UPS worker tells weeb who had her miniature plastic husbands stolen by a driver, "Hope you get COVID and die."

1  2020-12-15 by dongas420


around $400 worth of figures that Tokyo Otaku

I tell him that my packages are worth over $1000

It gives me solace to know that no matter how much of a loser fuckup I might feel like...there's this. Thank you for the positive (double-negative) affirmation, OP.

That's just what everyone says in the Coronavirus sub when they see someone happy and outside.

The ‘Rona subreddit is now full of people saying that the Covid vaccine will make you bleed out your eyes and shit out your guts

And they were supposed to be the smart, rational science believers that didn’t buy into the fake news

I'm reasonably certain that's a criminal offense. Mail tampering is a federal crime.

Why is this dork flipping out over stolen packages? Just reorder the shit and move on with life.

Reorder 1200 dollars bro,it’s no big bro.

He will get his money back then buy it again

Kino UPS indian.