1 2020-12-14 by Kissingersbitch
4 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-12-14
Zoomers have completely butchered the concept of irony.
2 ironicshitpostr 2020-12-14
Irony is for rtards
1 Tobyghisa 2020-12-14
Irony was killed in 2000 by Larry David and Sacha Baron Cohen. It's been 20 years, get on with the times grandpa
2 CurvyAnna 2020-12-14
I don't understand how to read twitter threads. There, I said it.
2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-12-14
Oh dear
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-14
You’re the newest mod so it’s probably you
1 Kissingersbitch 2020-12-14
Oh sweaty, I’m the one who created the thing to begin with 🤗
You’re still the main culprit
To be fair, I said we were satire to a r-slur mod from arrrslashh LandlordLove a long time ago. He didn’t specify he was an autist tho.
I’m always right
1 pepperouchau 2020-12-14
Landchads aren't ableist, they just want you to pay on time 🤗🤗🤗
1 heretobefriends 2020-12-14
> it is me, a one dimensional caricature of everything you hate
> lolcows: 🍼🍼🍼
4 JanetYellensFuckboy 2020-12-14
Zoomers have completely butchered the concept of irony.
2 ironicshitpostr 2020-12-14
Irony is for rtards
1 Tobyghisa 2020-12-14
Irony was killed in 2000 by Larry David and Sacha Baron Cohen. It's been 20 years, get on with the times grandpa
2 CurvyAnna 2020-12-14
I don't understand how to read twitter threads. There, I said it.
2 Can_The_SRDine 2020-12-14
Oh dear
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-14
You’re the newest mod so it’s probably you
1 Kissingersbitch 2020-12-14
Oh sweaty, I’m the one who created the thing to begin with 🤗
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-14
You’re still the main culprit
1 Kissingersbitch 2020-12-14
To be fair, I said we were satire to a r-slur mod from arrrslashh LandlordLove a long time ago. He didn’t specify he was an autist tho.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder__ 2020-12-14
I’m always right
1 pepperouchau 2020-12-14
Landchads aren't ableist, they just want you to pay on time 🤗🤗🤗
1 heretobefriends 2020-12-14
> it is me, a one dimensional caricature of everything you hate
> lolcows: 🍼🍼🍼