Antifa becomes pro-police

3  2021-01-11 by Corporal-Hicks


There's a bunch of leftoids who are so retarded that they started believing their own "antifa doesn't exist" bs so when they see people with antifa flags they think it's a rightoid false flag

I believe the real effect of Covid is turning people into mindless creatures that just repeat whatever tv tells them. The levels of cognitive dissonance I've seen people embrace this year have genuinely shocked me, and I've always been an egotistical dick.

I think a lot about that study in Britain that showed that covid lowered IQ by 8.5 points on average. That's half a standard deviation!

Britain that showed that covid lowered IQ by 8.5 points on average

Huh, the effects of the brain after the illness, or even for people who haven't had covid yet?

Itโ€™s possible that the britbong is simply getting rapidly dumber independent of any infection.

Honestly it would explain some things.

As a bong in Tier 4 and expecting Tier 5 at some point, I can verify my brain is gradually shutting down. Although I'm not sure if the stickies here may be affecting the outcome, so perhaps I'm not an ideal test subject.

Though there's no way to benchmark the data - it may just be that only the most stupid of bongs (mother of g*d) were very likely to catch things in the first wave because they neither took precautions nor washed their hands with any regularity (and never will).

Covid is turning people into mindless creatures that just repeat whatever tv tells them.

I think a lot about that study in Britain that showed that covid lowered IQ by 8.5 points on average.


More than half I believe.

Antifa exists. They're just largely inconsequential.

Their largest impact is in looking threatening enough to star in republican campaign material.

Less threatening than rightoids sure. But they did shoot how many people in Chaz? Their security alone hit 3 black people IIRC.

Granted then you have the soys in portland who basically had an outdoor frat party for half the year. Otherwise it's mostly destroying Starbucks for some reason.

It's amazing to me that nothing became of them killing that kid. No arrests or action from the police since.

Kid was black. That just proves their point, right?

Wouldn't the killer also have to be black for no one to give a shit?

They even picked up all the bullet casings and refused to give testimony. And people say we need a state.

But at least it wasn't police that killed them!

redditors lol

Poor people are allowed to kill other poor people - it's cultural you bigot.

Imagine not being pro destroying Starbucks.

Wasn't that the wannabe rapper warlord?

They didnโ€™t shoot anyone. Chaz was managed by a collective that enforced their own law. Three people were punished as needed.

Punished by shooting

They didn't even shoot the right people lol

How do you know?

He probably knows because he was paying attention to the news and unlike you he's not an r-slur.

An r-slur?

Are you new here?


Then figure it out, r-slur.

Here's a hint he's insulting your intelligence.

You're in favor of lynching.

This is true. I put them in the same category as neonazis and the KKK. People act like they're these evil boogeymen, but when you actually see them they're just a small group of sad, pathetic men trying to larp at being part of a revolution. They will never achieve anything because of who they are as people.

Mostly due to incompetency, not from lack of trying

Keenly insightful as ever, chum! That is an incisive observation.

Thats Alex Jones level of delusion

Alex Jones is entertaining, this would be Hicks level.

๐ŸŽ ๐Ÿ‘ž


Fashi Babbitt got what she deserved

You should text that to your dad I bet he will be proud of you.

Don't join an angry mob attacking the Capitol ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

She's not gonna fuck you, she's dead.

I'm still gonna fuck your dad though.

Sex work is work โœŠ

Especially when your dad's involved, fucking starfish.



mods = gods


trespassing deserves death

Calling what that woman did simple trespassing is very rich, hicks.

They beat down the last door leading to the senate chamber that had been blockaded by secret service/capitol police. It was the last barrier between elected officials and the mob.

The police then told them if they tried to come through that door they would be shot.

They tried to come through the door and got shot.

cops should kill people entering a room


Hicks do you have brain worms?

Hicks has always had brain worms, but the capitol shit has broken him almost as hard as Eva is broken by default. He's still way higher functioning than most of our other resident rightoids, especially that mongloid spysix.


Rightoids on the .win site unironically think Trump is in hiding conspiring with the military to invoke the Insurrection Act and plans to run a second term. These people talk about Ts being delusional, but they make Ts who just lost all their HRT look sane.

He repeatedly claimed Trump was gonna flip California and make NY very close.

Why do rightoids do this? It was a valid take to think Trump would win, but thinking the dems need to rig California to win there is peak retardation. You don't see many dems thinking they have a chance in Mississippi do you?

The best part of it is you can see their partisan delusions seep through in how they make the election maps.

They think NY is bluer than California, for example. They'll mark Cali dark red and NY dark blue.

It's just part of their delusional worldview. They need to believe they're the majority of the population and the only reason they lose is rigging.

"the silent majority" is another example of this.

You don't see many dems thinking they have a chance in Mississippi do you?

They have been talking non-stop about 'Blue Texas' for years.

That's a lot more feasible than red California

Not if the Latinos vote like they did this election tho

Must be vegan worms in Hicks' case


You support cops murdering civilians? Wow

Hicks, I want you to rub all of your braincels together here.

When the secret service starts putting chairs in front of a door, a door which leads to 2 VPs and a large portion of the US government, and an angry mob tries to breach that door after being repeatedly warned what is going to happen if they do, who do you blame when shots are fired?

knocks chairs over

gets shot by police

oh well

Good job bootlicker

"knocks chairs over lmao."

Also known as:

"busts the very thick glass out of fortified doors during a riot and tries to climb through said doors in an effort to murder elected officials."

Are you saying a small woman knocked down fortified defenses? Bro suck that cop dick. Suck it good.

She and the riot she was involved in slowly beat down the door you ape.

don't bother, I tried being you last week and it was so exhausting.

If they can't see what is happening to themselves and the base of their party after the 6th, nobody can explain it to them.

Like, rightoids have some argument to be made on how puritan and censoring public discourse is but storming the Capitol while chanting for the death of the VP ain't the way to win over anyone.

Climbed over. There's a video. Do you have the internet?

Coperal lives under a rock and doesnโ€™t get good reception

If they are part of a lynch mob storming the capitol, they should be shot. Its not murder tho, because a murder is an unlawful killing

Always have. Back the blue; no matter who.


Eh dude this ain't it. I saw another video of her shooting and she wasn't just standing there she was trying to climb through the top of a barricade. They were protecting the overlords and she wasn't about to give up. Imagine you having some trespassers outside your window and you gotta gun on them to protect your family, but some wild eyed crazy foid just wouldn't give up on getting to you and them and started climbing through the window. You'd shoot too and you know you would.

By this rationale most of this years mostly peaceful protestors should have been mowed down in the street.

the street

Pretty big difference with someone being in the street and trying to get into your home.

We're all those businesses and buildings they broke into, looted, and burned down part of the street?

We're all those businesses and buildings they broke into, looted, and burned down part of the street?


Man are you r-slurred and don't understand the simple concept of public vs private or restricted property? Those fucks should have been shot too. You keep bringing up the street like they were out on public property minding their own business and they shot her. Here's the FULL video of the whole incident. Not some edited shit those old rich mayos who pulled the guns on the people who busted into the gated community had every right to brandish their shit and if they had went for them still would have had full rights to pop em. That group in the dc incident wasn't there to talk. They wanted blood.

Lol, I wouldn't defend those 2 people that pulled guns. They're some of the worst people ever and pulled guns because they've been in a fight with the neighborhood over community property for years.

They have pulled guns on other people for stepping on it too, even though they do not own it.

At one point a local school put some bee hives up and they came out and smashed them and tried to send the school the bill.

The group of people they pulled guns didn't even know them, have any intention to confront them, or threaten them in any way.

Those people came out of their house for no reason to start shit and then tried to claim there was a mob after them, which was then debunked by the full video.

They just wanted some action cause their lives suck lol

Why did the cops at the beginning just step aside and allow them to break in? Not the cops fault (obviously these people are dangerous), but why were they so casually allowed access?

It was a clusterfuck all around and tbh I don't think the cops thought they'd actually go in the building and would just protest on the steps etc. I thought reddit and msm were being smug assholes over people protesting then I saw the videos. I saw the 1st video of that gal getting shot and I can see where others being outraged were coming from. It looked like they just singled her out and shot into a crowd of people just standing around. Then I saw the whole video and yeah she was climbing in there and she wasn't wanting to just have a friendly talk. So that changed my mind about her being shot. Then I saw the video of the cop getting brained over and over and yeah it wasn't some peaceful protest. There were violent nutjobs in that crowd who wanted heads on pikes. We saw the same thing over the summer last year too and they should have been more harsh to those violent ones in those too. Idk about you but if someone is throwing molotovs at me and trying to burn me alive like they did this summer I would have dropped them quick.

They are ignorant fascists. Idk what they even want? Like what are they for? Billionaires getting more money? Racism? They're stupid and let this be a lesson to them.

There were multiple barricades. The final barricade, the cops fought back, but there were only like 8 of them (what the fuck?!). A couple people started pushing, and then the mob followed suit and pretty much slammed the cops back, and the barricade over.

I brought up the streets because the past year of riots had people walking down streets and hitting every business on it. Maybe you're not used to cities and didn't understand that.

I don't know how you can rationalize BLM and antifa not getting mowed down but think this broad should have been shot like leftoids seem to be pushing.

You seem to think everyone should have been shot. That's fine and consistent. I want no one to be shot because I prefer my cities and government buildings on fire.

That's fine and consistent

Imagine thinking unoccupied businesses are the same as the chambers of congress with democracy in them.

This week taught me that if Al Qaeda really wanted to send a message on 9/11 they should have flown a plane into an Autozone or a Target.


You're right, attacking the small businesses is much worse.

Lol dae mom and pop more folksy and valued than le swamp ex dee.

This but unironically

Maybe you're not used to cities and didn't understand that.

I gurantee I'm far more well travelled and have been to way more cities than you have.

I don't know how you can rationalize BLM and antifa not getting mowed down but think this broad should have been shot like leftoids seem to be pushing

That's just it I'm no leftoids and you don't seem to understand the rioters and looters from this past summer deserved the same treatment as that crazy foid.

You obviously didn't read the end of my post.

Also I bet I've been to more cities than you. You have probably been to more countries because I've only visited a few, but definitely not more cities.

Let me let you in on a lil of my personal life. I lived in a small town on the outskirts of the major factory in the state of fentucky. My dad owned a 900 acre farm with 3 big old houses on them. I was in management at said factory and was making bank all the while living free in a nice house . For 14 years I lived that way. My foid was a nurse and made pretty damn good money too so add that in. No bills but electric and shit. We'd buy 2 brand new vehicles outright every 4 years or so. Well my dad died and left me and my brother 50/50 on the farm on top of a pretty good inheritance. Well my brother was a principal and was the one who would do all the farming. I honestly didn't have time for it with my job. I'd let him use my part of the farm for 20% of the farming profits and if he gave me the money to pay the taxes on my part. Well after about 3 years of that we had a big investment group come in and offer us a damn good price so that they could set up a hemp training and processing facility cause the turtle had brought hemp to fentucky. We initially declined but after about a week my brother told me he was tired of farming and wished I'd reconsider the offer. Well I jokingly told him to ask for almost double the initial offer and we bout shit when they accepted it. The location of the farm in proximity to the area and they had just built a new bypass right beside it on top of the farm being a huge hemp farm in the 1800s ( hand dug hemp ponds/trenches were still there to that day). So here I am with a damn good nest egg already and now I'm pretty much set. So I quit my job and so did my foid. She had inherited an old farmhouse with 62 acres way far out in the boonies from her grandmother that we were letting her cousin stay in so we told him we were moving in and he had to go. I spent almost 160k renovating and adding on to it. Am I bragging? A little. My whole point? It took about 5 months for it all to be fixed up and updated so we bought a brand new vehicle ( not an rv, rvs are dumb , why have to clean it and lรณok for shithole rv parks to stay at when you can just get a hotel room and leave it after a few days). We travelled over 82,000 miles in those 5 months. Went everywhere and stayed everywhere. That was in 2019 and tbh we had gotten bored at home and were planning on doing a month long tour again then the maolaria hit and that killed that. So yeah unless youve been some long haul truck driver for the last 5 years I'm pretty sure I've been to more cities than you.


Here, let me try.

They didn't kill her, they gave her a bullet (for free! do you know how expensive ammunition is these days).

See, you can describe anything like an r-slur and make it sound like something else!


Imagine complaining about misinformation on rrr-drama.

i didnt report anyone. Why would i report the tards i get riled up?


It very much does. Go find out.

This, but unironically.

God bless Castle Doctrine.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. In this case it was a bullet.

Unironically yes

Katko v. Briney was the second worst court decision in the 20th Century


That woman 100% deserved getting one on the T box.

Also, the shot itself was quite a difficult one. Very professional.

Stop it Hicks. If you keep going you are going to overdose on copium.

It's really trippy finding out what reddit would have been like during the BLM riots if it were as saturated by republican coolaid as Democrat coolaid.

Same shit, different mouths and slightly rearrange words.

Whatโ€™s wrong with defending the Capitol

It's filled with people that hate the people defending it, and think they should be punished for existing.

Go ahead, use the word you want to use.

Cunt? I pretty much always want to say it but I don't know how it's relevant here.

Don't be coy. This is a safe space. What is it filled with?

For all his shitty LARPing, the presumption that politicians secretly hate their electorate is not some dog whistle lol, it's a safe bet.

I hate most of their electorate and I've never even held office.

I'm going to need help because you've lost me.

Maybe he's talking about juice?


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


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Police didn't kill her.

Rip in piss mayo won't be miss ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Wasn't it the secret service that opened fire?

What the fuck are you, antifa for Biden? Jesus fixing Christ.
