The absolute state of rentoid subs.

2  2021-01-12 by Kissingersbitch


The world has gotten so r-slurred I can't tell if this was bait or not.

You can tell it's bait because IRL after an extremely friendly abyss bull bites someone they're in no state to complain to the landlord.

abyss bull

What is this, an ascended pit bull? How many children does one need to maul to attain such heights?

The answer to this fundamental question is of course 42.

a pitbull

service dog

Yeah, they just threw the whole bucket in

printed out a certificate

cue 600 redditors commenting ”well ackshually you are thinking of an emotional support animal, a service dog is a very highly trained blah blah blah blah”

FYI you can have the names of subs in screenshots, just the usernames need to be removed.

do you have a quick link to your sex tapes

I actually don't. I tried looking for it once and it didn't come up in a search but then someone I don't rememeber who just linked it. I never saved it.

I liked when you posted, as penance, a gif of you getting fucked in the bussy

Can you post butthole again

Dogs are better than rentoids, yes

My landlord is of the breed of peace

I would only allow good looking cats in rentals. No dogs allowed.