a certain subreddit about rightoids not being able to do meme cannot comprehend the reality of LFL as one of its top posts is ripped up

1  2021-01-02 by rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee

probably one of its top posts or something, idk


It’s actually incredible that LFL is like a year old and all the lefty subs still fall for it. The picture says “I stand with LGBT - Landlords, Gamers, Billionaires, and Thatcher” and they’re sitting there puzzling over whether it’s serious or not.

I actually read the other day Israeli's who are apparently offended about the fact that we genocided the Native Americans and yet won't let them genocide the Palestinians. Simply shocking that they talk about this garbage openly. Do you want slavery as well Israel, do you get a few hundred years of slavery because we had slaves once? Do you really think these insane arguments make us feel comfortable and secure in you as an ally? These people are lunatics the right is using in their religious mission to destroy the middle east.

Ehhhhh I’ll take a hot sex slave if you have one

You a good fuk boi?


Pretty much yes to your whole comment

Say what you want about the rightoid menace, but they at least are good at and can troll relatively well

Leftoid sense of humor and irony is nonexistent and hilarious

This is silly. Everybody knows that LGBT really stands for Liberty, Guns, Beer, and Tits. /s

Unfunny people shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

The internet died when these people got ahold of it

I mean, it would be a good comment without the "/s".

It's basically the same joke as the post in question with an /s tacked on.

/uj how else would you know he’s joking?

/rj LGBT - Legs, Groins, Butts, and Titties amirite?! /s

Redditors are proof that you don't have to be smart to be a nerd.

You mean dweeb not nerd.

Nerds have at least one specialty they are educated in.

Ummmm, so witchcraft and wizardry isn't a specialty now, bigot???

dude I fucking hate nerd culture

I need to post a rant about this but the entire nerd identity is the most irritating shit ever, probably about as bad as people who are obsessed with weed except nerds are put on a pedestal

as someone who graduated high school in 2015, I can tell you the social dynamic has changed radically from what it apparently was in the past because all the smuggest, most condescending people I knew were AP kids, not jocks or cheerleaders. The educational system jerks these people off 24/7 like they're god's gift to mankind even though a lot of them get totally unimpressive jobs right after college and end up no different than a lot of kids in the lower classes. I can't imagine how much their egos must have been hurt when they realized nothing they did in high school actually mattered

and the pop culture glorification of nerds/nerd culture is just as bad. People act like you're unique for liking Star Wars, a fucking multi-BILLION dollar franchise. So many sci-fi and fantasy properties are so mainstream that it's ridiculous to make being a fan of them part of your identity or convince yourself that it makes you special. You don't see fans of mafia movies thinking they're cool for liking The Godfather, the biggest movie of 1972, or cosplaying as Vito Corleone and covering their walls with merchandise related to it.

god it all just annoys me to no end and shows no signs of going away

The new star wars disneyland is so cringy. I see people gloating on social media about their special experience paying hundreds of dollars for a plastic lightsaber and it just turns me off to the entire franchise. I was brought up with a serious appreciation for the originals but the horrendous prequels combined with the almost equally baffling sequels and the just over the top consumerism of it all has destroyed all interest I may have had in the series.

I'm not even interested in the mandelorian which by most accounts is the best star wars content produced this century.

Didnt Disney spend like a billion on that place and they based it entirely around the sequels that hardly anyone liked?

You’d think it would be a no brainer to let people visit Mos Eisley Cantina or something.

It's mostly based on the sequels, but the cantina at the Disneyland one has some similarities to Mos Eisley. Also, one of the rides is flying the Millennium Falcon

It wasn't completely finished when I visited it, but I mostly enjoyed Galaxy's Edge. It won't appeal to original trilogy purists but it was still fun

still though, they tried to cash in on the movies that were themselves just trying to cash in on previous movies' nostalgia

I could understand having some rides/exhibits based around the new ones but going totally all in on them was a boneheaded move

yeah, I'm no fan of the new movies, there's no inspiration behind them other than making money. The prequels obviously made a lot of money, and they had some money grabbing shit like Jar Jar, but at least they had some creative vision and inspiration from Lucas behind it.

That said, if you're going to base rides off of movies that are over 40+ years old when there are movies that came out like last year, you're not going to capture the children as much as you could.

yeah but by excluding the originals, you make it where parents don't want to take them there at all. Those theme parks are expensive.

plus Rogue One took place in that time period so it's not like kids wouldn't have seen that

Nah, the prequels are suuuuuuuper cynical from a creative standpoint. Their entire concept is just “Star Wars Babies” and are more or less a string of nostalgia bait cameos (every single notable character from the OT appears or was planned to appear) even if they don’t make any sense, strung along by a genuinely terrible story.

The sequels are forgettable but at least they’re watchable.


Lawlz I challenge you to a Pokémon battle. Loser never posts on drama again

I feel like Pokemon is only enjoyable when you're a kid. I played Platinum when I was like 11 and I thought it was the coolest shit ever but when I got just slightly older and played the later games, I lost all interest

I would actually be interested in them doing another story-driven Mystery Dungeon game though, I enjoyed those a lot more than the main installments. I think they should have adapted those to film instead of Detective Pikachu

I was born early enough to have grown up with the whole franchise. Started with Red/Blue. I stopped playing after the Hold/Silver remakes. Picked up the new game when it came out last year and got into competitive battling. It’s absolutely fascinating. It’s like chess with Japanese monster pieces. It’s been keeping me pretty busy when I have down time which isn’t often. But the amount of actual strategy needed blew my mind. It’s a super shallow game, or an insanely deep one depending on what you want from it.

That said I don’t know who half of these mother fuckers are so it took a while to get over that learning curve.

Bro do you even Smogon? I’ll kick the actual shit out of you in OU.

You aren’t wrong though, Pokemon kinda persists despite the mediocrity of the actual games. Literal golden IP.

question: do the Pokemon rangers still exist or did they just stop acknowledging them in-universe

I actually haven’t even touched the main series games since HG/SS lol. If I know the company they just forgot they exist. They even do that with significant game mechanics.

yeah that's when I stopped too

I was surprised they took away the ability for every Pokemon to follow you, that was a feature that everyone liked

I don’t even know, they have done so much egregious shit. It’s Japan, there are devs there that know a tiny bit about RPG’s. Let some new ones rework core mechanics and up difficulty, most kids now don’t give a fuck about pokemon anyway. The teams they have seem addicted to novelty without innovation.

Play Nutzlocke nerd. It makes them game actually somewhat challenging. I'd recommend you a black and white Nutzlocke since it's the newest game that isn't total garbage.

Are you saying gamers are dead?

This but unironically

The problem is in the 80s/90s/2000s you were a complete outcast for liking nerd shit, or even being into anything besides going to a football game and drinking beer to pop music.

That mentality hasn't changed but the culture definitely has.

Please, reddit hasn't been for nerds for like a decade now.

Wtf is that sub?

It's satire, and I refuse to believe otherwise

If the satire is so discreet that it's unrecognizable, then it's no longer satire. You can't say "it's all a prank bro" to cover shitty behaviour.

"If I'm too r-slurred to understand the joke, then it's no longer a joke."

There's a guy under that pointing out a currently front page loveforlandlords post about a hidden camera observing rentoids being force fed farts from a gamer girl.

It’s great how neurodivergent redditors are lol. L4L has been a wild ride thanks to them 🥂

I'm more concerned that the joke is just not funny.

You arent funny, but you being ass-blasted 24/7 is slightly funny.

I’m neither of those things.

Holy shit they're so r-slur like what the fuck. How brain dead do you have to be to not realise what the sub is.

I unironically hate the amount of publicity the nerds at landlordl*ve get thanks to us.