiastic about America having nuked Japan than Americans are. Americans are like somewhere between guilty and, we did what we had to do. Chinese are just like, I know we have our differences America, but this one time damn you die something good, thanks.

Several innovations in war crimes were actually made that had never been done before on the colonies. The use of poisoned gas, for instance. And also the use of air power for "strategic bombing" of civilian areas with the zeppelin raids on London. The second was actually surprisingly not useful at all to the Germans. People had yet to figure out quite how to inflict mass casualties with bombing runs, the zeppelin attacks lasted years and killed a grand total of 500 people, a scratch in the bucket when you're losing millions elsewhere. The Nazis also didn't quite figure it out and the battle of Britain later didn't inflict huge casualty numbers either, about 15k were killed, like it's not small but this was seriously supposed to terrify Britain enough that they'd surrender without anything else. It was only later the allies would discover that the trick is to just pound a single area with an absurd number of firebombs to the point the fire department is overwhelmed and it forms into a horrific firestorm. Allied bombing runs using those tactics were able to inflict hundreds of thousands of casualties in one event. Hiroshima also notably inflicted most of its casualties by causing a fire storm, whereas Nagasaki caused much less because the fires failed to coalesce properly.

Neat. Yeah, japan was truly evil.

The Chinese are always much more enthusiastic about America having nuked Japan than Americans are.

True. The only American I've ever known who was just "Murica, fuck yeah" about the bombs was my grandpa, and his destroyer got hit by a kamikaze at Okinawa, so he was just grateful that the nightmare was over.

Yeah people who grew up in the time are full on anti-Jap racist. It's funny how quickly that utterly faded from American identity.

Something about your mother being a doctor makes this all the more entertaining

She thought the rapid tests were enough lol

You sure she ain't a nurse? ๐Ÿค”

๐Ÿ‘ nurses ๐Ÿ‘ are ๐Ÿ‘ heckin ๐Ÿ‘ valid ๐Ÿ‘

They're always the worst because they assume they can't be wrong. Like when all of this started and chiropractors were all over facebook telling us how it was.

Dont get me wrong I enjoy getting adjusted a few times a year for temp relief as needed but once my chiro started talking about my chakras and shit I found a new one that isnโ€™t a total quack.

LOL what do you have to do to get the cold these days, that is what would concern me

Idk does the cold even exist anymore or is it just the Wuhan virus

Always has been.

Is this real?


Your mom must have skipped the segment about natural selection when she took her biology class.

it's not natural selection if she already has adult children. she already passed the point where her genes would have been prevented from passing on. luckily OP is a r*dditor so there's where natural selection is going to come into play.

We tested everyone though ๐Ÿ˜Ž

The rapid antigen Covid tests can have a 50% false-negative rate (or even higher), which makes them pretty much useless for a situation like a family gathering. One would expect a medical doctor to be aware of that, so is her doctorate in Naturopathy or Gender Studies, perchance? ;)

Phd in Femin*st Gender Theory

I'm just amazed that a gathering of that size is legal where you are. Here in Nova Scotia they recently cut the maximum gathering size back to 5 people, because we've been having a spike in cases. By "spike" I mean there are currently 111 active Covid cases in a population of almost 1,000,000. There were 10 new cases today.

Sometimes it feels like we're the only ones taking this thing seriously....

Legal lol this is America nothing in the constitution that makes lockdowns legal But for real wtf is the point of a test that can fail >50% of the time. That sounds r-slurred. Can I just get me one of those lawyers and have them sue the manufacturer for like 10 million shekels or something

The NYTimes. ran a 1200-word smugpost about covid from a Nova Scotian recently. Really made me want to rake some leaves.


A certain popular dramanaut I'm friendly with has told me that he too has the 'rona, but out of respect for his HIPAA rights, I'm not saying who.

Was it Lawls?

Nah, somebody much cooler. He may or may not be trying to actually give Lawlz a Queer Eye-style redemption.

Darq? Notch!?

You're getting colder. I'm talking about someone with less ะฐutism.


Good guess!

(No, but I wish.)


Honestly if you havenโ€™t had it by this point what are you even doing with your life

By some miracle, I haven't. I literally get tested every week too, so I know that for a fact.

oh shit are you a doctor?

Med student.


So then why are you worried about hipaa that shit doesnโ€™t apply to you lol

Tryna build good habits.

I'm doing this for Christmas. All of us are flying back from all over the country (and me internationally). My dad is still convinced he just needs a good sleep to shrug off the shanghai shivers. Excited to see what happens, luckily none of us are at risk or will be in contact with anyone so it should be a fun little experiment.

Ya thatโ€™s what Iโ€™m sad about is that I really want to have a Christmas party as well but the thanksgiving one was a disaster.

The sad thing is the family member that has it only has one kidney because of cancer and another family member has like 6 autoimmune conditions.

They should be fine though.

thats what your mom said


my SO's mom's whole household was positive with symptoms and they were still wondering why we weren't coming over

So is your family going to disown your infected relative? Or go to church hoping to pray it away with the church members?

Make sure you're in the will first and then put them in a bat flu concentration camp. Point at them on the way in and call them a witch.

Former member of anti-mask sub arrMsaeachubaets has his family get corona?? Color me shocked.

๐Ÿ‘ wear ๐Ÿ‘ a ๐Ÿ‘ mask ๐Ÿ‘ bigot ๐Ÿ‘

Lmfao the msaeachubaets days during the summer were based. We ran that fucking sub

That shit was gold. RIP ๐Ÿ˜ญ

They broke apart families in the spring, tore down history this summer, cheated the nation in the fall, and now they desire to take our traditional and sacred holidays from us.

Wow these people surely have placed themselves in a bad predicament

Why would she come even if it was just a cold? Every time one of my family members gets sick, they come to the family functions anyway like some kind of fucking plague rat and then I catch whatever they have.

Quit kissing cousins.


Because my parents are r-slurred and they didnโ€™t push back.