A OANN anchor simply announces the results of the WI recount, drama in the comments as DDF turns on OANN for telling them stuff they don’t want to hear.

1  2020-11-29 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Onto the next one! We ain’t buying what they’re selling

Assuming he's talking about media outlets, they're running out of options at this point. Before long some random schizo is gonna see a spike in readers for his gangstalking blog.

At some point we have to address the conservative problem in America.

Literally anyone that reports basic facts about reality that conflict with the schizo right narrative is instantly declared fake news.

One America news network is north korean caliber right-wing propaganda and even they aren't immune.

It's silly that the only "real news" to them is actual state propaganda.

DDR lost get over it chuds 😂

After the fall of the Temple, Titus entered the Holy of Holies, his drawn sword in his hand, slashed the parokhet, and spreading out a Scroll of the Law on the top of the altar, had intercourse with two harlots he had brought in. Titus attributed the bloodstains on his sword to his having slain the Almighty (Git. 56b)... Titus began to revile and blaspheme God, boasting that he had vanquished "the king in his own palace."

This is still my greatest sexual fantasy imo


Even when used to make fun of the DDF, it's still absolutely 🤢🤢🤢

No, I have The Kraken.

How Long before they turn to the onion for their news

Even Babylon Bee is dragging these mongs.

The Trump administration has distanced itself from Powell, saying she just showed up one day with their legal group, and Jenna Ellis thought she was with Rudy Guiliani, and Guiliani thought she was with Ellis, and everyone was too embarrassed to ask where she came from.

I'm pretty sure that that's exactly how it went down as a matter of fact.

It reads like an arrested development episode

The Babylon Bee has been playing the sleeper centrist for years.

thats what makes it so funny when you see default big reddit screech about it being far right

These people are driven into increasingly smaller echo chambers with less and less air. I hope they don't suffocate too fast cause their civil war is entertaining as hell.

The Beetus Brigadetm will RISE UP against the Deep State and their facts any day now.

The Trump campaign essentially paid 3.2 million dollars to look at the ballots in preparation to challenge them.

It will pay off in spades.


Not sure what they’d actually challenge here.

Voting in person absentee which is how they do early voting in WI or by mail claiming you can’t make it to the polling station on Election Day or “indefinitely” confined due to covid or old age or whatever your reason is all legally fine in WI and has been for years.

The only word on the next challenge for WI I’ve seen floated are state level republicans trying to claim their voting options are somehow unfair or against their own state laws after being passed and designed by state republicans and in use for 8 years now.

Shockingly judges aren’t being super big on lawsuits challenging voter options waiting until after an election to challenge voting methods when any challenge that’s not “we lost and we’re trying to disenfranchise people” would have happened when the changes passed instead of months/years later.

Middle America hit once again by the copioid crisis 😢

Apparently Powell found some respected tech spook to say that "Actually it was China running man in the middle attacks on voting machines."


I look forward to the literally storm of shit this will cause if they have some way to validate this.

  1. Because it will make everyone flip shit at China

  2. Because DDR will almost certainly still lose.

World renowned

Do people still take this phrase seriously?

The last 4 years all you hear about is democrats hiring Chinese interns and keeping them on their payroll for several years before being found out....

We keep hearing about these people getting caught for cyber crimes and infiltrating deep into our communications systems and intelligence agencies..

They stole enough data when Obama was president to basically build their own F35 Jet and sold blueprints to Iran for drone plans and engineering documents...

So when are Americans going to come to the reality through Internet of things, and communications equipment, domestic spies, cyber armies, between all these things combined here we are in 2020 we're wondering how they could of possibly breached state systems and or even intercepted "dominion" voting systems source code...

These people are in every nook and cranny of our networks and technology infrastructure backbone.

The Chinese have been quietly war gaming a scenario where they take the lead of being the worlds biggest super power by infecting every technological network, application, and hardware and becoming the dominant intelligence gathering agency in the world....

Instead of holding them accountable and cutting off ties we now have a side of our political spectrum who've basically waved the white flag and beg for them to rule over us. ( Think Huawei ) ....

So now USA is in the slow trickle down process of selling everything off to China including our elected officials!

Slow clap.

The United States has far more penetration of technology and networks with surveillance tools than China does. The evil American empire and it's monstrous cronies know everything that happens to everyone everywhere in the world and intervenes to make sure only neo-fascists can win any political contest in any nation that doesn't totally block out all interaction with the evil American empire. In fact America's paranoid fantasies on the subject in all likelihood are just projection imagining China must be doing what America is doing. Or perhaps the lack of such tools on Chinese networks, they are furious that people's communications are private when using Huawei and that the CIA can't spy on them.

Thx boo

Can I get permission to make a ResetEra account that does nothing but repost your stuff?

Did you just reply to your own pasta?


yeah the daddy boomer followers in my NextDoor have a thread going saying that Fox is a liberal news rag now and they moved to some station called Newsmax.

Anyone who thought a blue team win would result in red team seethe failed to take into account red team's ability to escape into a fictional reality.