Hey guys, I've always wondered, how often do you go to the supermarket, bump into some chiseled 6'2" Adonis with a jawline that could withstand being hit by a locomotive and a bulge that makes you assume he's shoplifting then think "Wow, I didn't know MasterLawlz shops here"?

1  2020-12-08 by MasterLawlz



If Masterlawlz is like this when zhcyiD9, imagine how insufferable he'd be if he had a chin.

supposedly he's been losing weight but i have yet to see any proof

The fuck are you talking about, I have multiple chins

Never. Please remove yourself from this irl Minecraft server.

hey you canโ€™t say that


Bro everyone here knows what you look like irl.

Appropriate username. But I hear lawlz has been hitting the gym.

He didnโ€™t tell me how much he benched, squatted and deadlifted so I donโ€™t believe him

He does Pilates and stuff.

no u



How often do I dream about it or how often does it actually happen?


Never, I would recognize that bulge.

I don't go to the store

It's ๐Ÿ‘ a ๐Ÿ‘ whole ๐Ÿ‘ pandemic ๐Ÿ‘

Unlike you, I never go to the supermarket, you 'rona super spreader grandma-killer.

This but unironically. Minimum wageslaves fetch and deliver my groceries.

Literally every time

Every time I go to the store and see my reflection in the milk refrigerator, except I offer up prayers to God thanking him that I was not born a cartoon obsessed movie snob that flirts with other fat internet moderators through his stickies.

No kidding, that sounds pathetic. Do you know anyone like that?

Not personally, but I remember offering to buy a guy like that a beer a few years ago, but he never leaves his basement so never got that chance.

man I wish I could afford a basement

Keep working hard and maybe you can inherit your parents' basement one day.

Wow, thatโ€™s really inspiring, thank you.

Do you have any idea where I could find my parents though?

Have you checked the gas stations for your dad, I think he said he was going for cigarettes twenty three years ago

Have you looked in their old house? They might have just told you they moved

Fuck off, Lawlz. God to think I share a metroplex with you...

Fuck off


Oh, ok. It is perfectly your right to decline and I respect that.

This shit sucks

Sucks what though?
