What's the reason Google fired an obnoxious black recruiter? You guessed it: may* f*ids.

1  2020-12-25 by SlimjobDopamine


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. What's the reason Google fired an o... - archive.org, archive.today*

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I'm finna get fired from my whole ass job for being late constantly and make some shit up

From 0 to 300 is 300%? Right there I knew this person was full of shit

Maybe if she went to a "familiar" school/university or "elite" white institution she could do math.

Diversity recruiters are some of the dumbest people you'll ever encounter.

The one at my friends start up legit attacked them for being racist because they required experience for their back-end development.

They wouldn't hire randoms without the relevant education or experience on the basis they were black so the company was racist.

Then she came at them for how the website looked and claimed it was too friendly to white males and might turn off black people.

How so? We still have no idea, it was just a normal website.

And to be clear, this was a white woman.

lmao this is the best ending to the story.

it was too friendly to white males and might turn off black people.

Didn't have enough gifs or green on black text.

And to be clear, this was a white woman.

always this


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It's a really stupid way to try to get through the core concept of abstract maths that's for sure

I thought she said she had receipts.

I got ten tweets in without a reason and gave up, Twitter's structure is garbage

Its almost like a platform with a built-in limit on the length of posts isn't conducive to discussion beyond simple ideas

As a "manager" in the engineering field I can tell you we screen people from universities with unproven departments because they pump out shit candidates.

What kind of engineering?

High tech big building kindof stuff. Also, I've never interviewed someone from an HBSU. But I do get lots of people from "foreign" universities. I never hire them. And if the other manager doesn't listen to me and hires them anyways, they turn out to be an abysmal engineer.

Are HBSU even accredited for anything outside of the arts?

First one that comes to mind is georgia tech? I think? Georgia something, but they actually have a decent engineering department

Huh interesting. Have a merry Christmas man

Merry Christmas to you too buddy

I think that's the school right off the highway in Atlanta. They have a huge campus that looks pretty nice. I always kinda wondered about their programs. I've been thinking of a master's maybe just for shits and giggles if I can do it mostly online and that's one of the ones I was thinking about checking out.

that's where i went weewoo can confirm the spergs at tech are spergs

Georgia Tech is a historically male university

Georgia Tech isn't an HBCU. The only one in Atlanta I can think of is Morehouse.

Howard has a pretty solid law school

Freeway Rick Ross is teaching at a HSBU

But I do get lots of people from "foreign" universities.

Euros in shambles.

A lot of those claims sound like total bullshit.

My last manager had his ego bruised FROM JUMP when I refused to discuss my sexuality with him

Never happend.

My skip-level manager, a white woman, told me VERBATIM that the way I speak (oftentimes with a heavy Baltimore accent) was a disability that I should disclose when meeting with folks internally.

Never happened.

This white woman also told me that she never felt comfortably supporting my work because she was “intimidated” by me and therefore never considered me for leadership opportunities.

lol Never happened.

If she was as smart as she claims, she would keep her mouth shut and tell people she quit Google with success and then with Google on her resume she can cherry pick her next job. Instead she just rants on twatter. lol

My skip-level manager, a white woman, told me VERBATIM that the way I speak (oftentimes with a heavy Baltimore accent) was a disability that I should disclose when meeting with folks internally.

I could see this happening. Stupid woke tards like to accentuate they hood cadence to look more "urban". Not understanding that hood speak is incredibly unprofessional and I could see a manager telling her to knock it off.

oh yeah, that's possible. I didn't think of that. I don't think she would have called it a disability though. I would think she'd say something more to the lines of people don't understand the slang or something? It seems strange to me the manager would approach it as "this is a disability" especially knowing this dumbass chick is a drama queen.

Spitballing here: "hey queen, maybe stop speaking jive in meetings or people won't take you serious"

"Bitch I be talqqin dis way cuse I be black yo. Fur real. Like hunned pocent u be bein racist if can't feel me. On point."

"OK, well.... maybe you should warn people before a meeting starts. Like people who state their pronouns or disabilities do?"

"Bitch u be sayin I'm disabled? Da fuq u racist bitch!"


lmao this is what I'm thinking too.

These people don't want to be accepted. They just want to be annoying twats. Nobody will gaf about gender, race or whatever if you just go in and do your job and stop causing drama day in and day out. It's all so exhausting that nobody wants to work with them and then they blame it on victim points. They don't even understand that their drama creates the opposite effect and now people will think twice about hiring a black queer woman so they don't have to deal with that shit again.

You saying being sassy doesn't pay off🤔

I bet the twitter OP herself was calling it a disability, or something related to it a disability, so the exasperated manager told her if she identifies as disabled (the dumbest phrase ever, but that's how they talk) then she should say so instead of getting upset at people who don't realize she's disabled. Because twitter OP is a professional victim, she seized on this as evidence of persecution instead of good advice.

My guess was that someone told her “you have an interesting accent”

I like your hair. It’s unique.

In professional conversations it's best to avoid idioms writ large.

hood cadence

AAVE is a legitimate dialect

If by "legitimate" you mean obviously slurred, yes.

Baltimore accents are basically a disability tbh.


That first guy had a fucking epiphany.

If she was as smart as she claims, she would keep her mouth shut and tell people she quit Google with success and then with Google on her resume she can cherry pick her next job. Instead she just rants on twatter. lol

Seriously isn't the life cycle of mid-magement (which this chick clearly was) at the big tech firms notoriously pathetic? She could've gone into consulting like all the others and made the real money. This woman can't help but score own goals.

I can only speak from talking to Google engineers, but their big complaint is that it's very proprietary. You don't learn skills that will be used anywhere else. Also, as badass as you think you are, bragging will make you sound dumb when you start talking to the guy who built some compiler or some shit lol. I've heard there is always someone much better than you, so it's kinda eye opening for the ego.

However, the one thing they do say is that you can go anywhere after that with no problems. I don't know if it's still the same. Google seems to be losing its allure a bit. I had these conversations with people maybe 7-8 years ago.

For the engineering side yeah they can a bit of career cul-de-sacs, why anyone worth their salt is moonlighting other projects (quietly). But Management at even the mid to high levels gives a lot of insight you can whore out to either prospective suppliers or companies that want to emulate sop.

yeah I worked for a large tech company where there were daily/weekly tours of our floor where all of operations worked. It was kinda annoying. I felt like a monkey in a cage being viewed by groups of people, specifically suits. lol

This person can easily get into anywhere she wants until they look at her social media. She fucked herself.

This person can easily get into anywhere she wants until they look at her social media. She fucked herself.

Unless her reputation was so shit that she was basically burned informally. I mean some of her points might be valid, but my guess is that it she couldn't shop her story to any outlet there's probably not as much there and what's left doesn't reflect well on her.

You could be right and that's why she's decided to rant on twatter. For an HR person, she really sucks at recruiting, interviewing, and managing her employee reputation. lol She must be giving off some really drama-filled vibes to have such a hard time getting a job.

"Never happened" things can happen.

Ironically because Google is diverse with staff from various countries, they can have ... refreshingly ... different views that clash spectacularly with the full time diversity person.

idk. I find it hard to believe a manager demanded to know her sexuality, let alone had their ego bruised over it. And I find it hard to believe a manager said they were "intimidated" by her so won't promote her. I think she's twisting what was said to make herself feel better.

She was obviously a diversity hire, so them firing her makes me think she was impossible to work with.

Oh sweaty, as an in-house employment lawyer, I assure you that you weren’t fired for any of those reasons.

I mean, not on paper. Performance issues can be sneakily exaggerated to put together a pretext.

Who knows maybe she really was fired for being so good that she intimidated all her racist google bosses. 🙄

For the curious:

Finna An overused ghetto term that has completely lost its meaning of "going to," and can now be used in any sentence in almost any way.

My skip-level manager, a white woman, told me VERBATIM that the way I speak (oftentimes with a heavy Baltimore accent) was a disability that I should disclose when meeting with folks internally.

This is true and she should.

"I'm finna-"

...and I'm out

A skip-level manager, a white woman, told me VERBATIM that the way I speak (oftentimes with a heavy Baltimore accent) was a disability that I should disclose when meeting with folks internally

No shit. Same goes for New York or Boston r-slurs. A complete disability.

This subreddit doesn't have rightoid problem, No Sirreee Bob!

Gouge out your eyes then, ffs.

I experienced active abuse and retaliation from several managers who harassed me

Wonder what qualified as "active abuse and harassment". Pretty serious allegations to make.

Despite STELLAR performance metrics which can be supported by multiple data points,

Lol what data points exactly?

"Finna tell Y'all." No you you fucking aren't, we already know why sweaty.