another t-slur question

1  2020-12-22 by Tytos_Lannister

do heavily online t-slur activists ever self-reflect and think that society would be much more welcoming to them if they weren't all fucking communists?

other groups throughout history successfully got the mainstream approval by trying to fit in, not by coloring their hair blue and calling for the seizing of the means of productions/redistributions of videogames and funko-pops on Twitter


other groups throughout history successfully got the mainstream approval by trying to fit in

This is exactly what normal LGBT people do. Though I'd argue they aren't "trying" in the sense of disguising/changing their identity as much as they are "not acting retarded," which is a foreign concept to social media acolytes.

I do think the Ts are going about it wrong and the aggression is what is turning people off. They need to take a page from the gays who just wanted parades and rainbows rather than running around screaming "communism fuck yeah!" and wanting everyone cancelled. The gays were also all "I don't want to fuck you either so don't care" instead of attacking people's sexual preferences and calling people bigots. Too aggressive and it turns people away and makes them defensive instead of listening.

I'm pretty sure the dildo parade floats changed absolutely 0 minds in America (positively at least). I thought it was the whole narrative that gays are like everyone else.

And t-slurs are like everyone else too, you people are just resistant to that fact.

It makes more sense when you remember the mental image of the patriarchy in the troid's mind is exactly the type of person they do want to fuck, but they think that they can't so they're just angry horny all the time.

Such a nuclear take. Do you have a doctorate in gender studies?

No, they just come to me. I am but a vessel.

Must be the low IQ.

I guess my comment touched you more than you're ever touched irl šŸ¤—

Why would you think that?

I'm not "touched" by anything you say, i'm just stating the obvious fact that you are a brainlet and i'm making fun of you for it.

Somebody didn't get their oxytocin this morning.


Keep it up buddy.

Keep it up buddy.

Not difficult for me, so I'm not the one in need of the peptalk :]

Happy cakeday btw, hope you don't kys before the next one. <3

Happy cakeday btw

Reddit moment

hope you don't kys before the next one. <3

Not even the slightest inclination, but thank you for your concern. I hope you can find love in the coming year.

This subreddit is le epic, based and memepilled so reddit moments fit the bill.

Were you always this susceptible to peer pressure?

The peer pressure of being a transphobic shitlord? No, i don't fall for that shit.

Oh, you really are mad, lmao. I thought this was all a joke. I feel sorry for you now.

I'm not mad, i'm right and you're wrong.

If you're right, then why am I the only person having fun in this exchange?

Anyways, it's Christmas Eve. Go spend time with your family, if they are still speaking to you.

You don't think i'm having fun when i get to show my moral and intellectual superiority?

Bro, you are MY enjoyment.

No, I don't think your life is fun at all.

If it were, you wouldn't be so angry at reddit comments.

Bro i'm not angry just because i'm making it abundantly clear that you are wrong.

Did your father beat you when you were wrong or something, is that why you make these associations?

Bro i'm not angry

Stopped reading here.

You claim you did since you can't cope. But we both know you didn't.

No, unlike the troid, I am incapable of lying to myself.

Merry Christmas! Sorry if you don't have anyone to spend it with :[



Have you ever won a single debate in your life?

Debate? Every year, around the holidays, I try and see what I can do for those in need around the community. You need human interaction, so I provided it to you.

Imagine if people made it their life's work to invalidating your existence and advocated for you to be forced to go to conversion therapy because being a white male gamer was not socially accepted, and you heard that shit every day.

Don't you think you'd be a little "aggressive" when you ran into those sort of idiots all the time?

You're seriously lacking optics and you're letting your victim complex get the better of you. The worst part is, you're not even oppressed lol.

Nobody hears that shit every day unless they are terminally online. lol Which is part of the problem.

I'm too self confident to let internet things bother me, so no I'm not aggressive over things like that. I'm not oppressed because I choose not to be (ahhh privilege!). If dumb shit bothered me, I wouldn't be on rrrr Dramz but I ackshually find this place funny, albeit neutered now. :(

Lol, are you new to the internet?

You should try LARPing as a transwoman on the internet sometime.

I've been called the f slur many times. lol Who cares? It's the internet. lol

Sure, but i doubt you are an f-slur and you don't suffer daily harassment and face continuous conservative political pressure to take away your rights based solely on misinformation and strawmen.
Unless you want to claim that you are in fact an f-slur in a muslim majority country to lend credence to your own shitty point. Either way, press X to doubt.

Did you know the suicide rate of gomosexual men has gone down since the 80's? You want to take a wild guess on why that is?
(spoiler: it has to do with it being normalised and them not nearly facing the same level of discrimination today, conservatives lost that battle and they have moved on to try and shit on t-slurs instead)


If you actually try being intellectually honest, this shit isn't hard to get your head around.

Like I said, a big part of the problem is being terminally online and seeking out things that offend you. If all the foid stuff here offended me or bothered me, I'd unsub and leave. That's what rational healthy minded people do, but these people seem to seek out things that hurt them, and I think they need to ponder that for themselves and make changes in their browsing habits. ContraPoints even talks about it where she was reading 4chan constantly for mentions of herself and by doing it all the time started to doubt herself and believe the bad that was said to her.

I also understand that many of these people are kids and their parents are partially to blame. They need a more healthy IRL social life where people will love and respect them regardless of who they are. This builds confidence in anyone. Nobody online will respect or love you like IRL friends and family, and these people seem to have no one in their real life to talk to. That is indeed sad, but the first step towards these things is to get offline and stop seeking out the bad.

a big part of the problem is being terminally online and seeking out things that offend you

You just described the entirety of conservative reddit.

If all the foid stuff here offended me or bothered me, I'd unsub and leave.

I find it more effective to question and dunk on the things that bother me than running away, each to their own i guess.

That's what rational healthy minded people do, but these people seem to seek out things that hurt them, and I think they need to ponder that for themselves and make changes in their browsing habits.

The same could be said for how unhealthy it is sitting in a shithole like this getting radicalised by right wingers with no future.
But it also comes down to how thick your skin is, i enjoy dunking on you people.

ContraPoints even talks about it where she was reading 4chan constantly for mentions of herself and by doing it all the time started to doubt herself and believe the bad that was said to her.

There is a also a difference between actively choosing to go on 4chan and just scrolling your facebook feed seeing conservatards desperately clinging to the idea that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

I also understand that many of these people are kids and their parents are partially to blame. They need a more healthy IRL social life where people will love and respect them regardless of who they are. This builds confidence in anyone. Nobody online will respect or love you like IRL friends and family, and these people seem to have no one in their real life to talk to. That is indeed sad, but the first step towards these things is to get offline and stop seeking out the bad.

You're talking about the edgy 16yr old gamer shitlords that post transphobic shit online right? If so, i agree. They need a good beating from their alcoholic father to learn some manners.
If they stop being obnoxious assholes they might eventually find a girlfriend and stop projecting their own unhappiness and failings in life on other people, usually minorities.

White male gamers deserve conversion therapy IMO.

Yeah i agree, this entire subreddit should be force feminised.

The rhetoric on here reek of cucked wrist- and chincels that's mad about chad transwomen being more masculine than themselves.

Transwomen being more masculine than us.

Yeah thatā€™s pretty much the issue everyone has with them lol

So, be a contributing force to the solution of that problem instead of being a little shit online. :)

You seem like a good person. Believe me I donā€™t mean to be offensive or anything. But Iā€™m just saying most people donā€™t care and we shouldnā€™t be forced to.

You seem to me like you act as if not being with you must mean being against you, which Iā€™m not. Why should I help a group of people that act like complete insufferable tools? Iā€™d be glad to help those in need, but certainly not t-slurs given the circumstances. And thatā€™s exactly what the OP meant.

Yeah thatā€™s pretty much the issue everyone has with them lol

There is a difference between indifference and being a shitlord.
Obviously you're not one of the indifferent ones since you seem to give a lot of shits about t-slurs who don't pass.
You tout a lot of "live and let live", but you don't seem to adhere to it based on your comments so far.

Why should I help a group of people that act like complete insufferable tools? Iā€™d be glad to help those in need, but certainly not t-slurs given the circumstances.

The same argument could be used against literally every fucking group of people on earth. It all depends on which people you hold up as an example of said groups.
Do i even need to elaborate on why your point is moot?

Top minds linked this and a man in a horse hair wig is super butthurt. Please apologize to Stalin and Mao and their love of lady dick lol

Lmao I hope they comment on this thread ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜‹

I comment on everything.

Both my brain and feminine penis is bigger than yours. Cope.

Currently it's only conservative laymen who stick to the idea that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.
Just like you did back in the 80's with homosexuality.

Why don't you people ever value facts over your uninformed subjective feefees?

If I walked into my doctor's office and said, "I'm actually Napoleon," they'd submit me for psychiatric care, not hand me a wool uniform and put me on a horse to go fight the battle of Waterloo. On the other hand, if I walk into my doctor's office and say, "Yeah, I know I have a penis, but I'm actually a woman," the response is quite different. I don't require a degree in medicine or psychology to notice that one delusion is treated quite differently from all the others, do I?

oh brooo, lets do it.

No, you don't need a degree in medicine or psychology to understand the existence of transgender people. The difference between sex and gender is taught in 6th grade, perhaps you missed out on that?

If you understand what gender is and how gender can be expressed in humans, you'd also be able to tell it apart from a delusional disorder, like thinking that you are Napoleon for example.


So lets start with the question, do you understand the difference between biological sex, social gender and psychological gender?

There is no difference between "sex" and "gender." The two words have been used interchangeably in the English language since they entered the lexicon. This idiotic "social gender" nonsense is the product of post-modernist theories from political advocates in the soft sciences with little or nothing to support the construction of a societal model where physical sex is irrelevant and how one feels determines whether they are male or female.

Even the people who support this moronic idea don't really believe it, and they make that clear by their insistence biological sex be ignored so that biological males are allowed to (unfairly) compete against biological females in sports so long as those biological males declare their "social gender" to be female. The "sex and gender are separate things" argument falls to pieces when the rubber hits the road and its proponents willfully ignore the difference they insist exists when it presents a hindrance to their desires.

The sociopolitical special snowflake "look how unique and different I am" bullshit of those who have embraced this goofy nonsense as a fad does a serious disservice to the poor souls who actually have a psychological and/or hormonal problem that causes them to feel out of place in their own skin. Those people are, and always have been, ill served by encouraging their belief that they are something they objectively are not. There is a significant reason over 40% of post-treatment tg people commit suicide. That reason is one of the reasons why advocates for this falderal block any research into the downsides of hormone treatment and transitioning.

The UK's NHS has found that teenagers experiencing dysphoria overcome or stop having those feelings so long as they are not prescribed lupron or other puberty blockers. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that any other treatment other than those that enable dysphoric feelings and encourage hormonal and/or surgical alteration produce better results for the victims of disorders that cause this issue. What you're advocating for is causing immeasurable harm to vulnerable people, many of them children, and you should be deeply ashamed. Of course, you're not, because you don't really care about those people. You're just another moron that wants to watch the world burn cheering on anything that causes chaos and undermines the institutions that allow civilization to function.

There is no difference between "sex" and "gender." The two words have been used interchangeably in the English language since they entered the lexicon.

First off, you're talking about language now. Yes the words CAN be used interchangeably, but in order to make it easier for people like you to actually grasp the meaning of these words we have started using them seperately.

Which is why i made it clear that we are talking about three different thing that make up a human identity biological sex (Biology) Like neurology, physical sex organs and chromosomes and things like that yes?)

Social gender (sociology), that is, (triggerwarning:) gender roles. I see you deny the existance of gender roles.
So answer this question, if a woman grew up with no contact to the outside world and you threw her a razor, would she instinctively start shaving her legs? No she wouldn't.
Grooming habits, just like clothes and hairstyles, are a part of a social gender, these roles may differ between cultures. Which just further proves that gender roles are fluid.

Psychological gender, pretty much self-explanatory. Self-identification is a thing whether you like it or not.


This idiotic "social gender" nonsense is the product of post-modernist theories from political advocates in the soft sciences with little or nothing to support the construction of a societal model where physical sex is irrelevant and how one feels determines whether they are male or female.

None of this has anything to do with pOsT MoDeRnIsM, do you even know what the fuck that term means or did you pick it up after a meth-fueled Jordan Peterson binge?

Do you consider neurology a "soft science"? Because gender dysphoria has a neurological explanation where certain parts of the pre-HRT brain has structural similarities to the brains of the desired gender.
As a STEMlord i suppose you already know that neurology and psychology is closely linked?

Here's like 90 studies on the subject:

Even the people who support this moronic idea don't really believe it, and they make that clear by their insistence biological sex be ignored so that biological males are allowed to (unfairly) compete against biological females in sports so long as those biological males declare their "social gender" to be female.

Who's supporting this "moronic idea" and is "ignoring biological sex"? You mean the scientific consensus?
So in your world the scientific consensus is "ignoring" biological sex in some kind of plot (that they don't believe in) to force women to compete with men who socially identify as women, but social gender doesn't exist? Did i get that all right?
Sports organisations have been able to make individual assessments on a case to case basis so far without any conservative hamfisted regulations.

A byproduct of these regulations aimed at t-women is that t-men have to compete with women, one such athlete is Mack Beggs who doesn't want to compete with women, but has to. :)
Either way:

The "sex and gender are separate things" argument falls to pieces when the rubber hits the road and its proponents willfully ignore the difference they insist exists when it presents a hindrance to their desires.

Empty platitudes.

The sociopolitical special snowflake "look how unique and different I am" bullshit of those who have embraced this goofy nonsense as a fad does a serious disservice to the poor souls who actually have a psychological and/or hormonal problem that causes them to feel out of place in their own skin.

First off, the strawman again.
If gender dysphoria, or simply gender non-conformity, is a "fad", how come it has existed among humans for literally fucking thousands of years?

The Roman Emperor Elagabalus/Heliogabalus, 4000 year old scriptures detailing Hirjas in India, two-spirit Native Americans, i could go on but i doubt you actually care about facts, lol.

If anything you should make the claim that seeking healthcare to get rid of an otherwise permanent depressive state is a "fad" since said healthcare became available to the public.
Do you consider seeking healthcare for depression or cancer a fad too since the medical treatments for that is also relatively new?


Those people are, and always have been, ill served by encouraging their belief that they are something they objectively are not.

"Ill served by encouraging their belief that they are something they objectively are not?" You mean conversion therapy?
Because the sciences all agree, the most effective treatment we have for gender dysphoria is transitioning.

meta-analysis on t-people and the effect gender transition has on their mental health
Of 56 studies, 52 indicated transitioning has a positive effect on the mental health of t-people and 4 indicated it had mixed or no results.
ZERO studies indicated gender transitioning has negative results

There is a significant reason over 40% of post-treatment tg people commit suicide. That reason is one of the reasons why advocates for this falderal block any research into the downsides of hormone treatment and transitioning.

I would love for you to post that study, if you do, i can debunk your interpretation of it. You don't even need to link the study, just link the article where you read about it.
Btw you're literally doing this meme right now:

There is no "falderal block" of research into the downsides of hormone treatments, we already know the downsides of hormone treatments. We have known that for decades.
The ethics committee of ONE university didn't let one study through. That doesn't mean there is a "falderal block". So again, you're wrong. Did you actually read the material you linked?

The UK's NHS has found that teenagers experiencing dysphoria overcome or stop having those feelings so long as they are not prescribed lupron or other puberty blockers. It should be obvious to any reasonable person that any other treatment other than those that enable dysphoric feelings and encourage hormonal and/or surgical alteration produce better results for the victims of disorders that cause this issue. What you're advocating for is causing immeasurable harm to vulnerable people, many of them children, and you should be deeply ashamed. Of course, you're not, because you don't really care about those people. You're just another moron that wants to watch the world burn cheering on anything that causes chaos and undermines the institutions that allow civilization to function.

Again, you didn't seem to actually read what you linked. Your interpretations are literally the opposite of what the facts show us, why is that? Do you not understand what it is you're reading? Are you too biased?

- "The Tavistock's newly published findings appear to confirm this, with 43 out of 44 participants - or 98% - choosing to start treatment with cross-sex hormones."
- "The evidence shows that the vast majority of children who take [puberty blockers] move on to take cross-sex hormones," and that these are part of "one clinical pathway".

Yes, because the people they treated where fucking t-r-a-n-s, lol.

Don't forget to respond if you want to get demolished by facts and logic again.


You're a walking caricature of the sort of stupidity I've already addressed. Get a haircut, learn a skill, and get a job instead of being yet another burden on society.

Your strawmanning has absolutely no bearing on the topic of this discussion, you got demolished, cope with it instead of... whatever it is you're trying to do right now. It's pathetic.

This from someone who clearly doesn't know what a platitude is and thinks an accurate description of who they are/what they're doing represents a straw man. Not surprising since you also appear to believe that a tiny percentage of people in recorded history doing things that weren't even considered normal in their own cultures somehow dignifies the tripe you're peddling. Next thing you know you'll be telling us that the <1% born with genetic disorders related to sex make the idea of getting hopped up on hormones and slicing your cock off perfectly natural. You're a buffoon. Stop following the herd and learn to think for yourself. Find yourself a nice trade school. I hear society is in need of plumbers, and you're already accustomed to wallowing in bullshit, so you'd be a natural.

Ever notice how you desperately try to go for shit tier adhoms instead of trying to argue against the facts i presented in my previous comments? :)

It's a sign i won. You have nothing, you can't argue feelings over facts.

He who feels the need to declare victory generally hasn't won, Mr. Trump.

There is a huge difference between politics and a cesspool like this.

Either way, the idiots on this subreddit are factually incorrect, and i am right, as i've supplied evidence to back up my points. Contrary to everyone else. If that offends you, i am deeply sorry but you must be handicapped somehow. :(

Your "evidence" was garbage. The idea that, as one study put it, "there is no direct or consistent research suggesting transgender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition (e.g. cross-sex hormones, gender-confirming surgery)" can be directly observed to be completely unfounded. There is a reason tg people competing against women in sports like MMA can shatter the bones of their opponents, as TG person Fallon Fox did in their fight against Tamikka Brents, who later stated, " "I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can't answer whether it's because she was born a man or not because I'm not a doctor. I can only say, I've never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right." Everything you linked is full of conclusions that aren't supported by any real facts. It's the exact sort of "soft science" sophistry I previously accused it of being.


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So your only objection was on t-people in sports? Cool!
We will get to that, but first:


  1. I take you accept everything else i wrote as the factual truth then?
  2. Do you acknowledge that a human sexual identity is made up of more than just penis or vagina?
  3. I take it you understand the biological basis for t-genderism as well?

  4. I take it you are aware of the historical prevalence of gender non-conforming people and that the only recent thing about it ("fad") is that we are able to treat it... And what's even newer are the critical voices who doesn't understand science and don't know what they are talking about.

  5. You never actually proved how the scientific consensus is "pushing an idea they don't believe in"?

  6. You never addressed how your uninformed views on t-women in sports, still affect womens sports since with your preferred regulations t-men has to compete against ciswomen.


The idea that, as one study put it, "there is no direct or consistent research suggesting t-gender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition (e.g. cross-sex hormones, gender-confirming surgery)" can be directly observed to be completely unfounded.

Have you ever heard of "Observer bias"?
Just because you observe one thing does not make it statistically relevant.
That's the dictionary definition of how a brainlet think, it's in the exact same vein as: "I saw a black person mug a white person, ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE MUGGERS"


Here is the full meta-analysis , if t-women in sports is really a huge fucking concern of yours, you should at least try to keep up with the sciences.

But since i doubt you have the capacity to read, much less understand scientific articles, let me sum it up for you:

- Meta-analysis covering prior research on t-individualsā€™ performance in sports and preexisting sports policies concerning t-people.

- ā€œThere is no direct or consistent research suggesting t-gender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition (includes cross-sex hormones, gender-confirming surgery)

- Competitive sport policies that place restrictions on t-gender people need to be considered and potentially revised.

- Additional findings show most sports policies are not evidence-based and t-individuals experience substantial discrimination from sports institutions.

- Notes how all earlier studies did not check t-women who have been prescribed testosterone blockers which is now a common practice; indicates that the results of such studies cannot be used as proof that t-women have an advantage.

- ā€œThe athletic advantage t-gender athletes are perceived to have appears to have been overinterpreted by many sport organisations around the world, which has had a negative effect on the experiences of this population.ā€


Here are some more things for you to read:

Even the NCAA seems to be in on this great conspiracy theory based on facts and logic instead of feelings:


Now, you claim the results of this meta-analysis isn't correct. Do you have anything other than: "i saw one t-women in MMA who won match hurr durr" that proves the opposite?
At least try to make it based on some sort of science, not a copy/pasted opinion from a conservative blog.


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Oh i forgot the the 2nd part of me debunking your claims:


  1. Do you acknowledge that:
    Of 56 studies, 52 indicated transitioning has a positive effect on the mental health of t-people and 4 indicated it had mixed or no results.
    ZERO studies indicated gender transitioning has negative results

  2. And that "encouraging them to be something that they are not" just shows your gross misunderstanding of what gender actually is, despite me fucking telling you and showing you what gender is, how t-people are t-people on a neurological level, and that the correct phrase would be "encouraging them to be what they are" through the only scientifically proven treatment, transitioning.

  3. btw you completely "forgot" to address this, gee i wonder why...

I would love for you to post that study, if you do, i can debunk your interpretation of it. You don't even need to link the study, just link the article where you read about it.
Btw you're literally doing this meme right now:


  1. Do you acknowledge that your incredibly fucking stupid comment on a "falderal" block was taken out of thin air because you didn't understand what you read?


  1. Do you acknowledge that the last article you linked, about the tavistock study, didn't even remotely fucking say what you think it did?

Answer these questions.

Or don't and further hammer down the point that you got fucking destroyed and admit to everyone that you don't know what you're talking about.

That's an awful lot of words just to avoid admitting you're wrong, sweaty.

Just adress the points, most of them are yes or no answers.

It's not that hard, unless you have to make shit up to counter the facts i presented. :)

Sorry, Nancy, but I'm not jumping through hoops just because you insist upon it. I just logged in to check messages while I was taking a break from festive holiday shenanigans. Maybe if you weren't such a repulsive twat you'd have people that want to spend time with you and wouldn't be squandering your time arguing on the internet when you should be enjoying the warm glow of human companionship.

That's the longform way of admitting you have strong feelings about something you know nothing about. Good.

I won, you lost. Cope and fuck off, i own this thread now.

Heā€™s been sperging out on this thread for a couple of days and he thinks he has accomplished something lol.

Jesus, this shit just keeps and going

I just and went and checked out how my fashed t-slur post going and there is still an eternal battle going on lol

Do you feel like picking up where jubbergun failed?
It would be epic based and memepilled if anyone would like to address the topic.
Although, i understand why you wouldn't. Your shit claims were debunked so hard you're in a wheelchair right now, you have no legs to stand on.

what fucking claims are you even talking about? all I said is that society at large would accept you much better if people like you didn't act like indistinguishable autistic commies cultist clones that are terminally on Twitter and have "mental illness/mental illness/mental illness/ā˜­" in their bio

You people, the idiots on this subreddit, asked for a "100-page essay" when you decided to flaunt uninformed brainlet opinions on topics you don't know one shit about. So i corrected you, and you couldn't cope.

Do you have a problem with reading anything beyond the length of "lulw t-slurs bad"?

I asked you if you wanted to pick up where your brainlet buddy left off, since he couldn't substantiate any of his claims or respond to any questions on his position. He couldn't do it because his fragile ego couldn't cope with being fucking assblasted by facts, can you?

Another definition of mental illness would be believing in delusions, delusions exactly like your "sincerely held opinions" on t-people.

Why don't you people ever value facts over your uninformed subjective feefees?

That's like why asking 99% of reddit is delusional enough to think they pass as a mtf. It is forever a mystery.


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Obviously the level of passing doesn't have an influence on gender identity. But you make a good point, lets make sure t-slur teens get access to the healthcare they need so they mange to better fit in the western gender binary.

After all, men should look like men and women should look like women, right?

Anyways, if passing had an influence on gender identity, all of you wristcels and chincels on this subreddit would transition because you'd realise you're wholly unfit to be male.

This bait was very kino. You caught tons of them tards.

Well, that's what happens when these people find facts uncomfortable.

Mwuch bwetter twust my own fweelings owo

You are a true masterbaiter broski šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

that's why I prefer nazi t-slurs over the communist t-slurs, they are much more normal, and cool.

A lot of them are cluster B and have no personal fucking boundaries. That's why that ideology appeals to them. Your stuff is their stuff. You see the same thing when they bug the living shit out of women.

If women changed the women's bathroom to a bucket in an alley out back, they'd want to use it.

And you know this how?

Anthropological studies in the t-slur section of pornhub?

Um, Iā€™m talking about the commie loons not normal t-slurs. Ya nut. The ones who tell women they get periods too, they just donā€™t bleed. Like weā€™re not allowed to have any experience of being female they donā€™t want to get their huge mitts on.

You know the type.

Yes i know the type. What you're talking about has fuck all to do with communists though. When you're talking about "a lot of them", you actually mean like 35 vocal twitter accounts, half of which are right wing sockpuppets.

Your entire point is a self-critting strawman.

Why are you chimping out all over the thread? Where were you when pizza was using his rage boner on the keyboard to write his manifestos about women? If they can't handle being seen as ridiculous people worthy of scorn, they aren't going to handle being women. It's not too late to turn back.

Why? Because you people are literally the easiest tool for dopamine release, all feelings no facts.

lol btw

Did you hit the downvote arrow with your feminine penis? Thatā€™s how Iā€™m imagining things went down anyway.

If you are going to LARP as an epic based and memepilled redditor from 2016 you should have made a helicopter joke instead.

Dude/tte. I know Iā€™m being kind of mean and it might hurt someoneā€™s feelings. Which only bothers me if they are nice.

But tell people to stay out of our hair for five fucking seconds. They have no fucking brakes. It goes from call me she/her to let this rapist go in a female prison because they say they are a woman. Or we donā€™t understand why itā€™s a problem for 6 foot two hons to play rugby with the ladies. Dial back on the Buffalo bill shit and people stop being pissed. Women donā€™t need more males finding a way to insert their dicks everywhere they arenā€™t wanted. Or tell moids to stop bugging us so our last nerve hasnā€™t been worked when someone wants to bust into a period group for some validation.


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You'd have to shit an entire fucking hay bale in order to pull that many strawmen out of your ass.

It goes from call me she/her

Yes, and? Do it or don't do it, sooner or late you're going to get curbstomped if you're an asshole though. btw t-men exist too.

Let this rapist go in a female prison because they say they are a woman.

Strawman, nobody is advocating for that. Also, prisons already have that shit worked out. T-women are only allowed to live with other women if there is no risk of both violence or sexual violence. If the t-woman has had any previous convictions of sexual assault or otherwise, she will not be held in the same area as the other women.

Also, if you want to talk about prison rape your angle is completely fucking off target. *_*_*_gender-Inmates-And-Prisoner-Rape.pdf


Have you actually read anything about this or did you just copy/paste your opinions from some article from the heritage foundation website?

Or we donā€™t understand why itā€™s a problem for 6 foot two hons to play rugby with the ladies.

The vast majority of t-athletes are not 6'2, either way, up until people like you started caring so much about womens sports the sport organisations has been fully capable of making individual assessments.

But because of supporting shitty legislations barring t-women from competing with women, you create another problem for yourselves, t-men having to compete with women.\*\_\*\_\*sgender-wrestler-mack-beggs-wins-texas-girls-title


The difference is, testosterone builds muscle mass, estrogen doesn't.

(you don't care about womens sports though, its just the last desperate point you have to defend to in order to discriminate against t-women, no matter how silly and futile it is)

Dial back on the Buffalo bill shit and people stop being pissed.

Weird how you say this when you people are the only ones desperately clinging to the Buffalo Bill narrative.

Women donā€™t need more males finding a way to insert their dicks everywhere they arenā€™t wanted.

Like bathrooms and changing rooms i suppose?

This study provides evidence that fears of increased safety and privacy violations as a result of nondiscrimination laws are not empirically grounded.

Just like with prisons, t-people are not the offenders they are the victims.

Pediatricians should be aware that sexual assault is highly prevalent in t-gender and nonbinary youth and that restrictive school restroom and locker room policies may be associated with risk.


Or tell moids to stop bugging us so our last nerve hasnā€™t been worked when someone wants to bust into a period group for some validation.

Are you LARPing as a epic, based and memepilled woman now?
Do you often hang out in "period groups"?

Untwist your wiener.

Letā€™s see what do we have here:

Males decide what a woman is and if you donā€™t go along youā€™ll get a curb stomping.

Women donā€™t know what they are talking about and if they do they are making a big deal out of nothing.

Along with the mra talking point that men arenā€™t more dangerous than women.

No one can possibly care about womenā€™s sports. Theyā€™re full of women šŸ¤¢ the gross kind who were born that wayšŸ¤®. So there must be some kind of hidden agenda, a secret issue thatā€™s really worth caring about.

Yep, pretty much sums up the way these discussions always go. We can see the same old shit in a different package.I

  1. Assholes usually get their shit handed to them sooner or later, nothing controversial about that.

  2. "males" don't decide what the term woman entails, our understanding of biology, sociology, psychology and language does that.

  3. If by "women" you mean yourself, then yes, you don't know what you're talking about since you're wrong on pretty much every argument you've made so far.

  4. Men are generally more dangerous than women, that doesn't mean transwomen are. Unless you actually want to present evidence pointing towards the opposite instead of vacuous claims?

  5. Taking the LARP too far, address the facts i presented instead.

  6. Do you still think gender-inclusive bathroom laws pose a danger to women despite of my literally proving they don't?


You got demolished by facts and logic, i can understand that it hurts right now. But you're free to give it another go if you want.

This arr drama you r-slur. If you are talking about people getting their asses kicked you need to have a wank or go watch your dress go spinny or whatever else will cool your fucking jets.

In short, women šŸ‘‘ donā€™t have šŸ†šŸ¤®.

You're deleting your comments because you can't cope with getting fucking destroyed, lol.

Sure. šŸŽ–. Here you go ā€˜lil fella. I donā€™t come here to dig up and post sources, and if I ever find myself doing so, I hope that that Charlotte clymer curb stomps me to death with xir boat sized stilettos to put me out of my misery.

you are laughing but you can't argue with the results

The results of what?

Your brainlet take on t*women all having cluster b personality disorders or that the fetishization of t*women has done a lot for their recognition and validity in society, but the actual problem are the weak gamer males who can't stand for their "degenerate" fapping habits so they express t*phobic views online so nobody would suspect that they actually have a t-slur pegging fetish.

You guys are weak af.

Iā€™ve never met a t-slur on real life but holy shit am I beginning to be resentful towards them as a group. Stop trying to censor everything bunch of terminally online degenerates, the world doesnā€™t spin around your girl dick, no one cares.

He said and booted up the t-slur section of pornhub.

Believe it or not, most people arenā€™t secretly aroused by your girl dick.

Wiah woah woah. Let's not rush to conclusions here. Remember trappy died for your sins.

Donā€™t get me wrong. T-slur people are valid, cute and all that. But as a group theyā€™re annoying

Well, the feeling is mutual. Reddit armchair psychologists who think they have an authority to speak on the subject of t-slurs when they don't even have a fucking 6th grade degree are annoying as a group.
The difference between you and me, i have facts, you have feelings.


Other than that, i know you're secretly aroused by girl dick. What you're not aroused by is the malicious portrayal of non-passing t-slurs on the internet. The "yes mam's".
You don't want that, you want cute gamer dickgrills to peg you and play League of Legends with you.

Which is why you should actually support t-rights and their access to healthcare, cuter t-slurs and more feminine penises only benefits you and your fetish.

Youā€™re just proving my point. I wrote some stupid comments yesterday and you feel the need to reply with an essay which I didnā€™t even read.

Again, I donā€™t care about your girl dick. Why do you need to be accepted by everyone? There are lots of places where theyā€™ll validate your rants.

Oh brooo, if you think three fucking paragraphs is an "essay" you have to be intellectually impaired for real.
You did read it, the reason you posted this low effort, shit tier cop out is because you know i'm right and you don't have the capacity to respond with anything else than a low effort, shit tier cop out.

It's not about "being accepted by everyone", its about the enjoyment i get from dunking on idiots.

This is borderline seriousposting, Tytos. šŸ˜’

Someone post the Trappy pasta.

if they weren't all fucking communists?

Well they don't think about the far more off-putting aspects of their personality; persona, philosophy and lifestyle... so I doubt that part occurs to them.

If they're half-smart and all that other stuff they already thought about? Maybe. Probably. Ask my wife. She's a former T and I'm not, but I'm a full-blown communist and she isn't. She has some insight probably.

iF tHeY wErE sMaRt tHeY wOuLd FoLLoW aN iDeOLoGy ThAt hAtEs ThEm.

btw your "wife" is a minority of 0.09%, she has no power over the narrative KEKW

What? there's no danger of anyone thinking she has power. Where did you get that from?


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I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. another t-slur question -,*

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exactly, that's my point

You ask a meaningful question. One that reflects on something I've been pondering for a while.

"Social media" creates a major problem. One that links to some people thinking for of themselves more than their opinion is worth, and that's also wasted bandwidth and energy usage.

Now see, consider me for example. I understand that not everyone will share my love of music, nor my love of Jewel. However. My personal identity and my necessity for being is not tied to that.

So what happens is, with blue check marks, just because they have some followers it fuels narcissism and a desperation to belong.

A whole lot of people in the world are desperate to feel like they belong, or are famous or that other approve of them. And then a few others don't really give a shit about that.

Social media amplifies an innate human tendency to be concerned with what others think about them. That's narcissism.

jewel sucks

Fuck u

Jewel? are you boomers trying to say Juul?



i get upset when somebody might insult my jewel even if they are just joking, that's certainly one of the fastest ways to piss me off

I long for the days of Priscilla Queen of the Desert where t-girlhood had certain nobility to it, the quiet dignified glamour of doing drag as a favor for your gay friend with a secret family and going down on a chubby bogan divorcee.

Those dudes weren't t- anything. Those were gay guys mocking women which is why drag is one of the manliest things you can do.

Those dudes weren't t- anything.

they were for sure t-ransvestites...

how old are you? have people really already forgotten that word entirely? how do you have 83 fucking upvotes? you have some due diligence to catch up on. start with the Drew Carrey Show and work backwards, drag worked in there a lot

I liked the part where he said that drag was king shit.

Oddly enough I don't remember that line from The Drew Carey Show.

I refuse to do any sort of work forvmy dramaposting.

And like, Bernadette is absolutely a t-girl. She's had sex reassignment surgery and there's a scene where she chews out Adam for using her birth name. Did these kiddies even watch the movie?

I've never seen the movie outside vh1s I love the 70s idk why I'm upvoted either other than my brave takes on drag.

I thought the movie was like a road trip drag show comedy

I thought the movie was like a road trip drag show comedy

That's a fitting description, but it's got some good drama elements to it too, and the drama is what makes Bernadette so great. She's such a warhorse.

Fuck man just watch it again it's a classic.

I've seen this meme where there is a republican shouting "You're mentally ill and need to go to conversion therapy" at a t-slur, and in the next picture there is a leftist saying "i don't care what you identify as, you want to tag along and destroy capitalism?" and the leftist and t-slur happily skip out of frame while the republican is like "REEE no you can't just become a left wing extremist!" with tears in his eyes.

I can't be arsed to go through the work of finding the shitty meme for you idiots, but you get the picture. H*m*sexuals gained mainstream acceptance despite of the majority being democrats back in the day, since democrats were the ones pushing for their rights, not republicans.

So if you really want t-slurs to stop being leftists or "communists" and join whatever conservative cause you dedicated your life to, you need to stop letting your feelings get in the way of facts and just accept that they are valid and stop objecting to their existence.
Until then you're stuck with Blaire White.

Btw that all t-slurs are communists is a braindead strawman.
Fucking idiot lol.

Lol at being so dumb you think republican social media is forcing t's into communism.

That's like a hella win. Next che can line up a wall of rainbow socks and gun em down.

Bro, no need to strawman the meme.

Think about it logically for a second, would you support an ideology that wants to take away your rights?

The whole point of the post is that a lot less people would care about the group overall if they weren't so obnoxious online.

The whole point of the post is [removed]

Lol mods removed the post, based left wing extremist mods.