“Alhamdulilah I am so thankful the Muslim ummah have been so respectful and loving to Mr Peterson.”

57  2021-02-03 by SandorClegane_AMA

Jordan Peterson does interview about his year of being LOLCow in the care of his LOLHeifer daughter. It's with a Rupert Murdoch (Fox etc.) newspaper, but the journalist is a female supremacist, so not sympathetic. Good Michaela drama in this subreddit, search for it, she did wild shit.

The interview lead to:

Like every medical autodidact I’ve ever met, Mikhaila rattles off pharmacological jargon at 100 miles an hour, sweeping from one outlandish tale to another with breathless melodrama that becomes increasingly exhausting to follow. She wants to give me the “nitty-gritty nasty details” of the past 18 months herself, “because Dad is still not fully recovered, and he’s still extremely prone to anxiety, so any recounting of the story knocks him out for a couple of days”. After 80 minutes on Zoom, the one thing of which I’m certain is that, were I as close to death as she assures me her father repeatedly was, this is not the person I would entrust with saving my life.

  • Wailing in the Jordan Peterson sub. Thanks to Lawlz, you will have to find it yourself. Can't link.

  • Defense of Kermit in the Joe Rogan subreddit, post title "The Jordan Peterson Rabbit Hole Gets Even Deeper". Therein this one found the glorious 'pasta below.

The full copypasta:

The glee with which leftists gloat at a man they disagree with, falling into addiction and mental health issues really just lays their atomized bitter alienating world view bare.

Apparently Peterson is mentally ill but the men cutting their genitals off and taking estrogen because they think they are women are not. This dunya is depraved Subhanallah.

A guy who says sex and gender are connected and can't be changed and argues for tradition and meaning spiralled into addiction and mental illness as his wife was severely ill with cancer and who was being hammered by the neol1beral media establishment from all angles? Great haha let's pile on and show zero empathy.

Alhamdulilah I am so thankful the Muslim ummah have been so respectful and loving to Mr Peterson. By our traditional c0nservative standards he is a very l1beral progressive person and I don't mean that in a good way. But he has principles and encourages a decent and moral life, to reject modern materialist ideology like dialectical materialism and postmodernism. As well as rejecting the racial paganism and modern kufr of racialism, fascism and ethnocentrism.

Muslims have sent well wishes and messages of support to Jordan and we hope Allah SWT guides him to the truth and cures his addictions and keeps him and his family in good health.

Charity and empathy should be at the forefront of all of our minds for all of humanity. You are not s believer in God until you want for your brother's and sisters in humanity what you desire for yourself.

The people of Abraham (AS) Jesus (AS) and Muhammad (SAW) know charity can be as simple as resisting the impulse to pile on those who are being ridiculed and cast out from society.


Reminder that everyone here could have made millions selling a basic self help book about washing your penis but we were all too stupid to do it before Kermit did.

Timing. We needed to wait until the failure of the modern day nuclear family resulting in hordes of aimless young men searching for 'daddy'. As they say "Who's your daddy now......bitch.".

Sounds like Kermet needs to pull his socks up and clean his room.

As a JBP fan, i can say with out a doubt, fuck his daughter and her engorged narcissism. She has ruined his persona and i believe her wackyness caused him to be taken to russia. Which in turn has basically lobotomized him. So this "hit piece" is right to shit on her, because shes a fucking e-thot talking nonsense. It sad to see JBP's return to the limelight as it hurts to watch. His recent conversation with Douglas Murray was depressing to listen to and i turned it off with 20 minutes left (and not because they talked shit on daddy for like an hour).

He was a bullshitter long before this.

His field of study, Jungian philosophy is an evidence-free cathedral where the bishop can interpret scripture and dreams as they see fit. He then waffles about it and hums and haws until he reaches a conclusion that fits with conservative chr1stianity.

That Zizek Debate is hillarious.


Youre wrong, but ok.

Kermit is a false prophet. Embrace Wahhabism.

i love how his mundane questioning as to why women wear makeup and high heels causes such glorious reeeeeeeeeing.

Wait, so now he's questioning women wearing makeup? So, the transistor debate was the top of a slippery slope.

Bro this Mikhaila Peterson's Response is hillarious. She fucking looks like Marge Simpson Fucked Renee Zellwegar had a kid. AKA a full Karen.

Bro You notice she is reading a script? Scripted content

This reminds me of Lauren Southern's meltdown over the atlantic. Honestly I hope they sue. This just comes off as a blatant marketing effort.

Embrace this fat cock.....please.

Okay. But would you smash? EDIT: Dude they are two pea's in a pod. She is the apple from the apple tree. Rejected by father as soo many of his acolytes have been.

yeah id probably smash but im a dog. Gimme 10 busch lights a lil cane and my standards go right out the window.

Same. Edit: Wait does or does she not have herpes?

Heh ... somebody here thinks Kermie is his Daddy, and that Carl Jung doesn't belong in the magic section of the bookshop.

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. “Alhamdulilah I am so thankful the ... - archive.org, archive.today*

  2. The interview - archive.org, archive.today*

  3. Youtube drama with a teary Mikhaila... - archive.org, archive.today*

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""""""""self-help"""""""" books and their authors are r-slurs, cmv

take the same amount of time you would reading a self-help book to improve yourself to instead just use common sense to... not be shitty. tough concept

The books are, the authors aren’t. There is a lot of money to be made by exploiting vulnerable dipshits.

I'll give it a go. The Authors are wrinkle brained, the smooth brained one's are the one's that buy into that bull shit like the one user in this thread. You have to have some IQ to pull of that scam.

One day, the GOP will welcome Muslims to their fold again.

Oh look at me I am an expert in this field, but let me talk to you about stuff where I have no expertise on.

Reminds me of: the same month that BreeBree were screeching at Noam Chomsky for riding with Biden, the cunning linguist had another interview with moderate Islamists that was incredibly respectful and cordial. Inshallah.