Father begins to pardon his cronies.

1  2020-12-23 by Zero5urvivers


Hahaha at pardoning a politician convicted of embezzling campaign funds. Damn deep state! Tricking that man into sinking boatloads of campaign cash into personal expenses.

Owning rightoid funds for librul tears

Daddy should grow some balls and pardon Snowden and Swedish gandalf, otherwise his whole presidency is pointless

He better pardon Xan'glup for reckless flying at Roswell

Actually could he make a joke pardon like that? The masses would go insane

Admittedly Flynn was the first.

One of the guys he pardoned was known for vaping and he was convicted because he used campaign funds to buy games on steam lol

cocaine and hookers

😴 😴 😴

Hades and weed

🤩 🤩 🤩

should have executed him for it so there would be no pardon

The madman did it.

Can't wait till he pardons Hasert lol.

Maxwell. And then suddenly the reddit account starts posting again

Kind of hoping he pre-emptively pardon Epstein’s groomer Ghislane Maxwell next. I want the 6-D backgammon explanation for how pardoning a pedophile is actually a good thing to fight the deep state pedophiles

Burgers are so bored out of their minds that they find a way to spin it

Still hoping for the preemptive pardon🙏🏼

Not saying I want this to happen.... but it would be hilarious if Trump pre-emptively pardoned Chauvin and Rittenhouse and then just winked at the camera.

Just imagine Trump getting fucking lynched a week after doing that lmao.

He can only pardon federal crimes.


Chad move