California city raises wages in what surely will be a win for workers. Oh wait, the stores closed and the workers are all now unemployed. City officials livid as their ordinance backfires.

242  2021-02-03 by wow___justwow


The Kroger corporation is closing two markets in Long Beach because our city is requiring temporary hero’s pay for grocery workers during this pandemic. Grocers are making record profits. We go to court this month and we will defend the workers vigorously.

I look forward to the court order to reopen the closed stores

I'm sure you are being sarcastic, but I genuinely don't know. Can courts actually do that? Force a business to stay open losing money?

Raising 4 dollars during pandemic forces Kroger to close stores. Kroger a company which made a profit of 1.5 billion dollar cant afford it. GTFO.

With all of the bigotry towards the wealthy today, CEOs and stockholders should be receiving hazard pay.

arr LoveForExecutives

I'm pretty sure burgers trust CEOs more than any other group of people atm

It's a business, not a charity. The extra 30k / month in salary would put these stores in the red, thus they close the stores. The 1.5b profit was earned through a series of countless logical business decisions like these.

They won't be the first grocery stores closing during covid, and sadly not the last. It's really not hard to understand, well except for the rslurs who voted on this hilarious bill that got 100+ people fired.

What I am still genuinely curious about is whether or not the courts have the power to force a grocery store to stay open. Is there any precedent? I'm probably asking the wrong people, fuck.

The article says they gave out bonus pay and then demanded it back and said they will send debt collectors after them lol. Kind of hard to be on their side.

I'm sure they also got their fair share of the federal gibs relief loans.

Anyway, the city/workers are going to sue for damages, not to force the stores to stay open.

Haha yeah that was hilarious as well. Here's your pay NOW GIVE IT BACK. They changed policy after the justified outage fortunately.

these mass grocery chains close all the time though. Im not sure how they're going to prove that a store closing damaged them, aside from the obvious. Guess we will find out in a few years whether their arguments had any merit.

Im not sure how they're going to prove that a store closing damaged them, aside from the obvious.

"The obvious" being their emails that they will have to provide for discovery.

They aren't in the red when they make 1.5 bil of profit u simp

Oh really, those two stores in long beach made 1.5 bil profit?

gtfo smooth brain.

Chapos out out out!

You don't make $1.5bil by operating unprofitable stores. Also Kroger has just under half a million employees, back of the envelope math puts a $4/hour wage hike across the board at almost $4billion

I've worked in grocery years back, they are run on a 3 percent (the best ones) or a 1 percent profit. It's hard to believe, but the smaller grocery chains (not walmart) have very low profit at EOY. I'm sure the higher ups can lose some wage but can say that about any business.

They evaluate everything on a store by store basis. No company is going to leave a store open that is perpetually losing money. They want every store to be making some margin, and make the most money in bigger cities with more traffic and higher prices.

You must now pay more for hamburgers

Ok I'll stop buying hamburgers


This is literally what you're saying.

I have no idea in America but there have been cases in the UK where specific implement orders were made to keep businesses open in failing malls that chose to close down for the remainder of their lease. If I remember correctly most of the successful ones had to do with a contract term specifying they stay open and the purpose of their contract to attract customers to the mall.

It's definitely not impossible for a court order to keep a business open but it really depends on how they form their case. I'm just guessing here but it would almost definitely have to be based on courts forcing compliance of a contract which is definitely not clear in this case.

Yes, I think the mayor could handle the duties.

Given that food is essential to live and given that CA has declared a state of emergency due to Covid... Possibly? Might be able to get a temporary injunction at least until it goes through the courts

Edit: I have no idea what about this pissed you r-slurs off so badly

Imagine working there for months, knowing your boss's boss would rather toss you into the street.

That's every job everywhere you mong. If I could get away with fewer employees to collect my rent money, I would. More for me.


you laugh but i seem to remember the DC council mulling such an order to force Walmart to open a store in one of their "food desert" wards. Never happened because..... well duh.

Lol, as if sticking a walmart in the hood solves a food desert rather than exacerbating it.

Hicks as a righty don't you get entertained when some jackass is like "why aren't the black people shopping at the whole foods I opened? must be because they're uneducated"? Paternalistic bullshit is one of the most annoying things on my side of the game.

The one that drives me crazy is all the r-slur'd-ness about "gentrification". The DC council and NPR can never shut up about it. If a white person moves into the hood theyre an evil racist "gentrifier" but if they move away from the hood theyre an evil racist "white flight-er". And isnt there this new uber-progressive push to move HUD housing out into the sub-burbs so they have access to "white" amenities? (ignoring that fact that most suburbs surrounding DC are filled with Asians and Indians exclusively).

Come on now, Asians and Indians are white people. Notice how my girl Kammy was an Indian woman until it came time for her to Dolezal herself on the campaign trail.


Imagine being upset that someone wants to make the hood not shitty

Whight flight isn't moving out of the ghetto, its moving out of the suburbs when the Williams, Jones, and Jackson families move in.




They're going to court because the California Grocers Association is suing the city, not trying to keep the stores open.

reading the article for context

Government mandated wage increases may not be the best way to fight unemployment.

If the last year (all-time record high stonks; mass unemployment and small businesses shutting down) has shown anything it's that most people have zero valuable skills and are a net-negative to the economy doing a shitty job worse than a robot could do it.

Just bring on the Yangbux and find some new version of QAnon to keep the mouth-breathers quiescent. Stop whining about "unemployment" like some 16th century Calvinist.

Tfw consumption spending temporarily shifting to investment spending means this whole time we didn't need half the economy.

> Imagine thinking unemployed baristas and owners of shitty failed local businesses are somehow driving stock valuations of Fortune 500 companies

With...what... their $600 stimmy?

You realise more matters than just Fortune 500 valuations and that Baristas aren't the only ones unemployed?

You realise more matters than

No, it doesn't. That's the whole point. As far as the national economy is concerned, Amazon is worth 50 million stupid corner shops. Jeff Bezos is worth about 10 billion of you. They don't need you and whatever crap job you do.

Take out the slurs and this reads like communist propaganda


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At least not instantaneous ones. Minimum wage increases are usually phased in with plenty of warning.

Some of these city councils like to think of themselves as way more important than anyone at the state or federal level because they are more connected to the people. I'm sure they would have liked to pass something that forces business to pay extra backpay as hazard pay.

Big mistake on Long Beach's part. Instead, they should have renamed a school or 40.

Who could have predicted this?


There's nothing a rightoid hates more than a retail worker looking for assistance

But of course. We rightoids are a reality-based community and this is a great example of reality asserting itself instead of bending to wishful thinking-based policies.

We rightoids are a reality-based community

Imagine actually typing this after the past few months of alleging election fraud, and following Q and L Lin Wood around like mentally challenged mice.


cry more loser