Redditors not in education, employment, or training are currently have a major struggle sesh about youth in Asia

1  2020-12-24 by TrailerParkRide

Peep my prof for the ๐Ÿ‘€





Bonus! >!There's another ๐Ÿ‘€ on a retarded slapfight about old people on ladders that was funny but not really enough content to warrant its own post!<


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it's over for mobilecels

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I told my therapist that my anxiety was so bad that i'd rather become homeless than get a job and he responded by asking "then why do you even bother coming here?"


Imagine being so fuckin pathetic that your therapist doesn't even know why you haven't offed yourself.

Anime did this tbh.

I'm ashamed to admit it took me a few takes to realize that the thread was not actually about youth in Asia.

Most therapists are just surrogate strict parents, when it comes to work

There are no radical voices in the therapy community. They are all dullards and drones, mediocrities who's motivation was a cushy job in the upper middle social strata and role playing a wise person. They are a joke.

I wish Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting was my therapist

His patient was actually smart. Not just pretending online

fuck somebody get this manchild a coffin you killed him

Holy shit I want to beat up everyone in that sub. It's all a bunch of absolute pseudo intellectual losers who are completely convinced that they're smarter than everyone else in their lives. They're basically incels but with money

The NEET sub is probably the most pathetic sub on reddit.

For real though. When we are born we each get a string of numbers on our birth cerificates. Then the government then technically own us since the day we were born and our parents basically gave us away legally not literally. We are all in a big database. Cogs in the machine. Why would they allow the cattle to have painless suicide methods available. They would lose money. We really are government property which is really fucked up.