Marilyn Manson #metooed

131  2021-02-01 by wellletsee


The guy who removed his spinal column to eat his own bussy hole is a meany? Color me shocked.

What a fucking has-been

Imagine trying to shock anyone with gender-bending satanism and sexual harassment, when those are the core values embraced by the best Americans.

There's a zombified aesthetic to the gender-bend that I think is uniquely him, but otherwise I'm there with you. Don't think he'd even spook my parents anymore.

I'll be more surprised if Marilyn Manson never abused anybody.

What's with all this Billie Jean story? Do these girls have daddy issue, that they had to jump on to a rock star doubled their age, and then starting to regret it once they hit that age?

Age is just a number until he can't get it up after two glasses of mansinthe and you both fall asleep watching 60 Minutes

This seems oddly specific

God, this guy was once considered scary.

These anonymous complaints against Manson are just to generate publicity for the victim!

What a top tier lawyer. Who the fuck would believe this 😂.

I have night terrors, PTSD, anxiety, and mostly crippling OCD. I try to wash constantly to get him out or off of me…. I am coming forward so he will finally stop

Sounds to me the sort of thing anyone would say if they had consensual sex with that weirdo.

Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. Marilyn Manson #metooed -,*

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If you date a guy like that thinking he's gonna somehow be a suave gentleman and scholar, you're a dumbass whore.

I have a hard time believing it because Rose McGowan would have metoo'd him ages ago. Unless she did and I missed it.

Cult leaders have a way with people. Somehow, intentionally or not, they warp the mindset of some people.

Rose McGowan is an example of someone who is, for whatever reason "off in the head".

But then music stars often have this power, youtube "stars" people are prone to falling for dumb shit. Look at all the rock star groupies and all the youtube famous people. Twitch streamers.

It's just another variety of cult.

Kiteman (dammit can't ping -_-) made me aware of her accident where she suffered brain damage. I didn't know about that but it would explain her odd behavior.

This has been a long time coming hasn’t it? The ERW accusations have definitely been out for quite some time.

Yeah, apparently he's been known to be abusive and generally a generally unlikeable POS for a while. There's a thread discussing the matter on the girlchan, but it's so full of obsessive Manson fans and selfposts from a crazy woman who's stalking him that it's hard to tell what's real.

discussing the matter on the girlchan, but it's so full of obsessive Manson fans and selfposts from a crazy woman who's stalking him

That sounds like something that deserves its own separate highlights.

But I'm not going near that. I'm not sure what "girlchan" is but I'm pretty sure it's not something I want anything to do with.

girl(male) chan

That sounds like something that deserves its own separate highlights.

It was funny at first, but she and discussion about her shit up the threads so badly that they became unusable. She was pretending that she was in a romantic relationship with Manson (and may or may not have actually fucked him at some point 🤮) and kept staging photos in a manner that suggested she was in a relationship with him while trying to spread bizarre rumors about his wife anonymously.

I'm not sure what "girlchan" is but I'm pretty sure it's not something I want anything to do with.

It's a female-oriented imageboard for internet gossip, so probably not lol

She was pretending that she was in a romantic relationship with Manson (and may or may not have actually fucked him at some point 🤮) and kept staging photos in a manner that suggested she was in a relationship with him while trying to spread bizarre rumors about his wife anonymously.

I just can't even begin to understand this. First of all, I can't fathom how anyone would want to sleep with marilyn manson. It's just gross. But then to fantasize about it, and lie about it on internet forums?

I hesitantly say that I think he, himself needs to be in an institutional psych ward. I think he may be a danger to himself and others around him.

Hopefully the women have learned their lesson.

I never particularly cared for the music, that's not my style of music. But he's always kinda creeped me out, in a sense, not that I'm personally afraid of him but just that something seemed way off

What's the girlchan? Dreamwidth?


lolcow dot farm

I think this is something that had to come full circle. Initially boomers were freaking out at him with no evidence. Then the satanic panic calmed down and no one really cared to pay much attention for a while. And now we know he was indeed doing creepy shit most of the time.

Person who got abused in his childhood by his stepfather turns around and abuses other people. Cycle continues.

I saw him on his 2007 tour, appropriately named, The rape of the world tour.
