Zyklon Ben displays ignorance of the fraught Sino-Soviet relationship up to 1991.

1  2021-01-22 by SandorClegane_AMA


Oh, have rightoids switched back to hating Russia already?

A lot of rightoids are just beyond poorly educated and have no understanding of countries outside of the US, and even then they aren't so well informed.

I got into an argument with some old rightoid down the street and he kept calling Russia a communist country.

When I told him Russia is a conservative/right-wing country he seemed very shocked.

I feel kind of bad for most of them because they're clearly just stupid people that got sucked into right-wing propaganda.

Rightoids will praise Russia for the weirdest stuff sometimes. I've had relatives say Putin/Russians in general "Stick to their beliefs" to justify mistreatment of LGBT communities, claim Putin "Doesn't put up with leftist bullshit" when it comes to censorship or assassinations, then 15 minutes later say Dems are in bed with Russia and they're going to use their power to push the gay agenda or whatever they're fuming about that day. Same goes with Muslim countries and China.

It's not exactly a secret why conservatives in many countries have started sucking Russia off.

This article from 2013 goes over it:


But yeah, they still try to pull a faux red scare from time to time.

Russia propoganda is godly, imagine convincing millions of people that your vodka and krokodil abusing petrostate with the GDP of Italy is a cool country

Its standard rightoid doublethink, unironically Orwellian and literally 1984

Brainworms are real and a serious problem facing our civilization.

Its less russia hate and more “Joe and Kamala are commies” shit.

There's an old Soviet joke that says SVR agents uncovered a Chinese plot to invade the USSR: China is going to declare war and then one million soldiers will surrender every day until the enemy is defeated.

Causing a refugee/pow problem to own the Soviets. Actually crazy enough to work.

This isn't ben, copmom does not have any exaggerated fetishized characteristics. Fake news, I can't jack off to this.

What do you think it means that Ben "Catch me if you Klan" Garrison draws Hilary as THICC but not Cop-mommy and her fine Indian/African-American booty?

Give him a few months, he will give us a true Mamala Harris

Nice of him to ensure that Joe's bald spot is present

I bet a lot of Twitter replies will be exciting

oh lol