Student chooses "His Majesty" for his pronoun. Predictable salt ensues.

1  2020-11-29 by Violent_Yet_Polite



If anyone ever holds a gun against my head and orders me to give my pronouns, I'll say that they're He/Him, and insist that they be capitalized. This little shit can pretend he's a king all he likes; I'll be a god.

Watch out, Biden is trying to kill God, the deep state will be looking for you 😳

Reassembling myself was the first trick I learned. It didn't kill [old account]. Did you really think it would kill me? I have walked across the surface of The_Donald. I have witnessed subreddits so tiny, and so short-lived, that they can barely be said to have existed at all. But you, Joe Biden, are just a man. "The world's smartest man" poses no more threat, to me, than does its smartest jаnnie.

What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy.

If anyone argues you can just smite them


My pronoun is momruepari

I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Student chooses "His Majesty" for h... -,*

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Damn snappy, I'm sorry

“Students have been calling me His Majesty, those that have read the story, and it really does illustrate the ridiculousness of the policy in ignoring the English language,”

Bold moves on a college campus. Let's see how it plays out 🤷🏿‍♂️

Article’s from 2016, we already know how it played out. He graduated and became yet another rightoid grifter.

Ever just look at someone and know they've never touched a woman?


Do all these types of people become rightoid attention whores because that's what they were all along, or because after such a stung that is the only avenue of income left for them? See: Count Dankula

Combination usually. It starts out as attention seeking and then they are unemployable and start grifting.

Economics, basically. When your only marketable skill is dunking on libs, you get sucked into a rightoid seethe vortex without even trying.

Damn. Well now I know. thanks.

He was exploiting drama coin to the max and fighting pronoun insanity.

We probably need more like him not less.

wtf I love zoomers now

I think I'm just barely a zoomer and it sucks because millenials are overgrown children and other people my age are already burnt out alcoholics. Honestly I'm surprised I haven't given in to the fire water myself. I realized while typing this that my comment is barely relevant to yours, and not at all relevant to the post but I'm too far in to just scrap it.

It’s all good, friend. Everything in moderation but junkies are poooyuck

Grant Strobl, a junior at U-M and a conservative activist,

Jesus Christ, yet another astroturfed right wing "epic troll" op. Literally they do this 24/7 because these organizations receive endless floods of money because a bunch of scared boomer parents are confused about why their children are all commies who hate Israel and mistakenly blame college. So they have paranoid fantasies that imagine them as pits of constant wokeness and propagandize this alternate reality everywhere and launder this propaganda into the media, who for some reason republish their trash. The desire is to suppress all discussion of subjects they disagree with on campus. These conversations are not the reason your children are commies who hate Israel, you will not fix that, and I assure you we will have vengeance eventually.

Lol I just like popcorn. I didn't even notice this was four years old. It was part of a post at PCM

Strobl, who is studying political science, German and international studies

uh oh spaghettio

Er ist wieder da

I actually did this at a very liberal college in 2013. I was just being silly (cause this shit wasn’t nearly so polarizing then) but the one not-cis girl in my dorm avoided me like the plague after that. Oops.

Consider it a way to purge unwanted types from your social circle.

You probably saved yourself hours of listening to mental illness freakouts.


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