Professor of machine learning creates a public dataset

1  2020-12-14 by johannesalthusius


Professor of AI learning

Here's an image list of my block list

Shame the technology just isn't there yet to create a fucking text list.

If she’s not getting a grant for it why bother

Obviously everyone who should use the list will also be able to OCR it no problem. It's a thing us ML people do instinctively, protecting the dangerous stuff from the laymen who can't be trusted to use it for good 😌

then it wouldn't fit on twitter

Jesus christ thats like half the people in the field wtf is wrong with her

This will surely demonstrate to her future employers that she has a firm grasp on how professional etiquette works and can handle legitimate criticism of her point of view.

It definitely won't backfire in the microsphere once people stop retweeting her in an echo-chamber and all will be well.

Just another day in the life of the twitter f*id.

reason #3,797 to not have Twitter

Ladies (male) and gentlemen, I present to you the head of AI research at Nvidia.

Why even be there if you get mad all the time? What a waste of server resources

Okay, so first of all, you've just made a reply to me that is in two unrelated parts. The first is unrelated to anything I said. As long as you comport yourself in this manner, you will only be met with derision. It is a nonsense method of communication.


  1. Professor of machine learning creat... -,*

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It is all gone deleted. & people are who smarter than me can you explain what happened ?

snapshillbot isn't just a quote generator

Went there, it doesn’t take me to other tweet she links too, which is deleted. shows two tweets, the rest is the same, pics of her blocklist, I assume.

I want to see that block-list.