Poster asks question, decides not to except answer.

45  2021-02-02 by snallygaster


I thought everyone knew that you can't keep two betas together. Ive never been much of a fish person and knew this since about 2nd grade. Makes me think he's just screwing with them.


except answer

This is not the quality I have come to expect from you Snally. Do better.

This is not the quality I have come to expect from you Snally. Do better.

I don't know how that happened; I wasn't even drunk or anything.

I know that it's an outdated meme to say you're pregnant, but my first instinct is "pregnancy brain."

I'm a fratcel, and the term Beta had significance to our pledge class. We decided to bring something to the chapter that had significance to our pledge class. We brought in two beta fish to show how strong we were. They immediately ripped each other apart and we got bullied early and often as a result. It made me a better person and way more woke.

What's the point of asking question and then keep engaging if you are not here looking for an answer?

One of the internet's biggest unresolved mysteries.

The blue's anal has quite a few nips in it, too.

Is no where safe from kink shaming?

Yellow fever isn't a kink

One fish, Two fish

Red fish, Blue fish

..There no yellow fish.

He thinks everyone except him is wrong

The part where he's describing them living together so peacefully with the red one staying near the bottom not moving a lot and not even coming up for food, is peak r-slur

I would have thought it was a troll if they didn't post the pictures/video