The 2,000 dollar neet check was decreased to 1,400

1  2021-01-30 by TheColdTurtle


The $600 was already sent. Good thing though, sending r-slurs more money just so they can hand it over to Wall Street.

Then why all this seethe over chump change? How does $2000 even make make ends meet when the the whole country was in shambles for a whole year?

It's seethe because it's chump change. And they quibble about how many pennies are in the bag they throw at you.

its sad but in the end plebbit and twatter is gonna say Joe gave people extra 1400 when d@ddy only gave 600 and declare it a win.

As far as I’m counting trump gave people 1800. Joe so far 0.

Dems are rslurred if they chose to lose 2022 if not 2024 over 600 more dollars on a check. The ads write themself.

Don’t forget the extra 600/week in federal unemployment that many collected.

if you're not a small business owner or an average redditor, this has been the best fiscal year of your life. the stock market is thriving, you're not burning money on restaurants and vacations

$2000 for everyone is retarded, it should be focused money for small businesses and unemployedcels

Cause then there'd be meltdowns about the printed money only going to those targeted groups, and less consooming overall to prop up the market. Not politically expedient.

2k is chump change to those of us who aren't getting it but is an actually relevant amount to most people getting it. Frugally spent can cover many months of food expenses. The unemployed are getting more money too.

And have more time to riot and loot. Can't wait for my gibs so I can pay rent and go loot a target for being racist.

I honestly can't think of a single piece of Target's mediocre bullshit inventory that is worth breaking the law over.

worth breaking the law over and getting caught

And they weren't. And they got some free TV's.

Their soap dispensers always leak. They're garbage.

Replies are obviously upset. The sneeding is great.

What is ‘sneeding’? Is this a cool 😎 new word?

Who is taking action on the real daddy being president again by 2022. I now will have 1435 to put down let's get to the bag

I'm going to make whole pennies betting against that

0.25 GME and 2 tendies I'm in

No fractionals. Have you ever heard someone betting 0.25 of their bussy on something? I didn't think so. Bend over or move aside.

Wasn't this the plan going back weeks? I didn't know people thought they were getting the 600 and then another 2000 on top.

Biden and the people running for senate in Georgia were messaging $2000 checks when the $600 had already been sent out to most people.

That's what I thought, but apparently 2k is a magic number?

every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Is this a weekly top up?

Burgers are so cucked all they're going to do whine about not getting 2000 especially when he lied to their faced like suckers

you already got 600 and the 1200 last year. What are you? Native American anxiously demanding your per cap check every month?