Holy shit this journalist threw her entire life away because she got the hots for Martin Shkreli

1  2020-12-21 by snallygaster


The white woman strikes again

A realization hit her. In the visitors’ room, “I told Martin I loved him,” Smythe says. “And he told me he loved me, too.” She asked if she could kiss him, and he said yes. The room smelled of chicken wings, she remembers.

This is how legendary romances start.

Now that's a kino quote if I've ever seen one.

I don’t think Shkreli was that bad in comparison to other Pharma execs

They nailed him on fraud so he'd stop publicly doing something that was perfectly legal.

im still confused on what "horrible" thing he did.

The guy flew too close to the sun. He had balls of steel to increase the price of that drug while being a white guy pharma exec and then fucking talk about it on twitter.

It was like a perfect storm of SJW outrage. Wrong gender, wrong race, wrong job. He also had way too big of an ego and made an ass out of himself in court and they made an example of him.

And only for rich kids on insurance - they specifically had a program for patients in need to get Daraprim at $1/refill or free if they notified them



If you are uninsured and meet eligibility criteria, you can get DARAPRIM for no cost

How much would insurance kick in if you were insured though and had to pay the full price?

driving up the cost of drugs and increasing the amount of money insurance companies spend has the unfortunate side effect of also increasing US healthcare spending across the board and driving up insurance costs.

Much like R-daddy. He says the quiet things out loud and to a certain bent of person that's absolutely the worst thing ever.

> white

> albanian

He's a pathological attention-seeker and would probably race them to the bottom if he had the opportunity

pathological attention-seeker

So.... that's a real conflict. That a lot of people have today, and is exacerbated by "social media".

Skreli is a very good example, as is Trump and pretty much all of onlyfans and instagram idiots.

The internet and the so called smartphone revolution has made this problem very much a big problem

Agreed but Shkreli's attention-seeking is way above and beyond what could be considered normal histronics. He's more like Onision than a typical instagram addict.

I had kinda forgotten about onison, where's he at these days? Last time I looked he was hiding out

He belongs in jail perhaps in a cell with shkreli, but anyway

edit: I need to revise this statement. the person known as onison needs to be in a psych ward. As in, before the us government stopped properly funding mental health, he needs to be in Dorothea Dix or Cherry Hill psychiatric hospital

And speaking of people who are really fucked up, the social media character known as Belle Delphine is really fucked up. She needs to be in a mental hospital, and the people who are manipulating her for profit need to be put in jail.

Belle Delphine seems like a normal instathot milking the neckbeards of their money.

Nah, you're wrong about that.

She's not really aware of what's she's doing and there are others manipulating her

It's a very sad situation all the way around

How do you know that?

I knew you were gonna ask, and I was already preparing the answer.

Because any thinking person who has been around the block a few times can look into her eyes and tell.

Ignore the "sexiness" Ignore her childishness, it's easy to just look at her eyes and tell that she's seriously fucked up.

Now also knowing that she was born in SA, and then grew up in a shitty suburb in Britain to absentee parents and is doing this now? Its so obvious how fucked up she is and how much she is be manipulated\

I honestly feel bad for her, but I know I can't do anything about it :(

You can say that for every single person who is in sex work. Maybe what she is doing now is normalized for her. At this point, she might be a millionaire for all we know.


Donate to her only fans obviously

I doubt it, she seems to be having fun milking all the simps for their money.

Last time I looked he was hiding out

He got an onlyfans account where he posts buss and a Discovery documentary is coming out about him this year. Otherwise, not much.

And speaking of people who are really fucked up, the social media character known as Belle Delphine is really fucked up.

What's going on with her?

I still need to watch the 3 part The Right Opinion series which is like a total of 6 hours long.

Also yes covid destroyed my social life so watching meta YouTubers has been part of what temporarily fills that void.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with binge-watching drama.

covid destroyed my social life


Imagine letting the shanghai sniffles stop you from clubbing it up :)

I'm pretty sure the actions of Martin Shkreli could have been part of an elabourate conceptual piece of performance art. Some kind of metacommentary on the pharmaceutical industry and capitalism. It was interesting to see what happened when he dropped the pretense of acting like these companies care what the general public think of him.


“Maybe I was being charmed by a master manipulator."

what, did you think a woman was going to take responsibility for her actions? lol

His streams were legendary and this hag doesn't deserve him

you sound like you'd let him put his dick in you and take your money too

You wouldn't?

no I'm averse to Cluster Bs

b a s e d

This is the correct answer and solid life advice

Anyone familiar with the show Love After Lockup knows this middle aged foid is getting dropped during week 1 of release (if he’s not already done). He’s used her for short term affection and conjugal visits, hence the engagement.

based tbh

Her defense on Twitter, he is not the only one who did it, so it is totally ok if I date him because I thought I would be leading the high life with a rich guy.

Too bad she cant admit, she got played. And very few pharma companies jack the prices by 500% of a generic drug in a single step.

The fact that she's flailing around trying to defend herself all over twitter makes this so much worse. She's going to be so miserable when the butterflies disappear and she realize how badly she humiliated herself.

Her husband had the brains to fuck off when he had the chance.

throwing your life away to chase the person of your dreams? what kind of loser would do that? haha...ha..😞

Why did Christie Smythe upend her life and stability for Martin Shkreli

Probably the same reason with woman who writes love letters to serial killer in prison, or even marries the guy once he gets out: mental illness.

Her '''relationship'''''' with Shkreli unironically does sound like a typical prison romance.

I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Holy shit this journalist threw her... - archive.org, archive.today*

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When her parents asked her to take her brothers to church, “she would defiantly take us to McDonald’s" instead.

hehe burgers

we write ourselves

I need them to release him, just for the dramacoin increase

same, now I can't wait to see what happens next in their relationship

He's becoming a mob boss next just watch.

damn i thought i was a simp

Another self-hating white woman destroys her marriage and life because she needs someone to treat her like shit to get off.

smdh just get a dog like your friends, lady

He looks like a thin Lawlz.

Lawlz looks like Sam Hyde now.

I don't know who that is, but I'd wager he looks more like Sam Kinison.

Nah he got swole.

This is why no one should trust myo fmal*s.

She called him when she heard about the Hillary hair incident, and “he just railed at me about freedom of speech,” Smythe says. But the judge jailed Shkreli;


When Shkreli found out about this article, though, he stopped communicating with her... she monitors Google Alerts for his name, posts in support groups for loved ones of inmates... “It’s completely out of her control,” Haak says; all she can do is “sit around and wait and hope.”

Smythe has only one photo of the two of them, propped next to her bed. Shkreli, his arm around Smythe, has a wide-open smile

Crazy alert

White women. Never even once.
