Canadian indigenous academic doxes 12 students, gets r*ped on reddit, and rants about chemtrails and ex's in class.

1  2021-02-08 by itsnotmyfault



But you guys remember last year when that based rutgers professor went on reddit after he caught a bunch of cheaters in his calc and was gonna ruin their lives.

That was a good time.


Didn't see that, but see my 3rd top submitted post of all time (bestof). Same professor.

That was a nice read, I typically hate anything that has to do with academia, but I like this guy. Wish we could invite him to the farm.

I love that dude. During the early part of quarantine he sparked a ton of drama for catching a bunch of cheaters and of course redd1t sided with the cheaters, since it related to useless business degrees instead of f0ids cheating on m0ids. Can you imagine redd1t’s reaction if he said, “ I caught 126 f0ids cheating”? He would have had the most upvoted and awarded post ever. Also, that would be based since there are easily 126 f0ids on redd1t cheating.

I remember, in particular, a presentation by a young female keynote — a professor from a university in Western Canada — who described the double burden of conducting academic research while also staying rooted in her reserve-based ancestral community. On one hand, she was being judged on all the same benchmarks as the white people around her: student evaluations, publication frequency, citation quantity. But on the other hand, her knowledge of Indigenous culture — which formed part of the basis for her expertise and stature — couldn’t be refreshed in a library. She had to spend a good portion of the year in her traditional territories. This is very different from, say, an expert on Elizabethan literature. No one expects him to fly back and forth to London every few months.

I would expect a so-called 'Canadian expert' on Elizabethan literature to actually fucking sail back and forth to England every few months TBQH. I'm not reading any more if you're going to get such a basic thing wrong.

IMO you're worth less than an undergrad unless you get your humours rebalanced regularly with leeches, but these days they hand out adjunct professorships to just about anyone with a pulse... thus the need for leeches.

IMO you're worth less than an undergrad unless you get your humours rebalanced regularly with leeches

I initially thought that was in response to one of my many posts related to being a 'mature' CS undergrad.

the school has gone in for a campaign of marking buildings and facilities on campus in bilingual fashion. The problem is that even a fluent speaker in, say, Inuktitut or Cree is going to have a hard time offering accurate translations of “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory” or “Department of Slavic Languages.”

OBVIOUSLY, because they are dead languages of dead cultures. Jesus, what a complete waste of time, money and energy. Academia is a joke.

I would love to see a linguistic analysis of what she came up with during that " unpaid volunteer work". I would bet serious money that it's reeeeeeeeeal dumb.

It sounds like she's angling for a job a the CBC.

She said she ra*ed on Reddit. UBC sub has several posts on her.

If she moves on from UBC, Wolf won’t have trouble getting another job. As she explained to the class, she’d already been fired or laid off by other universities and departments over the past eight years — in one case, at Vancouver Island University, under apparently similar circumstances.

lmao why is recallrethuglican baiting a university sub

I’m just curious

r u bicurious ;)

A comms professor during the 2015 Mizzou protests literally assaulted a tr*ns camera(wo)man and gay Asian reporter, on camera, and called for "some muscle" against them. Yet within a year was hired by Gonzaga. Her main body of research was the Twilight series.

These people will never, ever have to face real or lasting consequences.

Wow. That's a neat bio page. She looks like a completely normal academic in HCI/media studies.

Hey now, she's also written about the relationship between Lady Gaga and her fans.

She looks like she’s due for a waxing

"On one hand, she was being judged on all the same benchmarks as the white people around her: student evaluations, publication frequency, citation quantity. But on the other hand, her knowledge of Indigenous culture — which formed part of the basis for her expertise and stature — couldn’t be refreshed in a library."

No shit lady, us colored "folx" have our own cultures 🤦🏿‍♂️

I'm surprised this article was even allowed to be published, it seems a little too based for Canada.

Also I think they should cut her some slack on the whole conspiracy thing, professors are usually pretty retarded outside their field. My symbolic logic professor was amazing at teaching but was also convinced that all students should be locked in 0light isolation chambers for two days at the start of every year for some reason.

National Post are rightoids.

Canadian right. I assume they make Bernie look like Mussolini.

Yikes sweaty Harper was literally Hitler.

professors are usually pretty retarded outside their field

Can confirm. I really liked my Computational Theory professor but he was also a Ron Paul goldbug.

You'll have to do the most basic of google searches to find one of the many detailed posts about this person on reddit, but here's an article.

the best part of it all is that apparently almost all of the "white supremacist colonizers" she doxxed were Chinese girls lol

Actually the even bester-er part of all of this is that the prof’s actual last name was Williamson (or something close) and that she’s “1/8th indigenous”.


The Stupidpol thread and the school sub. She has published books and mentions actual ancestry early in career, apparently. Mostly just Polish.

Source? Look at her.

She so damn white she got a sunburn from her iphone screen writing those tweets

I saw the thumbnail and my first thought was may0cide

Cis girls? They need to check their privilege against an indigenous cis female.

cis female

Citation needed

Is it just my mutt sensibilities, or is this chick white?

Oh dope she's in a flame war in the comments;

Amie Wolf

1 week ago

Yes, it is terrifying to speak out. I was standing outside in the cold for an hour. This takes everything I have to speak out. This is costing me years of my life. I've fought this all my life. You're seeing the tip of the ice berg.

Martin Pedersen

22 hours ago

Hopefully people are not as ruthless and evil as you were being in trying to ruin the future of your student.

Amie Wolf

9 hours ago

@Martin Pedersen Dear Martin, I am ethical and right, preventing the evil and ruthlessness unprepared people would inflict on Indigenous children in the classroom. This is one of the first times privileged people have been stopped from hurting first peoples, in their colonial institutions, by an Indigenous female professor. I understand that this is extremely upsetting for you. However, we matter. You're not the only one anymore. Capiche?

Holy shit she really responded.


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But at this conference, where I was part of a small minority of non-Indigenous participants, it was the opposite: These were dedicated academics who’d come to talk about their real, everyday challenges, not to traffic in soaring pieties. Even the land acknowledgment was brief — because, not being white, the participants weren’t required to prove their ideological bona fides with elaborate performative gestures. It was incredibly refreshing.

I feel like the op of the original britbong pasta lmao.

For the technological illiterate, copy paste this: " Amie Wolf" and check out the first three threads.

copy paste this: " Amie Wolf"

paste this where!?!


what am i supposed to do with this?!

Into your computer!

Dogecoin betting pool on when she becomes an hero?