Update on yesterday's leftist infighting thread: Destiny is now banned on Twitter. His subreddit is in disarray

1  2020-12-09 by employee10038080


Soon, Twitter will be reduced to a bunch of people who are heckin’ valid, and Dåddy screaming into the void.

Trump'll get b& as soon as he's out of office.

Daddy's time is almost over, twitter has no reason to exist anymore.


Destiny is a stripper's name.


A g*mer

WTF is wrong with Millennials/Zoomers that they turn people into celebrities for playing video games?

He's mainly known for turning people away from the alt-right pipeline by debating right wingers and through conversation proving that all of them are on the same intellectual level as a fucking spanner.

Is it better than Gen X making MJ famous for fucking kids

As if g*mers don’t go around diddling kids

Boomers made MJ famous way before GenX. Dude was in a popular musical group with his brothers in the 60s and 70s.

But he could sing good

Which is the same reason we allow Chris Brown to beat up women.

Exactly. If you sing that good you deserve to bitch slap a few broads

Can’t make a song without cracking a few bones 😎

LOL, looks like I hit a little too close to home.

Are you one of the kids MJ fucked

No, I fucked MJ.

Hell yeah brother

Yep, but it also better than baby boomers making Ted Bundy famous for killing women

the american people are tired of women


Fun fact, women would show up at Ted Bundys trials dressed as his favorite victim profile. Dying their hair brunette, etc...

Later on these women would manage to reproduce, against their wishes and total violation of the laws of natural selection. And that's how r/Drama started.

MJ never diddled kids.

I feel like we've at "he may or may not have diddled kids" at this point, which is pretty much how I feel about all celebrities anyway.

MJ flew out to Jefrey Epstein's home once and lived in literally what any sane man would call a child flytrap 🤢

Some random guy who lost a debate against Jontron.

The liberal version of ben shapiro

ok, im kindof behind on this, but did destiny take an LSAT test with no prep because rose twitter goaded him into it?

Yes and he didn’t pass! What an idiot! ROFL 🤣

but y tho?

Because he took a test cold without studying the subject

it isnt a knowledge test, just fyi

Pretty much everyone studies for it though

he probably did it to prove he has a good logic-brain, since i'd imagine the fact that he isn't very charitable with ideas he doesn't already agree with had people calling his critical thinking into question

lmao what? something tells me he didn’t take it for law school admissions. And that’s really, really sad


LSAT was trending for a little bit lol

lol what a loser.

what the fuck is rose twitter

short hand for ultra-lefty, online-all-the-time trex squad that harrasses everyone over pronouns and other such nonsense.

Please tell me it's not for Portland, aka Rose City.

no lol, the rose is an old political symbol representing democratic socialism or socialism in general

lol "ultra"

Super leftist people who think Bernie can still win the presidency.

Bernie has a majority of electoral votes

wow its only the 30th time hes been banned

Twitter really won this debate.

looking at what happened, I think the LSAT won too

What'd he get banned for?

The running theory is ban evasion. His last account was nuke for making well deserved terroristic threats at Cox Cable.

wtf, he deserves a prize

i can't wait for space daddy to give me space internet

That was multiple bans ago his last 2 have just been for repeated ban evasion once the account gets too much notoriety

Being banned 5+ times before

Apparently he "got mad at internet provider and made some dumb threats".

lol nice