Coomers mad x24

1  2020-12-14 by ztwizzle


It’s over for cumpilationcels.

It does seem odd that you needed to be ID verified for cam sites, onlyfans, etc., but anyone could upload to pornhub. Then again, anyone can upload to Twitter and whatever other random porn sites. But I guess Pornhub sees the walls closing in after a couple major credit card companies cut ties.

tfw I'm a coompilationcel

Its over fellas

Thank God I have my 2tb homework folder

Yeah I guess those nights of filling up a hard drive while spun out on adderall were actually worth something after all.

i, also, value porn of questionable legality and provenance

Most of the sfm videos are gone 😔

As a funny side affect one of the only uploaders that bothered to verify uploaded mostly bestiality stuff so that's the only stuff that shows up and also doesn't make ph look good lol.

Pornhub (mindgeek) is a mossad op. Why they are hiding behind this fake pressure to transition to all content being from documented workers is still to be worked out.

It could be as simple as continuing to promote the normality of professional whoring to our children OR since restoring ties with the arabs they now have an abundance of idle kidnapped minors who they definitely won't be uploading as verified adults.

(mindgeek) is a mossad op

I'm not prone to believing in conspiracy theories, but I've considered the possibility that modern internet tube porn ISN'T some sort of psy-op by something. It seems far-fetched, but...

It's just too wrong. The tendencies in themes in all of the tube sites and porn industry seems a little too messy to not seem like a destabilization op.

By whom, and to what end, I don't know. But it seems a little iffy.

The prevalence of step-incest (I'll make that word) in porn is so weird. It sprung up out of nowhere in... I wanna say 2014?

Does anyone know why or how?

So much coomer cope. Masturbation is degenerate, like grand mama always used to say, I'd rather you cum in a whore than have it fall on the floor.

I was just on the site as it all went down. This is bullshit, I was mashing my way through walls and walls of videos and couldn't find a single one still up out of those super mainstream step sibling ones. Fucking bullshit.

(a few replies later)

Y’all acting like you can’t be irritated that some porn you like is gone. He ain’t having a mid life crisis he’s just expressing his disbelief over text. Like Jesus u acting like he’s addicted to porn. Typical Twitter taking shit out of context. Nothing wrong with liking porn


NOOOO WTF ALL THE GOOD UNKNOWN VIDEOS WILL BE GONE ?? This is outrageous...I don’t wanna see straight people get it on by calling each other step siblings..yk at least my fav lesbian channels are verified

- a user with #BLACKLIVESMATTER in their name and #Jungkook in their bio

Just use xvideos it's better anyways

Learning from tumblr, I see

xvideo traffic quintuples

On a less retarded note, that is what it would look like if Section 230 ever died instead of being reformed - either YouTube pleads impossibility in court and wins or only approved submitters will be permitted to upload. The reason the Hub has to do it now is because all of the internet liability laws include "except child porn." Full liability protections for whatever they do, unless you find yourself across that very, very bright line.

I hope section 230 does die

It's a shame, here in arr drama that you get downvoted, but you're almost right.

230 does at least need a major overhaul, if not outright removal.

It doesn't need to die, but it needs major reform.

I just want to see it removed for the aftermath 😈


tbh anything that kills social media is probably worth whatever other negative consequences occur


But what about memes???

did i stutter

Fuck memes

Not my 6 second clips of kinda weird situations put to initial D or jojo music compilations, nooooooo


Fuck you!


The world would be better off if all internet porn was purged.

Children need to find pictures of naked people in dirty sticky magazines hidden in the woods like in the old days, not all that disgusting family porn that's all over the tube sites.

90% of modern porn warps people's heads, especially children's who shouldn't be having access to it.

Most of the incest porn is from the "official" "verified" channels, though

this but completely unironically

Oh, I'm dead serious.

And furthermore, I see a future in which pretty much all social media, or internet commentary and content follow suite. Anything and everything has to be by verified identity and age.

Not that I wish it to be that way, nor will it solve all problems, but I foresee things going that way.

The sanitization of the internet has been going on for over a decade. Can't risk hosting anything that might be off-putting to corporate sponsors and the dipshits who harangue them on social media.

we'll see

I'm 31 and I do pity kids today, who really don't have the option to have the kind of idyllic childhood I had. I barely even saw my parents during the summer, I was too busy riding bikes with my buddies or playing football at the ymca in my neighborhood, or perusing the, "sex books" aisle of the local barnes and noble

I have a feeling arr drama in the post lawlzicide is filled with people like us. 4chan retirement home, as it were.

We are the last humans who will ever exist that remember the age before smartphones. Do you remember calling your friends house and getting their parents, "hey is Geaux home?". Good times.

these things are completely contradictory? we grew up with a completely anonymous, completely uncensored, completely fucked up troll playground of an internet

and tbh we were better off for it. because we knew this shit was retarded and none of it should ever be taken seriously. now the internet is just as fucked up, but entire generations are growing up with an expectation that it's somehow a place for... real opinions or thoughts or connections or feelings or identities

tldr i cant find good boomer bussy foot porn on pornhub anymore and im mad

I've already seriousposted enough in this thread, but I don't think they're contradictory.

As others have mentioned, yes we had the golden zone of the internet but before it was looted by power interests. But you had to access it via a desktop and an internet connection. This completely changed with the advent of the smartphone. Correspondingly, due to an increasing amount of life-crush (separate topic) parents have less and less time on average to parent and are pulled more in the direction of giving their kid a tablet and letting them figure it out.

These changes have been bad for zoomers is what I'm trying to say.

we grew up with a completely anonymous, completely uncensored, completely fucked up troll playground of an internet

It was a grungy, shitty little playground with the online equivalent of dirty-magazine-in-the-woods porn at the time. The internet these days is Times Square prior to the corporatization.

probably accurate tbh

I didn't have a cell phone till I was 18, got it the week before I went to LSU

I consider myself extremely fortunate that bread tube and fortnite and all that dumb shit didn't exist when I was a kid

Mine was at 16 with my first real job. It’s absolute no surprise that the amount of brainmeltingly bad takes on the internet correlates with people’s increasing lack of self sufficient exposure to reality as children

bunch of 30 year old boomers waxing nostalgia and each others knobs going on here

OK zoomer

Ahh but see unfortunately senor zoomer I have property and you don't. When I speak you have to listen, whereas I'm pretty sure I can have your head for being literate.

It was like that pre-lawlzicide as well.

Absolutely the opposite. I was the first generation raised on the Internet, now I'm retarded and gay. Sad!

I'm 31 and I do pity kids today, who really don't have the option to have the kind of idyllic childhood I had.

Surely you must realize that xoomers say the exact same shit about this generation? "We didn't have a jillion TV channels/AIM/helicopter parents, we spent all our time at the arcade/skating/being cynical at life." The option's always there, some kids just don't prefer it.

Uh I mean, OK yoomer.

> xoomers

> yoomers

I don't have terminal online-itis. what the fuck does this mean

Gen X and millenials, sweaty

you are 100% right. This is some middle age tier opinion. "Social media makes people dumb" makes as much sense as "videogames make people violent"

Um sweaty, videog*mes DO make people violent AND racist.

It’s still an opinion only dumb people have hun


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I'm more impressed they added what I put to the automod rules tbh


The fact that a lot of dummies use social media doesn’t mean that social media makes people dumb. Break the cycle of middle age and understand that every generation has been fucked for a different reason.

They were right, each generation's childhood is just progressively shittier since gen x.


Won’t somebody think of the sex workers? Do you know how hard it is to cum on video multiple times a day and then have to ask for money afterwards? My grandfather was an actual lumberjack, and he said the only job he wouldn’t do was to get naked in his house and plow random womxn while shaming people into sending him money for doing so while simultaneously telling people that the work they do for a living pales in comparison to getting off on camera.

Will someone please think of the children!

are we entering another Victorian era?

All we need is an ascendant upper-middle class that shames everyone based on an arbitrary system of etiquette

Something like... being woke?

Give landcels the goddamned respect they deserve and we’d be on the right track

God willing

Directoire or bust buddy, the Victorian era was a meme during its own time.

The lockdowns made me hate porn. May Allah smite these heretics and their uniform fake titties.

Try clop instead.


The only think more disgusting and impure than masturbating is regularly talking about it. Inshallah

Imagine not using motherless anyways

Why are people raging about how instead of 1,000,00 porn they only have 200,000 porn left? I cannot fathom this decadence.